Hip surgery Thursday

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junior member
May 11, 2009
United States
United States United States
Thursday is the big day. Is it really wierd, I have been turning my projects at work over to other people, cutting the grass and doing other planning like it is the last time. I guess I have always been active and 6-8 weeks seem like forever right now. Anyone else have these feelings before surgery? It is not a gloom and doom feeling just wierd.
I know the feeling , hard to describe. But I know soon I will out there sweating , tired and hot by cutting the grass and I can't wait. lol . Hard to turn your work over to others just feels final. Its not, you will be back in no time. Im sure everything will be fine Thursday. Please let us know how you are feeling, when you can. You'll be in my prayers.............Good luck.....
I totally remember those feelings. The funny thing is after I was caught by a friend saying it was such a quick recovery. She reminded me that at the beginning I thought it was forever.
What will be amazing for you is taking those first steps with that new hip. It may have hurt to get out of bed, but the steps were awesome. I thought it would feel really strange and be difficult, but not at all. I could never tell that there was something different in there or something missing.
Awesome surgery.
congrats a little early
YOu will do great
Your feelings are completely normal. I bet almost everyone facing surgery has the same thoughts. Don't worry about it and just keep as busy as you can until surgery day. Once you get to the hospital, things move right along and next thing you know you'll be in recovery! Good luck to you!
Hi Mark, I thought that too a short 6 weeks ago today....its sounds like eternity but before you know what you'll be allowed to drive again.....The other thing to remember is that all the time during that initial 6 weeks you have little improvements....you don't stay unable to do stuff the whole time, each and every day you improve and become more competant....it actually becomes quite affirming as you begin to be able to do that much more than you could even do before surgery....I can now kick a soccer ball....something I couldn't do 6 weeks ago..... Just keep it all in perspective. This is the beginning of a new life....
Go well
Best wishes Mark,

I remember those feelings well.

Time will pass a lot more quickly than you think it will and in no time you will be back doing all those things you have handed over now. It's ok to hand things over, people gererally like to feel useful.
Absolutely Mark! I am just at my one week point now and the last few days have gone pretty fast so I am sure the next five weeks will go just as quickly. It is a bit frustrating having to be dependant on others, but I am sure things will soon be back to normal on that score.

Very best of luck for Thursday, I am sure it will all go extremely well for you. Remember to take a bit of "me time" in the next day or so cos you need to relax and prepare yourself mentally for what is a big surgical procedure. My GP has signed me off work for 2 months minimum, saying that when someone has half their leg replaced they need physical and mental time to get over it. Take it easy now.
And another one! I was frenetic getting stuff in for my incarceration, one of which was an Aircast cryo-cuff. Someone dryly commented that all this trouble I was going to for something I'd probably only use for a couple of weeks! Well, I used it a bit longer than that and it was the best item I got in for my TKR, but it has to be said, the other side of the op, it seemed like such an overwhelmingly important thing to have and now it sits in the cupboard, forgotten and ignored! Wouldn't have been without it though! I still give it a fond 'thank you' pat whenever I go in that cupboard!
Thursday is the big day. Is it really wierd, I have been turning my projects at work over to other people, cutting the grass and doing other planning like it is the last time. I guess I have always been active and 6-8 weeks seem like forever right now. Anyone else have these feelings before surgery? It is not a gloom and doom feeling just wierd.

Hi Mark - I'm nearly 8 months post-op and I can STILL remember those feelings! I'm not sure whether I thought it would be the very last time I did everything - but I couldn't sit still prior to my op - I was constantly on the go (as much as my hip pain would permit) getting things done! :pnc:

I can remember leaving work for the last time in what turned out to be about six and a half weeks and thinking - "The next time I come in here it will all be behind me!" It was such a surreal feeling............

I think most of us can identify with how you are feeling - so believe me when I say you won't know yourself afterwards! You'll be able to do things you haven't done (without pain anyway) in years!

Good luck for Thursday - can't wait to hear from you afterwards!
Thanks. It is good to know that this is normal. The medical equipment came yesterday and left me a walker, bath chair and raised toilet. I guess I am all set. My wife bought me a lift chair for our anniversary last year that will be handy.
Hi Mark:

I just wanted to wish you good luck for Thursday. You'll be cutting the grass again in no time for sure! I had two hip replacements 3 years ago. I didn't even think about the time it took me to get over each op all I thought about was that I was pain free!!!

Take care!

Best of luck to you Thursday. We'll look forward to hearing from you after your surgery. I had mine 2 weeks ago tomorrow and each day gets better and better. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

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