Hip Replacement Plus 6 days

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new member
Dec 6, 2007
United States
I had surgery on Friday PM and was discharged on Tuesdau PM. Sure hurts quite a bit and really tired of laying on my back and only being able to use a few chairs in the house for limited times. I'm doing the painful P.T. Any suggestions or comments as to when I should be able to contend without so much pain or when I will be able to lay on my side? My next appointment with the surgeon isTuesday , the 5th.
Re: Hip Repalcement Plus 6 days

Follow up with my surgeon was 7 weeks post op and only then was I allowed to sleep on my side. My advice is don't rush it - your hip needs time to heal and knit. My recovery was a series of different pains (leg/foot/back/hip) but I was able to become a little more mobile each day/week. For me most pain in the first three weeks then started to tail off but it was 8 weeks before I stopped taking any painkillers. That's after a few years (pre-op) of taking them
Re: Hip Repalcement Plus 6 days

Thanks for the info. I guess a little patience is in order fo me. Go Manchester United!!!!
Re: Hip Repalcement Plus 6 days

Wash out your mouth!!

ARSENAL, if you don't mind!!
Re: Hip Repalcement Plus 6 days

I had to wait 8 weeks post op before being allowed to sleep on my side - Heaven I thought; but you know what, even though I might start on my side I seem to end up back on my back, my body is obviously telling me something. It does take time and you do have to be patient I know that from experience cos I had a few ops. Your body doesn't heal overnight and things do get easier every day; before you know where you are the pain has gone, you forget to pick up your crutches and you even forget that you were ever in hospital.

Keep your chin up

Re: Hip Repalcement Plus 6 days

A comfy recliner raised up on bed raisers was a life saver for me. You can doze in it too. It is a very worthwhile investment. I also found using LOTS of pillows when in bed to keep me from being flat on my back helped. I used one under my ankles, 1-2 under knees and several behind back/shoulders.

Not sure about the pain, may be the type of surgery you had (muscles cut?), previous condition/age, other joints (my back and knees took some time to get use to the new hips). Can you tell if it is muscle pain? I don't think it should be the joint since it is all new stuff now. May be worth a call to your OS if you think it is the joint.

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