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Hip precautions

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junior member
Jun 9, 2008
United States
I wanted to start a new thread because there are just so many knee threads and not many hip ones so here goes...
I was really wondering if it is OK for me to stop following the hip precautions at 5 weeks. I've heard that you shouldn't ever cross your legs sitting, but what about not using the pillow at bedtime? Also, the 90 degree rule ~ can I start pulling my operated leg up closer to my chest? I have been doing that to get my shoe and sock on.
Hm - shouldn't be any knee threads in here - it's the hip forum! But you are right, the knee forum is a lot more active. Perhaps knee patients are a bit more ditsy than hip people!

It's generally accepted that the precautions should be adhered to for 6 weeks and not a single day less! This is generally accepted as the period of time it takes for the deep muscles and ligaments around the joint to not only heal but get back into their normal tone.

So think of it this way - wouldn't it better to endure the restrictions for last few days rather than run the risk
of a dislocation? Naturally, tt's your choice, of course, but would be a bitter pill to have to say to yourself for the rest of your life "if only"!
Hi Josephine,
I know eveyone is different , but I thought the standard was 3 months for the hip precautions? I never asked my OS as i am only a little over 2 weeks and knew it was way too early.
Some surgeons prefer 3 months, tis true but the very basic minimum is 6 weeks. You should, of course, go with what your surgeon prefers. One thing I forgot - it also depends upon the incision - posterior needs a longer time.

What did you mean about "posterior incision"? (I know that means "to the rear"). Is there a THR where the incision is in the anterior, or front, of the pelvic area? I'm only 17 days post op, and still using a walker, but sometimes if I need to pick something up off the floor from a standing position, I'll bend over, bracing on something with my left hand for support, keeping my left (surgical) leg straight, and lifting it backwards in the air as I bend down and towards the right, then grab the object with my right hand. When I do this, I can feel some added pressure near the incision site, but it's minimal, and technically, I'm not violating the "no > 90 degree rule. Should I not do this?

Also, Bridget, you said "you shouldn't EVER cross your legs sitting...". "EVER???" Being that I'm only 38, and I expect to recover mobility 100% eventually, are there any positions I'm discouraged from doing FOREVER??? I sure hope not!
Went to a local place today to start 4 weeks of physical therapy. He covered the same question. Their answer was that you want to error on the side of caution. Treat the hip replacement as vulnerable for 3 to 6 months. I thought I had been getting around pretty good until they had me try some exercises. It was real obvious to me today at 7 1/2 weeks that I didn't have the same leg that was once there. I feel that I can ride a bike but if I get wobbly and loose my balance what will prevent me falling on my operated side? My cane? We need to build up our muscles again. Tried the treadmill the other night only did 2 minutes and got it up to a blazing 1 mile per hour; but the motion felt smoother than with my cane. (I was holding on to the frame) I know it will be weeks from now before I might feel steady on it. The only rambling advice I can give you is take your time and heal once. Hope this helped.
I typed the entry below into "quick reply", but it doens't show up as another post on the main thread page, so I did it as a quote under regular reply...


What did you mean about "posterior incision"? (I know that means "to the rear"). Is there a THR where the incision is in the anterior, or front, of the pelvic area? I'm only 17 days post op, and still using a walker, but sometimes if I need to pick something up off the floor from a standing position, I'll bend over, bracing on something with my left hand for support, keeping my left (surgical) leg straight, and lifting it backwards in the air as I bend down and towards the right, then grab the object with my right hand. When I do this, I can feel some added pressure near the incision site, but it's minimal, and technically, I'm not violating the "no > 90 degree rule. Should I not do this?

Also, Bridget, you said "you shouldn't EVER cross your legs sitting...". "EVER???" Being that I'm only 38, and I expect to recover mobility 100% eventually, are there any positions I'm discouraged from doing FOREVER??? I sure hope not!
I wanted to start a new thread because there are just so many knee threads and not many hip ones so here goes...
I was really wondering if it is OK for me to stop following the hip precautions at 5 weeks. I've heard that you shouldn't ever cross your legs sitting, but what about not using the pillow at bedtime? Also, the 90 degree rule ~ can I start pulling my operated leg up closer to my chest? I have been doing that to get my shoe and sock on.

All I can tell ya is Jim has been sleeping on his side without a pillow. And he's been able to get his socks off, buy himself. But he can't quite get the surgery leg one on yet, he still needs my help. What his OS said was, "If it hurts, don't do it." But otherwise start doing what you feel comfortable with basically. He's only at the 5 1/2 week mark, so I'll try to keep him in check a little longer.
OK, first of all, I said there were more knee threads because when I get on, I click "new posts". It seems easier for me to do it that way esp since some hip people post on the knee threads. So when looking at "new posts" there appear to be many many more knee threads.
I definitely agree that it is better to be safe than sorry!! I will be careful. I was thinking back to my hospital stay and remember my OS saying to follow them for about 3 weeks. I wonder why he would tell me that? My PT on the other hand is much more rigid about following the precautions. I think it was him that told me I shouldn't cross my legs. I think PTs are just against anything that might affect your back, joints, bones, whatever. He is constantly lecturing me about wearing heels!!
I am at 6 weeks and 2 days post op. My doctor told me 6 weeks of precautions. I started sleeping without the pillow between my knees at about 5 1/2 weeks. I had already woken up a few times and found that I had kicked the pillow out onto the floor and had no problems so I figured a few days early would not hurt. I am still being being cautious not to bend over too far. I have stopped using the raised toilet seat...hated that thing. I have gotten back on the basketball court....just shooting the ball around a bit, not playing any games and not sure I ever will. My doctor did not rule out me playing again but I know the risks. I am planning to still watch the angles and be careful for another few months. I am able to everything that I did before now other than play a game of basketball so am happy.

I am wondering about beyond 3-6 months. Are there ANY limitations or precautions one needs to be aware of? I know the risks of running/jogging, playing basketball, racquetball, contact sports, etc but as far as bending over, crossing legs, etc....are those things OK?

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