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Hip Precautions

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Apr 25, 2008
Southern California
United States United States
I am having my right hip replaced on June 6th. I just attended a joint replacement class at the hospital yesterday.
I am having the posterior approach. All of the restrictions seem difficult. About the raised tolilet seat. What do you do when you are not at home for three months?
After the restrictions are lifted can you sit on the floor? Anyone spend time at the beach after surgery? How do you sit or lay down on the sand?
How about sleeping at night? How do you control not crossing your legs. I an a side sleeper, I do not think a pillow between my legs will work. Help, now I am worried.
I to was ''brainwashed'' by the constant reminder about precautions.
They are very important in the first few months until the muscles are
strengthend and hold the hip in place.I was 42 when I had my surgery last year.
The precautions where lifted at 5 weeks.I pretty much do everything I did before
surgery without the pain.Just use common sense and remember exercise is your best friend.I am also a side sleeper.No pillow between my legs any more.Good Luck to you
everything will be just fine.
Hi Judy,
I Am 5o Years Old And Am Nine Weeks Out From My Left Hip Replacement. I Had The Traditional Zimmer Approach. Yes There Are Restrictions And I Was Already Weak Before Surgery Due To Being Overweight, In Pain For 5 Years And Not Knowing It Was My Hip To Begin With. And I Will Have To Have The Right Hip Done Probably Before Next Year. As For The Raised Toilet Seat, Yes, Yes And Yes. You Will Find It Very Hard To Sit Low To The Ground Outside Of The House For The First Few Months. As For The Sleeping At Night, I Have Always Been A Side Sleeper And With Pillow Between My Legs. For The First Many Weeks You Will Be On Your Back. The Pillow Just Protects Your Operated Leg. You Will Definetly Understand All This Once You Have Had The Procedure. As For The Beach, Lying On The Sand, Sitting On The Floor...time Is The Only Thing I Can Tell You. I Consider Myself An Average Healer And Some Will Be Behind Or Ahead Of Me At This Point. The Good News Is I Have Lost 12 Lbs And Am Doing Pool Therapy That I Started This Week. I Know You Will Do Great. Just Having This Website Has Already Helped Me Tremendously....patty
I am six weeks post op and so far I am very pleased with the decision. I too was very worried about the precautions and still am to a degree. I too slept on my sides, but already I am able to sleep on either side without any discomfort. So far so good, no worries. The hospital food was the worst part and that ended when I was discharged. The most awesome part is the lack of pain. I was amazed that I actually had more pain in the joint pre than post op. Don't sweat the precautions, they are not that bad. The decision to go through with this was a good one and I too have lost some weight and have been walking more than I have in years.
I didn't think the 3in1 toilet thing would work at home, so I got a 3 inch toilet seat lift and my son installed it for me. Cost about $20 and took about 5 minutes to install. We had the bathroom remodeled last year and replaced the commode with a tall oblong type, which helped the pain of the hip then. The extension matches the oblong shape and makes it real easy to use.
The 3in1 I had in the hospital room was terrible. It was flimsy plastic and the hole seemed smaller than a regular commode. Being a larger type male was a royal pain. Once I had gotten down and scooted my butt back, I still had to do all kinds of contortions to work my male parts down into the toilet and then to hold things to aim down was worse. The first time I guess I was to optimistic because once I got everything down through the seat I let losse and promptly shot a nice stream of pee out between the commode and the lid on the 3in1. ARGGGGH.
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