Hot Knee/Torn Calf (1)

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Re: Really Hot Knee

Hi Kim,

Sorry to hear about all that heat in your knee. I am glad that I am not the only one experiencing that. My right one still gets warm even though I had the surgery 6 months ago. Doc said it could take over a year for the swelling to go down.
My left knee gets so warm/hot when I am due for more pain meds and icing.
I am only about 4 weeks out, so I guess that is normal. I am also getting hot flashes because I had to stop my estrogen patch before the surgery. Can't wait to get the ok to get back on them. I am afraid that I might self ignite at times.
I really can't complain too much. This second one seemed to really take the wind out of me. I am finally getting back my strength.
I drove to the beauty salon all by myself for the first time since the surgery.
Felt kind of proud of myself. Go to PT tomorrow and the Physician's assistant for a quick check. Incision still healing, but looking pretty good.
I am worried about the annoying pain behind my knee that radiates down my calf from time to time. It almost feels like a nerve is pinched. It really hurts. I will ask the PA about that. I had an ultrasound to check for blood clots at the hospital and it was negative. Hope this pain goes away soon.
I hope that knee cools down soon. Take care and hang in there.
Kathy :wub:
Re: Really Hot Knee

So you miss snow??? If your knee doesn't cool off, I'll fire my snowplow guy and you can come and do my driveway. LOL Maybe Crystal will want to share you. We could start a new business: Melt My Drive or something.
Seriously, Girl, I hope you find relief through the wrap around ice packs.
Re: Really Hot Knee

trying icing behind your knee. I think most of us had that pain.
Some folks really had it bad, but the icing seems to help
Re: Really Hot Knee


Thanks for reminding me about that. I was sent home with the Kodiak Polar Care cold therapy system and that doesn't reach the area behind the knee enough.
I use that at night when sleeping. I have this breg cold wrap that I use in between. The wrap can rotate around the whole knee. It does feel better when I ice it. I am going to get that out of the freezer and put that behind my knee right now. I am declaring war on that pain in the #@$$.
Thanks again,
Re: Really Hot Knee

Kim,your just a hottie and ya know it. Thats not a bad thing,lol. Seriously,like others have suggested elevate elevate. I had a sports doctor tell me,sometimes elevation is more important then icing.Your body needs to learn to disperse the heat . You keep fighting girl,and all will be fine. Hey,you didn't try balancing on that big ball did ya?? I was joking,hahahaha. Keep the faith girl,all will get better!
Re: Really Hot Knee

Irene that made me laugh, if that would work to cool it ..Kathy Actually I just finished the pain behind the knee, went away pretty quick, hope yours will as well.
Mark I know you were kidding, if it would take the heat away I would balance on that thing on my head , and spin you guys. I did order that ice wrap thing but takes 5-7 days...Hope everyones hot knees and pains go away soon.........
Re: Really Hot Knee

Oh boy! Kim's getting picked up.....getting all kinds of advice,,,,,and is STILL hot???? Hmmmm,,,,I'm beginning to wonder! You're more than welcome to stay, can exercise in the pool!
Re: Really Hot Knee

Morning Kim - (well, it's morning here anyway!) - sounds like you're still suffering! All I can do from here is send you a hug ((( ))) or two, and keep my fingers crossed that the wrap thing arrives asap! :cnsl:
Re: Really Hot Knee

[] Hot Knee/Torn Calf (1)

I'm thinking the increasing number of knee replacements done along with the recovery hot knees is what is REALLY causing global warming! Quick!! Someone needs to tell Al Gore!!!!
Re: Really Hot Knee

Hips don't heat up like that, Jamie! We sympathize!!
Re: Really Hot Knee

Jamie are you related to AL-GORE (remember all the Saturday Nite Live Jokes about algore
Re: Really Hot Knee

Found a couple of other reference it must be pretty common. My knee is warm and is still bruised looking

The recovering joint gets HOT:
Recovery --- healing --- is an energy-intensive process. There's lots of activity in there as you heal. Biological activity produces heat, and your new knee will get quite warm to the touch. The first time I noticed this, it scared the heck out of me, and caused me to call the surgeon's office in a panic (I thought: "Blood clot!"). This is completely normal, and even 8 months after surgery, a hard day of work in the yard may cause me to have a hot knee that night.

broken link removed:
Why is my scar warm?

Even when the scar has healed there is still healing going on
deep inside. This healing process creates heat, which can be
felt on the surface. This may continue for up to six months.​
This is different warmth to that of an infection.
Re: Really Hot Knee

Jamie are you related to AL-GORE (remember all the Saturday Nite Live Jokes about algore

Heaven forbid if I was even remotely related to Algore......Mr. Excitement!
Re: Really Hot Knee

Thanks Judles, be up there wish...Al Gore hummm Good Greif...I have my knee all the way in the air with ice...not bad at all...........Feels really good. Hope it stays that way. I would tie it to the ceiling fan if it stayed this
Re: Really Hot Knee

Oh what an image that would be, Kim! Especially if the fan was on high speed! Glad you are relaxing! Be kind to yourself! Hope you sleep well tonite!
Re: Really Hot Knee

Kim when I got to my stream today, I was checking my knees for heat. Yep, both a tad warm. My left one needs some cleaning out and does get inflammed a little. Exercise definately makes it heat up .
Don't hang yourself now, no neck injuries:hehe:
Re: Really Hot Knee

You're right, Judy! I never thought of that!
Re: Really Hot Knee

Judles I only thought of it as one day I was sitting with a friend of mine and noticed my operated on knee was warm. She touched it and said, that's not warm it is hot. Then I started reading about poor Kim, so now I do check my knees out.
Re: Really Hot Knee

Well, I hope you feel good! I think it's so great that you hike! How's your eye today!
Re: Really Hot Knee

My eye still has very blurry central vision, not worth a darn really. Thursday is my 2 week check up. Went to my primary doc today as no one ever called with the blood test results. He was on the phone with my hematologist as he was not sure how to interpret the abnormal results. She told him the correct test to run!!!! So more time to wait for results. I guess the ones he did were ok, I'll see when I see her next. He did not check to see if my blood is too thin. I just hope my hiking is not causing any more hemorrhages. I'll soon find out. Now my pt wants a note from my retina doc before he lets me exercise.

Kim it is 9pm and pretty cool out, I am sitting with a towel around my neck to catch the sweat. Maybe I'll ice my knees!!!! It is the prednisone.
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