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Nov 15, 2009
United States
I am finally having a left hip replacement on 11/23/09. I am sooooooo excited. 45yr old female, living in Londonderry, N.H. USA. I want to thank all of you who have posted your trials and tribulations...especially your photos. Now I have an idea of what I'm up against...although I know... it will be alot easier than what I have been going through the last couple years. My surgeon wanted me to lose weight before he would sign off on my surgery. 100 pounds lighter and I am on my way. I can't wait.
Although I'm sure...a week from tonight, I shall be abit nervous. Hope you all have a great night...and thanks again.
Hey glad you are getting this done you really will be happy....Im a knee and im glad........well tell him if you were able to walk better then maybe you cold lose some weight true you might want to work out and excercise more but with a hip thats had who wants to you will do just anytime............)
If I understand this correctly you already lost 100 pounds?!?!?!
If that is the case then when you get this new are going to be a whole new woman. How awesome life is going to be for you!
I lost 80lbs a few years ago on WW so I know what a challenge it is and I applaud you.
You go, girl!
Congratulations on the new body and the new hip! And welcome to Bonesmart!! Before you know it you'll be past the surgery and feeling great. Please post any questions and concerns you have!
YOu lost 100 pound:wahey:
That is awesome. You sound excited, that is great. You will be so happy with your new hip. I love mine
100 - and I'm crowing over 20? Sheesh - that's awesome!

Welcome to BoneSmart!
Hey everyone,
Thanks alot for the feedback. I truly appreciate it. How long were you all in the hospital. Did anyone come home right after ?? Did anyone have to go up a set of stairs to get into their house ?? I have 13 steps to get into my inlaw apt....after that...piece of cake. Already have everything at waist level. put the cat feeder on a plank over the bathtub ( cause I'm pretty sure I won't be climbing in that sea of tranquility for
and then their cat carrier/bed will fit under that on the floor of the the tup. I'm putting their watering station on a table. Their cat box ( I bought the biggest one in the world so I won't have to replace it as much...holds 40lbs of litter on a table so I won't have to scoot over. Put all my drygoods...paper towels/tp/soups/cleaners etc on a table on the porch, as well as a bizzillion containers of cat litter ( It was buy one get one free...I would have bought a trillion if they had on a table on the porch. Redid the kitchen cabinets, the linen closet and the vanity...all needed stuff now above the waist. Bought a few plastic drawers, now things are on top of vanity, and my personals in the bedroom are in drawers on top of my dresser. Got the crutches, walker, 2 canes ( as gifts) rails on the toilet, rails in the seperate shower. Got the sock helper, velcro sneakers, got a rocking chair so when I need to get in and out, I gentle rock forward and it actually helps lift me out of the chair. Am I missing anything ??? Only have a week left. Again I appreciate any and all information. Thanks again.
Depends upon the surgeon's protocols and surgical approach. Some people get out after 24/48hrs. It just depends - ask him.

As for the stairs, the principle criteria for discharge is that you can manage stairs. Usually the PTs get right in on that after how to get in and out of bed safely. They won't (shouldn't) let you home till you're ace with both those procedures.

As for the cats, my sister never had any problems with hers. She adopted the manoeuvre I suggested to circumvent the 90 degree restriction, which is to put a hand on a counter top or something similarly stable. Put your operated leg way back behind you and then bend down by bending the good knee. While you're doing this, just make sure that you operated leg and back are pretty much in a straight line and you'll be fine.

One other thing I would suggest is a leg lifter, a straight thing with a loop at the end you put your foot in so you can lift the leg onto the bed, etc. You can find a list of things in the Information Centre (link up top) and Recurring Information.
I will be following your progress with interest! Since I'm close behind you on Dec. 8th. It is quite a process preparing isn't it? I have a 2-story home and thought I would make up a bed in the study on the first floor just in case the stairs(very steep, old home!) give me trouble. I liked your list of things you did. Gave me some ideas...Good luck and congrats on the healty weight loss!!:thmb:

Tweety....will do. I would definately have a bed on the first floor. Just in case.... Do you live alone, or have family /roomates ? That will help too. I bet you can't wait for your date. It will be here before you know it. Try and get alot of your Christmas shopping
Good idea with the study make sure you have no throw rugs on the floor............and if you will be along sometimes make sure you have TV dinners to make real quick.....worked for me......didnt have to stand long and it was easy..........)
Thanks Texas...I appreciate it. Great idea with the TV dinners. I just bought a case of those Ramen? noodles at Sam's
posting a picture next to your name

How do you all post pictures and cartoons next to your name ?? and before I forget next week....Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Hugs, Me
sorry, another question... I am cleaning out my freezer cause everyone is cooking me stuff. Am I gonna need to leave any ice packs in the freezer for the hip?? Do I ice that at home after the surgery ?? Hugs,
Don't forget to purchase some stool softeners at the drug store for use while you are on prescription pain medication. You'll probably need them to avoid discomfort.

I am 3 1/2 weeks out of THR.

It sounds as though you have covered all your bases. The only thing I can think of that has made my life better during this process is "pillows"..... lots and lots of them.

You will be having surgery the same day I go for my 4 week checkup appointment. Good luck.

Also, I just want to forewarn you that each person's surgery is different. So go with the flow, stay in the hospital as long as you need to, I did. Day two, I had one complete down day, having blood transfusions due to blood loss and then toward the end of my stay, one more down day because of a drug overdose situation. (They gave my roommate's pills to me, thus doubling the dose of my pain killers!) Those two things added two days to my stay. I went in at noon on a Tuesday and was home by noon on Saturday.

Don't fear the steps. They will not let you leave the hospital without going up and down a fake set of steps as part of your daily PT.

Go with what your body is telling you and by all means, keep on top of the pain medications. I actually used my cellphone to schedule alarms to let me know when the next dose was due. That allowed me to keep on top of the nurses .... especially with the change of staff each shift. The nurses didn't like it so much, but hey, it was my body and my surgery.

Good luck. Take it easy. You are prepared, for sure. Now just sit back and wait...then heal...and your old life will return!
Jamie....thank you soooooooo much for reminding me about the stool softners. They told us that at the total joint replacement class I went to at the hospital on Thursday.
sasv...good idea with the cell phone and alarms, but cell phones are not allowed on our floor. I can see the pros and cons of that argument...but it was a great idea. :thmb:
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