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Hip Replacement after steroid injections / Protrusio

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Sep 18, 2009
United Kingdom
Hello I wonder if anyone can give me an insight of what I am in for, my specialist has given me steroid injections for protrusio over the last two years, three months ago after the injection, he advised me that this would be the last lot and I would have to look to having hip replacement. I - thinking - don't be silly I am only 44 and quite fit, didn't question it. However the last few weeks at night have been in agony, have contacted the prof and he has bought my appointment forward three months to October along with a letter in the post stating he will give me a date for surgery at this appointment! He is god like - in the regard of speaking to him directly! Can anyone help at all? I hadn't realised there were forums such as this and have found it so informative, I would appreciate any replies.
Fred - PS I am female its my nick name.:hehe:
Hello, Freddie! And welcome to the BoneSmart family! So what kind of help are you after? Ask questions and the answers will be yours.

Protrusios are severe joint damage. I'm glad he's moved you up, poor thing.

But do tell me which hospital you're going to? (I'm nosy like that!)
Greetings Fred!
Dont have a clue what protrusio is. But I can relate. I am 41 yr old female that started limping around Christmas and it progressed to the fact that I had TRHR on Sept. 10th. I was told that I was pretty young for it but after reading all the posts on this sight...turns out I am not. It was a BIG shock for me and just happened so fast. Now I am on the "other side" as it is referred to, and healing. The pain I had before the surgery is gone (to be replaced by the discomfort from the surgery but that will fade.) MOST IMPORTANTLY, I do not limp anymore. So glad I decided to go for it and have the surgery. The pro's will be along to offer their knowledge...just wanted you to know...for me it was SO worth it.
PS. You will love this forum. The peeps here are incredible.
Welcome and so glad you're feeling better....Freddie!! ((:0))
Welcome Freddie
I can tell you that I love my new right hip. It was kind of a shock to me that I needed one, but it is a pretty perfected surgery with great results. Most important is to get a great surgeon.
Ask any questions
Hello, Freddie! And welcome to the BoneSmart family! So what kind of help are you after? Ask questions and the answers will be yours.

Protrusios are severe joint damage. I'm glad he's moved you up, poor thing.

But do tell me which hospital you're going to? (I'm nosy like that!)

Hello, thankyou for reply, I go for my injections under southampton general but have had referalls and injections at royal south hants.

Thankyou for your comment , when I went for my appointment after the last injection, the appointed doctor - looking at my x ray (I had said the steroids weren,t working as they did the last time), said he wasn't surprised.I really thought I was bigger, I thought I would go into my sixties.
Greetings Fred!
Dont have a clue what protrusio is. But I can relate. I am 41 yr old female that started limping around Christmas and it progressed to the fact that I had TRHR on Sept. 10th. I was told that I was pretty young for it but after reading all the posts on this sight...turns out I am not. It was a BIG shock for me and just happened so fast. Now I am on the "other side" as it is referred to, and healing. The pain I had before the surgery is gone (to be replaced by the discomfort from the surgery but that will fade.) MOST IMPORTANTLY, I do not limp anymore. So glad I decided to go for it and have the surgery. The pro's will be along to offer their knowledge...just wanted you to know...for me it was SO worth it.
PS. You will love this forum. The peeps here are incredible.

Thank you so much , I have only recentely limped, my pain is at night , I think my leg must come out of my hip, my husband is amazing, when I am screaming with pain, at first he is angry then he sets me up, he makes me put my foot on the wall and then pushes me on it after about half an hour the pain goes- I think after my pain killers I am just so tired, I just sleep.
Hello, Freddie! And welcome to the BoneSmart family! So what kind of help are you after? Ask questions and the answers will be yours.

Protrusios are severe joint damage. I'm glad he's moved you up, poor thing.

But do tell me which hospital you're going to? (I'm nosy like that!)

Hi I feel honoured! I feel my hip is a mess, I am here bungling my way, my body is only just holding my body up, when I do wake up after sleep, its like a muffled supply on my hips, I get up and its like a machine my legs and hips don't belong to me, a wave of weirdness is over them.

I am with southampton general and royal south hants hospital - both.

Any Ideas?
Thanks Freddie
Hi Freddie and Welcome I m sure you will be happy after you sugery to get rid off pain etc........I wish you the best.......Please keep us posted I wish you the best of luck.......)
hi freddie great name its my sons name so of course i like it. welcome to bone smart im 33 and having rthr on 22nd thats this tuesday:shk::shk::shk::shk:,im both nervous and excited to have my life back because thats what it amounts to isnt it.
you will find this forum such a great help.i hope you get your date for your op sooner rather than later good luck to you xxx:D:D:D:D
Hi, Freddie. So glad you found us here at BoneSmart. Some surgeons are like you describe with your doctor....good at their job, but not so good on taking time to explain things to their patients. No worries....all the good people here will be happy to discuss whatever topics are of concern to you. So post any time! There is almost always someone around who can help.
Hi I feel honoured! I feel my hip is a mess, I am here bungling my way, my body is only just holding my body up, when I do wake up after sleep, its like a muffled supply on my hips, I get up and its like a machine my legs and hips don't belong to me, a wave of weirdness is over them.

I am with southampton general and royal south hants hospital - both.

Any Ideas?
Thanks Freddie

Fraid not! Not all that familiar with the deep south! But from what I have heard, they're ok! I can almost imagine how you hips must feel. Poor lassie! You'll be amazed when you've had them done!
Hi Freddie,
You will be a new woman once you have your surgery. It does take a while to get over it and you must take things slow and steady through your recupe, but it is all so worth it.
Prior to both my surgeries, I was not able to sleep due to the pain. I ended up on the bed in the spare bedroom as I would just toss and turn, not able to find any way to lay to get relief.
I hate that you are having to put up with such pain prior to surgery, but you will have a new lease on life once you are on the road to recovery.
Ask any questions as we are all here for each other.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
Hi Freddie! I cannot believe I just read your post after surfing through a ton of them. I also have *Protrusio Acetabuli* which is characterized by progressive migration of the femur (medially and posteriorly) into the pelvis. I know how unusual it is. I also know EXACTLY what you're going through with that horrible gnawing, throbbing pain and the *zero* range of motion rendering you unable to even get into a car without swinging both legs together. I researched endlessly for a solution and I ran across another protrusio who had her hip *resurfaced* by Roland Treacy. I looked into this EXTENSIVELY for myself since I was young as you are and my husband is also a physician so he was able to offer advice when needed. Long story short I had my protrusio hip resurfaced by Dr. Koen DeSmet in Gent Belgium 4 and half years ago. He used the bone fragments that were reamed from the head of my femur to graft into my acetabulum to build it out to give me back my range of motion. I had the BHR (Birmingham Hip Resurfacing) prosthesis. It worked like a charm and definitely gave me back the motion in my hip. Hip resurfacing, if you're not familiar with it uses a *cap* on the head of your femur rather than cutting away the head and using the longer stem. The advantage is that you can preserve your bone in case a revision or two is needed down the road. You want to go to a surgeon who is very experienced in doing it because there is quite a learning curve.... hence my choosing DeSmet who has done several thousands of them .... maybe the most in the world. I think it is or maybe it's I remember how happy I was when I found another *kindred protrusio*. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have! Susette
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