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Home Or Convalescent

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junior member
Jul 5, 2008
United States
Hi Everyone - I am 56 and scheduled to have a RTKR on Friday. I have been nervous, but after reading all the posts I'm REALLY scared. Anyhow, my doctor has asked me if I want to go home or to a convalescent home when I am discharged. What have most of you chosen? We have a two story home, and I would have to be upstairs. My husband can take a week off of work to be home with me.

Thanks in advance for any input.
Do what ever you need to do. I was prepared and packed for Rehab, but did well enough in the hospital the the head therapist told me to go home, i'd be fine. They bwill give you direction as to what will be in your best interest. It does help that you have some one at home to help. Be ready and open to/for both. best to you for friday. Post asap after so we can check in on you.
Thanks Jennifer - I appreciate your reply and any other beneficial input you can give me. I do not know anyone that has gone through this, so I'm relying on everyone out there to get me prepared and through it.
Everyone's situation is different. I had BTKR and after 4 days, was fortunate to be sent to an Inpatient Rehab in a major hospital. For the next 6 days, I had round the clock medical care in a private room and PT and OT twice daily. When I went home I was able to take care of all my own needs including bathing and microwave cooking! I do live in a one level house so my concern would be the stairs. My husband was here and helped out some. I'm now 4 weeks post op and doing great. I walk with no pain and began driving over the weekend. Still doing outpatient rehab but put most credit for my speedy recovery with my Inpatient Rehab.

Keep a positive attitude and remember you will not heal over night. This forum is awesome! When you experience something, know that someone on this forum has already "been there, done that". You are not alone. Good luck and keep posting.

Welcome MAMAYAMA! Whether to come home or to a rehab is a big question for a lot of people. My preference was to come straight home as I feel there is just no where like home and that's where I feel most comfortable. I also had full support from my husband and older daughters to do the cooking, get things for me and just about everything I needed. You will definitely need your husband home with you that first week if you come straight home and he would have to realize that means a LOT of tender loving care spent on you. So, think about how good he is with that type of thing. Others prefer rehab becuase of the round the clock care of nurses and physical therapists. They like having someone there directing them with the home physical therapy everyday. They also may not have the support at home.

I'm afraid no one can answer the question for you but I think that whatever you decide will work out for you. Good luck on Friday and be sure to let us now how you are doing. We are all here to share our experiences and share in your concerns and triumphs. Karen
I had TKR Jan 17 and came straight home. My wife and 14 yr. old took care of me. I had arranged the first floor of my house for my use since I was going to be on a walker. I guess the bathroom and 50" TV were the deciding factors for me. Besides I'm used to sleeping on the couch!!
I just got back from helping my 74 yr old mother who had TKR two weeks ago. She is doing fantastic. She has a visiting nurse every other day, and a PT who came every day the first two weeks.
As long as you have someone to help you I recommend you go home. To me you're more comfortable.
Glad to see you back home Doug. I'm sure your wife and son are too! Wakulla Springs here you come! Karen
You are used to sleeping on the couch? Is it in the "doghouse"? Seems to me I have heard stories of your spending some time there when Mrs. Doug has to get you back in line....

welcome home!

I had TKR Jan 17 and came straight home. My wife and 14 yr. old took care of me. I had arranged the first floor of my house for my use since I was going to be on a walker. I guess the bathroom and 50" TV were the deciding factors for me. Besides I'm used to sleeping on the couch!!
I just got back from helping my 74 yr old mother who had TKR two weeks ago. She is doing fantastic. She has a visiting nurse every other day, and a PT who came every day the first two weeks.
As long as you have someone to help you I recommend you go home. To me you're more comfortable.
You are used to sleeping on the couch? Is it in the "doghouse"? Seems to me I have heard stories of your spending some time there when Mrs. Doug has to get you back in line....

Go Beach! Go Beach!
See Dougie, don't you miss all the love, I mean abuse, I mean love...
I really, honestly, truly missed all of you...Funny how you can become such friends with folks you've really never seen or talked to.
As for sleeping on the couch? All voluntary..I am a restless and light sleeper as is my wife. We're nomads when it comes to sleeping.
We missed you too Doug.... Now if we could just get Miss Pattipoo to come back and visit....
I've been wondering where she has been...
Hi Everyone - I am 56 and scheduled to have a RTKR on Friday. I have been nervous, but after reading all the posts I'm REALLY scared. Anyhow, my doctor has asked me if I want to go home or to a convalescent home when I am discharged. What have most of you chosen? We have a two story home, and I would have to be upstairs. My husband can take a week off of work to be home with me.

