We had a gorgeous day here once the clouds burned off this morning. Last night was a different story, though....BIG thunder, lightening, rain, and hail storm for a couple of hours. The weather definitely played games with my leg. I was up and down all night between the storms, my knee and worrying. My precious dog got VERY sick yesterday morning all of a sudden and we had to take her to the vet and leave her overnight so that she could get IV fluids. She is 12 1/2....very old and we weren't sure she would make it. She started throwing up yesterday morning and could not stop. Poor baby....in the 45 minutes while we were thinking it would stop, she got very weak. It's a good thing we got her to the vet right away, because he was able to treat her quickly to stop the vomiting. She is back home tonight, but still very, very weak. She won't eat yet, but is drinking water. And sleeping like crazy, which is good. We think maybe something she ate just didn't agree with her aging stomach. Blood tests showed her liver and kidneys are fine. Pancreatic functions were elevated, but the doc said not as much as he expected, so it's possible they will go back to normal once she gets her stomach calmed down. I'm going to try and get her to go back to bed with me here in a few minutes. I guess you can tell from this posting that I love her dearly and was very, very worried.