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Hitting the wall. :(

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junior member
Jul 14, 2008
United States
Hello all,

Today is 10 days post-op for me. I've been doing very well, so I have thought. My extension is at 12 degrees, my flexion at 75 degrees. I'm so tired of sleeping in this recliner though, and last night attempted to sleep in my bed. Bad maneuver. Very bad. I feel as though I've suffered a severe setback. I'm having trouble even bearing weight today on my affected leg.

I'm also finding that Vicodin does nothing for me. I knew that in different types of pain (specifically dental) that it did nothing for me, but now I know it does nothing for me for this knee pain either.

I'm almost out of Percoset, but will be seeing my OS tomorrow. I feel like I have a VERY tight elastic band around my knee that will not let loose, and I also feel as though my kneecap doesn't "sit right." Like it is sitting off to the side. It snaps when I flex my leg.

When I called the OS 1 day after getting out of the hospital regarding some questions on stool softeners and antiinflammatory such as Celebrex, which I was on through all the days in the hospital, she told me then that I should be nearly done with the narcotics, so have been trying to now wean off of them. This is not going well and I'm in constant pain now. I'm feeling very much like a failure at this point and I know a lot of that is simply because I need sleep...GOOD sleep.

I've hit the wall. Any help getting past this?

You should not be weaned off narcotics at 10 days, that is totally nuts. You will need heavy duty narcotics for at least 4 weeks if not longer and the heavy duty ones should be paired with something for breakthrough pain. it is clear from the tight knee etc that pain is the problem.

If your OS will not help, call your internist/family doctor pronto for some help. You will not be able to get anywhere with PT being in that much pain.
You can get stool softners at the drug store. If you are constipated try Miralax.

I really don't get some of these surgeons.

In the hospital, they were always on me to press the button on the nerve block and when I transferred to the rehab floor they though the 4 to 6 hour schedule was not working with the rehab schedule so they switched me to 15 mg MS-Contin at 8 am and 8 pm (this is a long acting one) and break through on hydromorphone. I was very lucky with pain not being a major problem but I still take 2 to 4 mg before PT so that he can get the knee

Don't let the OS get away with not treating the pain.

Simon is right--10 days is way too soon to be going off the your general practitioner.

Hang in there :)
I felt like my OS was being insensitive to my pain also. I finally just told him. I am in pain and PT hurts like hell and this little bit of pain med was not getting it. He wrote me another prescription. They just have no idea what this is like.

Hang in there. You are doing great. Keep up the good work, there is a lot of room for improvement. You will hit tough times and start feeling discouraged, like I have been lately. Actually I just got finished working my knee out with my husbands help and I did really good. I have had pain all day from this storm but I did great tonight. 3 Ibuprophens and a hydrocodone helped too.

Long day. Gustav is still hanging around.

I need to clarify. I called the OS office, I did not speak to the OS. I spoke with whoever answered the phone. that is the person who told me I should be starting to get off narcotics. I'll find out tomorrow when I see the OS.

I'm sorry. I didn't realize I posted on the wrong board. I won't do it again.
Heck - don't worry about posting on the 'wrong' board! I'll move it for ya!

I get spitting mad when I read things like that - like the noggins that said it should be require dot undergo the surgery themselves and see if THAT changes their mind! 10 days indeed!!

Don't forget - if she got her attitude off the OS, go to your primary care physician and get him to prescribe for you.
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