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Feb 3, 2009
United States
Home yesterday after BiLat. TKA. Staples out not much pain. Saw doc today pleased with 108 Flex on both and o degress straight.

Still tough to sleep at nite, too many urine trips. Doc say blame pain meds. All in all very pleased with my experience.

69 years old. 237 pounds in pretty good physical condition.

I enjoyed reading all your comments during last month of prep.
Welcome, Summer! It sounds like you are doing great!
Let the real healing begin! Good luck! :)
Hi, Summer!!! Welcome to you and glad you decided to post your status. It sounds like you are doing GREAT!!! The sleeping is a problem most people experience at one time or another. It will get better. If you can, post now and then so others can benefit from your experience. We love to hear as you pass those milestones in recovery.
Glad to hear of your positive and good results. Keep getting better. I am going in for both knees tomorrow, can't wait to get it over with but not looking forward to the experience
Sounds like you are "cruising" along great, Summer!

SteveB3 - best wishes to you tomorrow! Be waiting to hear from you on the other side!

Hey Steve! This time tomorrow it will all
Be over! Welcome! And Best of Good Luck.
Tomorrow! Post when you're able to! :)
Glad to hear of your positive and good results. Keep getting better. I am going in for both knees tomorrow, can't wait to get it over with but not looking forward to the experience

Welcome to the forum, Steve! Best of luck to you tomorrow. We'll be here when you return home if you need support during recovery.
welcome SummerCruiser and Steve

Sounds like Summer is doing awesome.
Steve we will be waiting. Good Luck tomorrow

Both of you take pain meds and stool softeners on time.
I will be waiting to hear from you when you are up to posting.
I will be praying for you today.
Welcome Summer, you are doing great!!

Steve, welcome to you too and good luck with your surgery.

Keep posting both of you. Sue
Progress report Still 4-5 time a night for urine. Several night sweats.. On a good note riding stationary bike 25 minutes a days. P/T twice a day pushed, needed, by my wife. Steri strips all off now waiting for incision to fully heal over.

Walking with a cane . P/T told me to ditch walker. I do use walker at nite so I don't trip on my many trips to bathroom.

Able to drive my golf cart no where near ready to drive a car.

P/T has me lay face down on bed legs sticking out over edge, just past knee, and let legs have for 3-5 minutes. Great for achieving O degree on lag straightening.
Sounds great,'re coming right along!!! Hang in there!
Summer, you're an inspiration!
I'm one week past RTKR. I'm sleeping well, but up a couple times during the night for bathroom treks. I haven't been on a stationary bike yet but hope to soon. I'm feeling better every day.
Steve, hope your surgery went well.
Summer, from one BTKR to another congratulations, sounds like you are are going to do well. While most folks seem to go the one knee at a time route the bilateral was the way to go for me and like you I did really well. Just don't do too much, that is the only draw back to doing so well, we feel so good we end up doing more than we should. So, just sit back and remember to keep icing and elevating and posting here. This is one of the best places you could have found, the only draw back is it sooooo hard to give up after you are all well. I sure haven't been able to. Glad you posted and will look forward to more posts from you. Continued good luck, Rowdy
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