Thanks in advance for any input.

Welcome to the Forum M. Hope all goes well for you on Friday, keep us posted. I would always choose home myself. I have wonderful family and friends. I managed the stairs as soon as I was home (one step at a time of course). Make sure you get all the equipment, toilet seat raiser being a must. Stay wherevevr the bathroom is. Get your hubby to set you up for the day with food, drink, pain meds, phone. etc. etc. before he leaves for work when he goes back I mean. Oh and don't forget the stool softeners and figs(read old February threads from Patti).

Good luck, Sue
Really, Really take the stool softeners...My mother was doubled over with the old "TKR constipation" last week...I couldn't help but laugh as I loaded her down with stool softeners and prunes....I finally broke out the big medicine...Yep, heated prune juice. When it hit, I was amazed at how fast she could move that walker towards the bathroom.
Looked like a jet taking off from an aircraft carrier.
Really, Really take the stool softeners...My mother was doubled over with the old "TKR constipation" last week...I couldn't help but laugh as I loaded her down with stool softeners and prunes....I finally broke out the big medicine...Yep, heated prune juice. When it hit, I was amazed at how fast she could move that walker towards the bathroom.
Looked like a jet taking off from an aircraft carrier.

Amen to that--and this comes from someone who has almost never taken a laxative in her life...
Hey Doug,
I have a gastro Dr. and we planned the method of attack a few weeks before surgery. I remember when the moment hit in the hospital. Of course, I was supposed to call to get someone when I got up. I hit the call button and just got up and headed to the bathroom.
I was on my way back to bed when someone came. Of course, I got the talk about getting up alone. There was no way I was waiting in that situation!!!!

That was probably also the first time I hauled my 1,000pound leg out of bed alone.
Glad you were there to help your mom.
I had RTKR on June 12, was in the hospital 5 days and came home. Our bedroom and bath are upstairs and I made it up OK. We got a small fridge and microwave for the computer room (also upstairs) so I had all the comforts of home . I am so glad I made that decision. My husband and son have been a great help to me. Still walking with a walker but sometimes a cane. Doing the stairs a few times a day, now. Have the CPM and ice machines, also. You'll do fine. It's not easy but it gets better every day.
Stay strong,
Dee Ann
I also came straight home after having bilateral TKR but was in the hospital for 6 days due to pulmonary embolism. I was told that about 60% of bilats go to rehab. I had a bag packed in case I had to go, but since I have a retired husband and a grown daughter at home, I didn't go to rehab. It's a decision that they use lots of factors to evaluate. I was also able to get up the stairs on the first day home; it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. If you don't think you'll have enough support at home, then go the rehab route. Good luck to you.
Good luck to you on Friday, we'll be thinking of you!!!

I've got 3 young boys, and I live in a 2 story house. I had a LTKR on June 9. I was in the hospital for 4 days total, and was happy to come home! I had plenty of help here with family and friends. I did, however, get a hospital bed, which was one of the best things that I could have done! We put the bed in the family room. I could make it up and down the stairs okay, but the CPM machine was my problem because I used it a lot during the day. I also have an ice machine which is wonderful!! Needless to say, this stuff took up a lot of room in bed!

PLEASE take your pain meds regularly, and everyone is right, don't forget the stool softeners!!!!

I think it depends on your situation. I went to the rehab floor, 3 1/2 days after surgery (I was lucky the hospital is one of the few in the state with acute rehab). I was on the rehab floor for 10 days. Now I live alone and had no one to help out at home so there was no way I could come home. Due to past surgeries my knees were in bad shape and caused some extra problems post op so I really was in no shape to come straight home. I found the inpatient rehab excellent and did get me off to a good start. I then had home PT for a week and half and home nursing for 2 weeks mainly to monitor the effect of the blood thinners.

It seems if you have a good support system then straight home is possible as long as surgery did not produce any extra complications.

Good luck.

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