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Hi, I'm back!

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junior member
Apr 14, 2009
United States
I got home kind of late last night after driving around trying to find a pharmacy still open to fill my prescriptions.

The surgery went well. The OS told my husband that the top of my femur was square. The good news is that he was able to use a regular implant instead of the revision stem he thought I might need to get a good fit. It is apparently ceramic on ceramic.

Rachel and someone else mentioned that they were vomiting when their doctors came to talk to them. My doc showed up just after I had called for help getting off the bedpan. Fortunately, I was covered up, but it was a little awkward. My biggest problem has been nausea, and the food at the hospital was terrible which certainly didn't help.

The painkillers I am on make me very sleepy. I don't have any weight bearing restrictions, but am currently using a walker. How long did it take before you could get in or out of bed without help? My hip and thigh are pretty achy

I desperately need a nap now. I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers.

Hi Diane, I am so happy you are safe and at home... Sounds like it went well, except for the bad pan thing lol. Get some sleep and post when you fell better. You are now on your way to doing the things you want to do... Wont be much longer now...........Take it easy, I hope you feel better soon............
diane, i'm so excited for you, it sounds like all went well. i had a patient on the bedpan when the doc came in last week we opted to just wait and not tell him or try to get her off to avoid awkward. on to the new journey i'm so happy for you. get some rest now is time for the exciting part.
Welcome back Diane. It's just going to keep getting better from here. Remember, patience. Each of us progress at different rates. I was getting myself in/out of hospital bed on day 3 because I couldn't wait for the staff to help what seems like every 1/2 hour - when you gotta go, you gotta go. But I didn't do it gracefully, quickly, or painlessly. It will come - just be good to yourself and take that pain medication. Sleepy is not such a bad thing for you right now.:zzz: You need your rest.
Welcome home. Congrats!!!! I think it was day 4 when I was able to get my 1,000pound leg off the bed and back on alone. Not graceful or painless, but doable and better every day. Glad your meds make you sleepy as that is what you need to do the most of!!!
Right now, sleep, take pain meds, take stool softeners, ice and sleep some more.
Welcome back, Diane! Glad you are home and doing well! Sleep/nap as much as possible! You know the drill! :)
Well done Diane....another milestone.....just getting home.....take it easy
And if its any consolation I had the door closed and on the pan and my doctor also walked in....he quickly reversed!!!! I don't think that OS know how to knock!
I'm feeling less queasy today which is nice. Yesterday after I posted I slept for about 2 and1/2 hours. Then my very sweet husband washed my hair for me. It was nice to feel human again. I managed to get myself back to bed this morning without help. Then this afternoon I got out of bed by myself. I was very excited!

I don't think the doctor had a clue I was on the bedpan when he came in. The nurses aide came in and we just waited for him to leave.

I plan on asking the doctor about this when I see him next week, but I have a longer (posterior) incision and a much shorter one (about 3 staples worth) above it. I was wondering if anyone might know what the shorter one was for?

I need to go do some walking now as my leg is sweeling as I sit here.

Thanks again everyone.

Pleased all went well Diane,

Best wishes for your happy, healthy recovery.
diane i cant wait to watch your progress. you are so close to mine i'll have a real good idea. wishing you the best.

I'm looking forward to hearing about your recovery as well. Each day is getting better; today I was able to do the heel slides by myself. I also realized I need to sleep with a plastic bag under my foot so I can move my leg at night. I also did some very mini squats and side and rear leg raises all of which felt pretty good.

The most annoying thing now is the swelling I get in my legs when I sit for any length of time. I guess it's time to break the too much time on the computer habit!

I'll be praying for you on June 8.

Hi Diane
Great to see you on ' the other side' ! :thmb::D

I know the swelling feels bad now, and everything that you attemp to do (except ice and elevation !!) seems to make it worse..but this will soon seem like a distant memory.
These are the first days of the rest of your (new improved) life!! :thmb:

The benefits you will very soon experience as your healing progresses with massively overshadow the swelling and tenderness, and, like me, you will be laughing at how you can do things you couldn't manage pre op, and how your hip is not a burden any more.
I absolutely love my new hip and it has been a fantastic process for me because it has given me my life back already, and I'm just 6 weeks post op !!

SO just kick back, rest up and heal well :thmb: Pain killers, ice and elevation (and PT!) will all help to smooth the healing period over, and you will soon be revelling in your new found 'freedom' :cool::cool::cool:

PC tip - beg or borrow a laptop and a pair of headphones, take it up to bed with you, and youtube away the time with your favourite music!! Heaven......

Hope you continue to go from strength to strength :cool::D:thmb:

Andy! You are sooo way ahead of the curve, so great to hear your progress! Isn't life grand??? :)
Thanks Andy,

I've been following your helpful advice about putting some folded quilts between the mattresses at the end of the bed. It works great, although it did make getting out of bed by myself a bit more of a challenge.

Your great attitude is a reminder that I should focus on being thankful we have the medical technology to fix bad hips instead of being annoyed by the discomforts of recovery.

Remember, 60-70 odd years ago the answer to arthritic hips and knees was a wheelchair!

[] Hi, I'm back!
I had trhr may11 2009 took 5 days to get out of bed on own but 3 weeks to be able to pull leg back in bed on own so you guys are doing great
Were do you get the pictures. You are great and funny.
So glad you are here. We are the same age so I understand
the 60-70 yrs ago.

Been wanting to ask who is the picture of on the home page. there is a young couple and it looks like a "mature" woman.
Thanks Andy,

I've been following your helpful advice about putting some folded quilts between the mattresses at the end of the bed. It works great, although it did make getting out of bed by myself a bit more of a challenge.

Your great attitude is a reminder that I should focus on being thankful we have the medical technology to fix bad hips instead of being annoyed by the discomforts of recovery.


Hi Diane
Glad that the elevated mattress is working out for you....and that you spotted the 'design flaw' :doh::blush:.Ooops. Yes it does make getting your swollen leg in and out of bed a little more challenging...back to the drawing board ???:hehe::hehe:
The discomfort soon passes and the improvements soon take over..and yes the technology is superb!!:thmb:

Speedy recovery

And yes Judles - Life is sooo grand :thmb::D:D

How about using the old 'invisable dog' lead? I found it indispensable for getting my leg in and out of the bath whilst sitting on the bath board. Otherwise known as a leg lifter - you can get them on Ebay.

[] Hi, I'm back!

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