Hiking Poles

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Former BoneSmart staff member
May 5, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
United States United States
Wow, I just got back from my "two mile" walk with the dog. We walk in the woods near my house--about 45 acres filled with trails that people use for their dogs, horses, bikes, etc. I took my usual path, but since I was thinking about pt and my knee, I missed a turn. But I did not know that I missed my turn until i had walked a mile in the wrong direction. So, my two mile walk became a four mile walk. I was thinking of Frog and wishing I had her cane for the last mile----when suddenly a iight bulb went off---why don't I use my hiking poles.

I have hiking or treking poles--they fold down and have adjustable length---they are like ski poles but have a solid metal tip on the end, not a pick. They take up to 40% of the pressure off your knees--you can really feel it when you go downhill. Why are mine sitting in the garage waiting for me to go "hiking".

Frog, they would be perfect for you as you increase your distances---you swing them with the alternate hand with the alternate leg (right hand, left leg) they are better than a cane because they are adjustabile--so you can make them longer when going downhill, for instance. And one can be longer if you are on a hill. I am going to get mine out and start using them.

I really like them in the summer, because sometimes my hands swell if they are by my side. The poles hold them higher and presto--no swelling.

What was I thinking that I have not used them for my walks with the dog. they also keep you from tripping over stuff in the trail. I am lying here now with my leg under ice and on three pillows--no damage, I am just tired. But tomorrow the hiking poles come with me.
Thanks for thinking of me. My canes are adjustable (metal canes with those wide ergonomic-style handles). I use one hand to hold my dog's leash when I'm walking. I also only walk on pavement, mostly flat (I haven't ventured far enough to get to any hills, though hills and steps are part of my original four mile walk).

I decided that till I can muster the energy to walk (and I'll do that as often as my body lets me), I'll do my "floor yoga". I used to do yoga after my four-mile walk. I can't do some of those awesome strength poses, but I can do the floor stuff with the stretching and the simpler poses (to help with balance and such). It takes almost no energy and I can do it any time of the day.

Good luck with the poles. Let me know how it works out. :)
What an excellent idea!

But just a thought...maybe you should take tomorrow off or not go as far since you did double today and need ice and elevation. Maybe it's just me, but when I overdo one day, I need to take it easy the next to let my body recoop and not swell more and cause regression. You are so far beyond my ability, I may be off base on this. Guess it's just the momma in me being concerned! No offense intended. :wink:
Of course, no offense taken---after raising three children and then marrying a man with three daughters, it is nice to be mothered by someone else!!!

Actually I am amazed that I seem to be unscathed. I have begun taking a NASID---Lodine for the swelling in my knee. It has been quite effective--I am surprised at the result. My knee has started looking almost normal--I can see the outline of my patella. And, surprisingly no swelling after the walk---but, I am tired, am resting now and quite happy to skip my pool workout tonight.

I am lucky--and I know it. I am sure that my presurgery conditioning has helped with my recovery. The doc kept telling me that I needed this surgery now--that it was better not to wait until I could not move---and, I suppose, that he was right. It was hard to lie around for six weeks, but now, things are starting to fall into place--but there is still so much further to go!!!

I am sorry that you have had to deal with swelling also--and, I suppose that it is much harder for you to lie around with ice on your knee!! I am going to an all day sock knitting workshop this weekend--some friends have me hooked on knitting again--I used to knit in college.
Great hobby, I've just never been very good at knitting or crocheting. My daughters love to though and are so much better than me. Sara is very versed in all the fine arts of handiwork, including cross stitching, embroidery, knitting, crocheting, and sewing. She is very patient with teaching children to do so too.

Always has something in here busy hands...especially books! Now that is something I can relate to. I love to read. I'm finally reading again, right now I reading Deception by Randy Alcorn. He is such a gifted writer. Love his first person character descriptions. Very realistic and such great truth!

Whew!!! Glad I didn't get myself in the dog house again!
Hi Kelly I get tired just reading your thread...lol...Sounds like you were very fit before the surgery . I have no doubt you will get there again. My biggest problem is calf...When you see the back of my legs one looks normal the other you cant even see. I do those up on your toes excercise but its not working to well....But you will get there Im sure... Great hiking yes bring the poles in case....
Texas, yes, I have thin calves too. (I could have had thin hips--but noooo, I have skinny ankles and calves!!)

My pt has some wooden wedges, I do calf raises--where you lift the back of your foot on them. Now, I hold 8 lb weights while doing it. I think that calf raises take forever to change your calf--but they do work, eventually. I can see the difference in my operative leg--both calf and quads after only 2 weeks of working hard in pt. Don't give up., you will see the difference eventually.
I think I know what you mean about the wood blocks, it will make it higher. I will give it a try but harder..It does look funny and sometimes my husband doesnt think Im doing my excercises but I really am......We'll see I guess. Your doing really good though I am happy for you......
Hi Skigirl-
I love my hiking poles----they've allowed me to do some long walks in the past couple years with my bad knee. I look forward to using them after my knee surgery (8/10).:thmb:Nancy
It's funny---I would not have gone out without them before surgery---they really do help with bad knees---but, how come I never thought of them post surgery? I guess the answer is that my knees are feeling pretty good and are not begging me not to go all of the time!!!

Thanks, Texas---you are always so positive-- and I know that this has not been a bed of roses for you either.

Feeling better sort of creeps up on you---slowly but surely--you start doing things that don't hurt at all. Yesterday when I was standing on two plastic discs with air in them and doing lunges, my pt said--you were no where near this stable before the surgery---and he was right. That is the biggest change for me--I can stand on one leg and swing the other one with total stability.
But when I do lunges though. I cant move for a few days they make me soreeeeee.lol My PT would make me do 40 of ea really I was wipped out...lol
Wow, 40 lunges--that is silly! Even I could not do 40 of them. My pt told me that lunges are one of the things that will flare the knee, so I could only do ten of them and then something else. It sounds like your pt does not have enough ideas of good exercises/

I do a little of a lot of different things. Today I got to stand on the bosu ball (which is half a ball) and do squats--but only three sets of ten. Alternated with standing on one leg on a big block of foam. It was fun!!

Are you still in pt? I am in my second eight week set. Kelly
Kim, 40 lunges that is unbelievable, no wonder you were soreee. My/ pt said to do 10 at a time, twice a day, the squats & balance exercises the same. Do you still go to the same pt. Does he have experience with knee rehab?
Sorry Texas--that post of mine sounded a little arrogant--I did not mean it quite like that!!! However, hats off---I could not do 40 lunges---they are hard, no wonder your knee hurts!!!
I do a little of a lot of different things. Today I got to stand on the bosu ball (which is half a ball) and do squats--but only three sets of ten. Alternated with standing on one leg on a big block of foam. It was fun!!

Skigirl, my trainer also has me work on the ball and rounded chunks of foam. They are really great for balance! And my legs are usually like spaghetti when she finishes with me (not really...just a good workout). I like those exercises.
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