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How active will I still be able to be?

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Axel Andy

new member
May 26, 2006
I just found this forum and it seems to have lots of info.
I'm 52 and pretty active in that I teach figure skating and compete on the adult level. I think I've been in denial for some time on this whole joint replacement issue - ever since I was told that I would have to give up the jumps and spins. So I've been main-lining the ibuprofins. The left hip is pretty well shot but now the right hip is just as painful. And if that isn't enough - the right knee (my "landing" leg). The right hip & knee pain is very recent - in the past month and a half.

So a few questions - Is it possible to get 3 surgeries done at one time?
Is there any material out there that would let me resume competitive figure skating?


Hi Kay,
Well, I sure can relate to your situation. I was a competitive runner/skiier before my hips just plain quit on me. I couldn't imagine life without running or all the other activites that my DH and I love so much. Both my hips were bad and I also have spondololythisis of L4-5. Before hip surgery, I was also having nasty sciatic pain, so we all asumed the back would need surgery too. My hip OS agreed to do both my hips at the same time, but there is no way they would even consider doing the back with less than 10 weeks between surgeries. As it turns out, with my new hips, I have had NO sciatic pain so I am not even considering back surgery at this point. Perhaps your knee may improve once the hips are fixed?? Hard to tell, but when one part goes the rest starts to have trouble too.

As far as what you will be able to do for jumps, I can't help you wtih that. I am going to think most OS would say no, but look at Rudy Galindo(sp)!!! He had bilateral THR and is back big time! Most people have a fit when they hear I am running again. But, I am doing so with my OS's knowledge and guidane. So much of what you will be able to do is dependant on having strong muscle, tendons and ligaments. I accept that I may be shortening the lifespan of my new hips, but to me, that is worth living my life to the fullest. Ther really is no scientific studies that show how running (or other impact activites) affect THR. I can tell you that life without all the pain is wonderful and I have not needed to take any pain medication almost a year now! BTW, I had simultaneous bilateral THR in May 05.

My surgeon opted to give me metal/poly hips because he knew I wanted to run again. he felt there was just a little too much of a risk of ceramic being too brittle for that. That may be the case for skating too, but the new ceramics are harder than ever, so you need to find a great surgeon that you have full faith in and see what they say. Best of luck!!


Thanks for the response.
When I had first been told (2003) that I would probably need 1 or 2 THR's down the road, I did some searching and learned that Rudy Galindo had had big time problems with his hip. I believe he has AVN (a vascular nescrosis). I need to research his case again because he just might be the proof I'm looking for that you can skate (hard) with new joints.

I have an apt. next week with a very highly regarded doctor. We'll see what he says.

To complicate matters I have SLE (lupus). It has been in total remission for about 10 years. Then, in early March, I woke up and could hardly move - every joint in my body is extremely painful. In fact, my shoulders & wrists hurt way more than my hips! I actually feel like I cold use a total body replacement.

Thanks again,

Hi Kay,
Welcome to the forum. I would agree with Andrea about everything. My OS also has supported my running, etc. I had the minimally invasive surgery with a metal/highly linked poly.. liner. We delayed my surgery for a few months so that I could do my first triathlon. I made it through the first two parts and then went to the hospital for some heavy duty pain meds for 24 hours. So he knew that I really wanted to continue to be active. My left knee and left hip pain left me within a few months of my THR of my right hip. My left knee occasionally "talks" to me if I push too much with just one activity, but this is happening less and less.
So find a great doctor like mine and go for it. It is really nice to not take pain meds.
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