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Nov 10, 2008
United States
Hi everyone I had my hip replacement last tuesday the 17th I was in the hospital till sunday. He had problems during the surgery and it ended up lasting four plus hours. He said he had problems with the socket part and he had to go smaller with the ball because of the socket having to be thin due to the head of my femur being flat for so long and I guess having done a lot of damage. I dont remember a lot of what he was saying every morning at six lol.. I go back on March 6th to get out my staples and have a follow up and I am going to make a question paper for him. I knew I prob needed theother side done as well but he wouldnt talk about it then friday morning when we were talking about the length of my leg and he said it was a half inch longer then the other and he did it that way for when I get the other side done. well I will get more info on that when I go I am off most of my pain meds except for tylenol but I have had so much vicodin I have had a lot of muscle pain and the insision it kept me from sleeping.
well I have to go here my hubby is getting ready to go get our daughter and I want to be comphy before he goes... Ill be back guys
Lady Lisa
I don't remember meeting so Hi I had my right hip replaced June 6th. I took pain meds for months, I don't know why all of you recent hippies stop taking it shortly after you get home from the hospital.
Doesn't it hurt?

Anyway congratulations for making it through. You will be so happy.
Keep posting
Hi, LadyLisa.....glad you are through the surgery and on the way to recovery!
Way to go Lady! I totally agree with Judy on the meds! Are you sleeping ok? Just take it EASY now that you're home already! :)
Hi LadyLisa - good to hear you're over the worst! From here on in it will get better each day. I had a LTHR 16 weeks ago and often say it's the BEST thing I could have done for myself. As for the pain meds - I STILL have to take the occasional anti-inflammatory if I've pushed myself too far, or been on my feet all day. Not sure how you are coping at this early stage without! But more power to you if you feel you don't need them.....! :)
Keep us posted on how you are going - I found everyone's advice and help on here priceless - EVERY question or worry I've had, someone has been able to answer.

Lady Lisa, Welcome to this wonderful forum. I too didn't take any pain meds except tylenol xstrength after 4 days post op as the narcotic drugs made me so sick. Fortunately, tylenol was enough for me. Every day, the aches and healing process improved. Nothing like the pain I experienced pre op.

Just take it easy, give yourself time to heal. Even for those of us who had a wonderful recovery, sleeping can be difficult and getting strength, appetite and flexibility back is going to take time. I am 6 months post op and flexibility is still a work in progress. Otherwise I am doing great. Today, I had to walk forever during a tour of our local nursing home. No pain or even thought about the distance. Definitely something I was grateful about later as last year I had a similar tour and soldiered through the walk.

Hip replacement surgery seems to have the best outcome. Keep posting, you will get lots of support here.

Congrats Ladylisa....
I am 5 days pre-op for my left THR. I am concerned that I might have worn my joint too thin too, after waiting 5 years to do this. I guess I better pack some extra PJ's just in case I might be staying longer too.
How long did you put it off? how do you feel now?
Hop! Stop worrying! You know what stress can do!!!!! :)
I only used my pj's for the trip home. Everyone wants to see your incision so it was easier to be in the hospital gown.
Yesterday I was rather firmly told "Normal clothes during the day - NO sitting around in nightie and dressing gown pretending to be an invalid!"
Yesterday I was rather firmly told "Normal clothes during the day - NO sitting around in nightie and dressing gown pretending to be an invalid!"

Guess that's the ol' British "stiff upper lip, what ho!" philosophy, isn't it! If I were there, Jo, I'd let you get a little pampering!!!
Well then Jo, they had better give you some pretty darn good pain meds
Actually now that I think about it, I with the exception of this last surgery, have always been 1/2 asleep in la la land and don't think anyone could have dragged me out of bed the day after surgery.
Don't worry - I already have an arsenal enough to lay out half the England football team! Probably more than half!
Yesterday I was rather firmly told "Normal clothes during the day - NO sitting around in nightie and dressing gown pretending to be an invalid!"

I had to dress to go to PT sessions in the hospital (granted it was just sweat pants & sweat shirt)--and I was only there for 2-1/2 days! No gaping hospital gowns allowed!

Actually, once home, I found that putting on "normal" clothes made me feel, well . . . NORMAL . . . or at least on the recovery path! Thanks to a glued incision, I was able to shower immediately, too, which I'm sure made a difference.
Oh for sure the donning of nightwear and dressing gowns also makes you don the identity of the 'sick one'. A phenomenon well known even in my young day. And just to complete the transformation, we even used to make the relatives take the clothes home with them!
Lady Lisa! We will be waiting to hear about your follow-up appointment and what your OS has to say. I know you will be doing better and hopefully you are now able to get some sleep. Don't forget that your body is doing some big time healing and needs to rest. Don't push too hard or fast. Let us hear from you. We care!
Jo? What's your fave team? We can outfit you in one of their jerseys! Now THAT would make everyone take notice, no doubt! :)
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