Hip Exercises

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Dec 12, 2008
United States -New Jersey
Today is day 8 for me. I have graduated from the walker to the cane. Very excited about that. The PT gave me the standing exercises to do in addition to the isolated exercises laying on the bed.

I'm having a difficult time with the standing knee lift (when you lift the operated knee up while balancing on the good side). My knee won't seem to move too far up at all.

Did anyone else have a challenge with this one? Is it because it's still early into my recovery? It just seems as though I'm never going to get that leg up!

Glad that first week is over. Your leg will come up , don't worry, it is still so very early. I know I was hanging on the kitchen counter when I did any standing exercises. But, I do not think I was doing any on day 8. I remember the first 2 weeks as mostly in bed/recliner. I was also extremely swollen at 8 days, not sure if anyone could have lifted my leg off the floor!!
Keep up the good work.
The fun thing is you improve so much so quickly, next week this challenge will seeem like nothing!!!
Hi Melissa,
Sounds like you are doing just great! I'm 7 weeks out today, and I don't remember having that particular problem, but one of the first exercises my PT had me doing was kind of like the heel slide but on a Pilates ball. You put your heel up on it and roll it toward you bending that knee. That might help loosen it up some. I wouldn't worry about it at this point, only being 8 days out. It will loosen up soon! BTW, I checked your blog out yesterday and I must say you are young and gorgeous!! Keep up with the PT and you will be dancing again in no time!
Hi Melissa,
I am surprised you graduated to a cane already. Good for you! It took me almost three weeks to lose the walker. (They had to ex-ray etc.) As for your exercises, well you sound like me, a little impatient. I thought by a week out I would be doing almost everything...about had a meltdown when a week went by and I was still a mess. What is amazing about this process is how much you do progress in a weeks time. By next week you will be lifting that leg like nobodys business. It just takes a little time and a little practice. The more you do the PT the more you can do each week. It's sounds like you are doing exceptionally well in only 8 days. You have youth and determination on your side. Keep the faith!
Hey Melissa...

I just got done doing the leg lifts with my PT now, and at first I was only able to lift off 1-inch from the floor, but now a whole 12-inches! Time changes everything.

Today she let me roll over onto my stomach for the first time with a firm pillow between the knees. Then we did quad stretches in that position. I wanted to stay that way! It's killing me laying only on my back for 2 weeks now. But she said not to do that unsupervised for a while.....so we will roll over again on Friday.

How are you doing getting into bed, more specifically, lifting the operated leg into the bed? That was the toughest thing for me, but today for the first time I was able to do it without pain!

Tomorrow I get my staples out, and once you drive you lose home PT and get a script for outpatient PT. So Friday will be my last home PT visit. I will miss her, she is great.

Thanks -I actually had a meltdown immediately coming home. I felt so helpless having everyone pick things up for me and giving out orders. I hated it. I'm getting used to it now :)

I guess I have to be patient with it. It just feels like it will never get up there -Wow 12 inches!!! That is amazing. My foot is about 3 inches off the floor right now. I will continue my exercises and let time do the work too.

Lifting the operated leg off the bed isn't too bad. I used a leg lifter for the first 4 days home. I just recently gained enough strength to lift the leg on the bed, using a little support of my own hand under my thigh.

Hop -how often do you do your PT exercises throughout the day? My PT said the more often I do them, the quicker the recovery, but I don't want to overdue it too much. I've been doing them about 5x per day.
She told me 3x per day...... but if I feel any soreness I skip a day......I would rather go at a slower pace just to be sure the muscles are healing strong. I skipped 2 or 3 days, but I feel great now! The range just seemed to improve by itself over time.

Do you have the "grabber on a stick" gadget? And the dressing stick? I learned to be resourceful with them, so I hardly ever bother anyone in the house. I keep 3 grabbers around the house.

I haven't tried a cane yet, I am using one crutch. I am afraid someone might mistake me for an old lady with a cane, LOL! I guess I should give it a try though.

Hi Mellissa,

I think you are doing great too. It is frustrating when you just want it to all work for you but it does take time. The leg lift will come, so don't worry. I'm 16 months after my hip replacement, and had my knee done 4 months ago, opposite knee to hip but suddenly found I lost all of strength in the hip side quad again and have had to build them up again, now I can lift that leg, keep up the good work and it will all fall into place before you know it.

I didn't use a cane either, I never felt very secure on them, I used the walker for a couple of weeks then went to one crutch.

Best wishes Mellissa

Chris :)
Do your PT as often as you can, BUT ---- and this is a BIG BUT, take plenty of time to rest too! Looking back on my own experience, I think I let my impatience get the better of me and I tried to make myself get better by working harder. You need to work hard, but the single best advice I eve got on here was "listen to your body".

One more bit of wisdon, learn to enjoy a mid-day nap!
I just had my 2-week post op check-up today, and they did an x-ray and an ultrasound in the legs and groin to rule out blood clots, removed the staples, and told me I can do anything I want now as long as it doesn't turn the feet or legs in or out. But he wants me to wait 2 more weeks to lay on my side if possible.......but if I must he said, to lay on the operated side.
Monday I start outpatient PT. My OS recommended a sport center chain for PT. So I chose the Montville center.
Tomorrow I get to shower......Yay!!!!
Wow good for you Hop! Congrats! I can't believe your restrictions are lifted at 2 weeks. My OS used glue, no staples so I was actually able to shower at day 4. What a nice feeling! Good luck with your continued recovery.

I took a shower after the third day by covering the wound and bandage with cooking style plastic wrap and taping down the edges using painters masking tape. Every thing stayed dry as a bone and the shower made me feel half human again.
I'm amazed at the difference between here in Australia and you guys in the US as far as showering post-op is concerned! I was in the shower within about 12 hours of my THR and had twice daily showers from there on in! It was the highlight of my day..........I don't know what I would have done without it!

Hi, From my point of view I agree with you. My hubby put saran wrap with tape over my incision and in the shower I went. All seemed fine with the 6 inch incision over my butt. Just took off bandage and dried off afterwards. Better option for me than waiting two weeks...

LOL - yes that too Rachel! But the feeling of the hot water beating down on my poor tired body was one I will NEVER forget - absolute bliss!
While I was in hospital my wound was covered with a waterproof dressing - but once I went home I just left it off and made sure I dried well after showering (like Laurie). :)

You mean I am the only one sponge bathing for 2 weeks? Ha! I am just so cautious. The funny thing today was, when the doc said I can do anything.....I said "anything?" and he thought I meant sex, and demonstrated safe positions. Yikes!
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