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Holding on 2nd Operation

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junior member
Sep 19, 2008
Lubbock, Texas
After much thought and consideration, along with a second opinion, I have decided to wait 3 more months and then get another bone scan. (See previous thread: Two doctors now have told me that the chances are extremely slim that more healing will take place after such a long time (16 months). However, I "think" I'm still seeing improvement, albeit very slow. This knee has been so painful for so long, that I'm not sure what sort of judge I am any longer. And I realize that I could very well be inventing this improvement through wishful thinking, but my doctor, while admitting the chances are slim, says it may still be improving. He says that we should not be in any rush to tear it apart again.

So, I have decided that another bone scan 6 months after the last one (3 months from now) may give us some definitive comparison data rather than attempting to interpret a single bone scan using the "average" person. We should be able to note significantly less uptake on the bone scan if there is real healing still happening. If the bone scan shows no improvement and I'm still in pain, then I will go ahead with a second operation.

I wish there was some way to know what was the correct course of action, but I think this is a good one for now. I can wait 3 more months for the data.

Thanks for listening,
I sure know what you mean about wishing there was some way to know the proper course of action.
Please let us continue to know your decisions and if things improve.

I reread your older thread, you stated that you are active on your amputee thread. If you don't mind , can you explain.
I am in search of the Sports Illustrated Dec. edition as I saw it this week at a medical apt. There was a pic of a high school athlete competing in wrestling who had all for limbs amputated at age 5. I am adding him to my hero list.
take care
you stated that you are active on your amputee thread. If you don't mind , can you explain.

Sure. I'm a right below knee amputee and I run a small amputee support group online. I'm sure the accident that caused my amputation also played a large part in this left knee being in the condition that it is. I also am pretty convinced that the amputation is at least part of the reason the knee may or may not be healing correctly. The condition adds stress to the left knee.

I would say that is a given. And there's no harm in waiting for a bit to see if things improve.
I'm no longer going to wait until March. This weekend was a nightmare of pain and immobility. I'm convinced that was fooling myself and that there is really no healing taking place, only me finding ways to mitigate the pain and that doesn't count for healing. The second operation, this time with a cemented tibia crown, will probably be sometime in January. I'll keep y'all posted.

Probably wise, TC. I'm in the same boat myself at the moment!
Good Decision.
I did the same thing myself regarding my back. The thoracic spine has hurt so much I went to see my spine doc and told him to schedule the fusion surgery.
I have another apt this morning as at times I think I am nuts after making that decision.
Right knee scope tomorrow!!!
Very difficult to maintain this body!

Jo are you thinking about scheduling knee surgery???

Let us know the date for your knee surgery.
I rang the surgeon's secretary this very morning, Judy, and asked her to schedule an appointment.

All the best for tomorrow ~ I'll be thinking of you!
Thank you! Actually - wouldn't you know it - my knee is everso much better today! Perhaps I've had another divine reprieve!
Well now the insurance adjuster wants yet another opinion. This time from an ortho guy that isn't even a knee guy, but a neck and back guy. This will be the 3rd opinion. 2 previous doctors have said that this subsequent surgery is necessary, and now this. This is a hard enough decision to make without an insurance adjuster second guessing the doctors. I'm wondering if it is time to contact a lawyer. Sometimes workman's compensation insurance requires some prodding.

I have refrained from registering for school this semester in hopes of having this thing done and rehabbed in time to return in the fall but they keep throwing up roadblocks and I'm starting to become upset.

I don't blame you! That's a dreadful carry on for you to have to endure.
Understandable that they want a second opinion as you should as well.
but the final decision falls on you, it is your body, your well being, thus your choice.
Workman's comp can be a royal pain in the rear in dealing with, i would highly recommend you seek legal advice when dealing with workman's comp, and weigh your options accordingly.
Keep your head up TC and hang in there!
Well, I saw the doctor on Wed and also got a copy of the second opinion. While the doc says he would feel better if he could see some movement in the X-ray, some indication that the knee is falling apart, both doctors agree that the increased uptake on the bone scan taken 13 months post surgery showing "micro-movement" and another surgery is indicated. Now if workman's comp. will just get out of the way and approve this thing we will be able to proceed. We'll see how long that will take. Now we're looking at a Feb. date.

After a lot of soul searching and vacillation on this issue (as well as some flak from the ins co) we have scheduled the operation to re-replace my (un)grown-in left knee prosthesis with a cemented version. Feb. 9 is the big day. I'm hoping they don't find it necessary to replace the femoral part of this thing, but I understand it is sometimes necessary just for working space on the tibial section. Never-the-less, I have heard many stories of good results from people who had problem with the grown-in type and had it replaced with the cemented version. I hope mine turns out well too. While I'm not looking forward to rehabbing this knee yet again (this will be the 4th operation on it and the 2nd TKR in 17 months), I am looking forward to being able to walk without pain again.

Here we go again. I'll keep you in the loop as much as I can.

Yes - you deserve better that what you have had, TC - a LOT better!
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