I've now joined the ranks of the Overdoers.
Yesterday was such a gorgeous day here in Kansas City, hubbie and I decided to work outdoors in our garden beds. So we cleaned, weeded, dug, trenched, moved plants around, raked, bagged and enjoyed ourselves silly for about 5 hours. I knew I was tired when I quit, but nothing hurt. I was happy. Until I went to bed, that is. About midnight the restless legs started....and continued all night long. Heating pad didn't work. Aleve didn't work. Toss, turn...move, switch. Get up, walk around, go back to bed and start again. Then by morning BOTH the TKR knee and the other "good" knee hurt at the bend. I recognize THAT pain as the one I get from too much bending over to work at ground level and getting up and down from sitting on the ground.
Today it is not really too bad. Not any swelling to speak of, just some lingering aches. I'm thinking this may even be more of a case of using muscles I haven't used in a while since both knees and legs are involved. But my problem remains that I NEVER have learned to be moderate and work up to a certain activity level!!! I guess I'll NEVER learn! At least I'm in good company here on the forum, as several others are in the Club of the Overdoers!
Yesterday was such a gorgeous day here in Kansas City, hubbie and I decided to work outdoors in our garden beds. So we cleaned, weeded, dug, trenched, moved plants around, raked, bagged and enjoyed ourselves silly for about 5 hours. I knew I was tired when I quit, but nothing hurt. I was happy. Until I went to bed, that is. About midnight the restless legs started....and continued all night long. Heating pad didn't work. Aleve didn't work. Toss, turn...move, switch. Get up, walk around, go back to bed and start again. Then by morning BOTH the TKR knee and the other "good" knee hurt at the bend. I recognize THAT pain as the one I get from too much bending over to work at ground level and getting up and down from sitting on the ground.
Today it is not really too bad. Not any swelling to speak of, just some lingering aches. I'm thinking this may even be more of a case of using muscles I haven't used in a while since both knees and legs are involved. But my problem remains that I NEVER have learned to be moderate and work up to a certain activity level!!! I guess I'll NEVER learn! At least I'm in good company here on the forum, as several others are in the Club of the Overdoers!