Hi all,

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Sep 18, 2009
Mass. United States
I'm not sure If I'm doing this right,(I think I just posted a reply to my own origional post?, do I open a new thread to
thank everyone?OOPS!) I just wanted to thank you all for the warmest wekcome! I got the call today from day surgery, I'm confirmed for Mon. Sept.21 10'oclock.
I'm getting an Oxford, and researched for a O.S. for a while so I'm ok with that.I've torn the medial meniscus twice and coupled with the O.A. I didn't have much of a
choice. (No more construction work for me) This bone on bone stuff is no fun. Luckily the 2 other compartments are well preserved.If anyone has any questions of me or I can help in any way,please let me know. I'm a bit anxious but I feel much more comfortable knowing there are others going
through the same thing. well, I'm going to go collision proof (idiotproof) my room!
thank you all again, Tom
Hey tom i was 7 surgeries prior to my TKR I agree no fun bone on bone no Mencius.We really will be happy you got this done ...it will be over before you know.............I hope you have a speedy recovery.........I wish you the best Post anytime.........)
Re: Hi Texas

Thanx Kim, Im still not sure I'm doing this right, WOW, 7,
God Bless You! I'll be visiting often. Thanx for the support.
Welcome and best of good luck on your surgery, Tom!!! (:)0)
Good luck Tom! Not that you will need luck, I am sure it will go great.

Kim--This was my 7th on this knee too!
Best wishes Tom and a successful surgery. Good idea to work on your room beforehand. The more prepared you are, the better off you will be. We actually moved our bed to the wall closest to the bathroom, so a bedside commode wasn't necessary the second time around. Make it work for you, whatever it takes. Convience will pay off and help you become more independent quicker.

thanks everyone, a buddy of mine just dropped off a walker today. I'm thinking about getting a basket and bell for it, the jokes have started (at my exspense) oh joy!
Really Tom wow I know to many right...........PS your dong great on the posting............)....haha on the bell and basket......with a lil rear view mirror...........lol:hehe:
Welcome to the family! You will get a lot of support here. Good Luck with your surgery, I'm sure everything will go smooth as silk. Go to recurring knee information for tips on getting prepared for your surgery. There's a lot of good advice on there. Post anytime! 99% of the time you will find somebody on here. It's a busy busy place.

Actually a basket would be handy. Hard to carry anything while holding on for dear life. Ask Pat, she splatted her freshly delivered pizza on the floor while trying to get it to the table. :skp: Fortunately they delivered another one and brought it in for her. The blessing is you won't need the walker for very long. I hated mine, it was so clumsy and hard to maneuver. Switched to crutches asap. They are so much easier to get around with. They don't get caught on the carpet while trying to turn and are able to get through tight places. I picked mine up at a church yard sale for $2. They were like brand new also. :D Best $2 I ever spent.

Ignore the jokes. They are just trying to handle a hard situation by distracting you with bad humor.
Your all so supportive, like a big family It's great. I've never imagined a site like this. Oh, by the way, what is this machine
that exersises your leg post-op has anyone ever used one? I've heard of people waking up after surgery and thier leg is pumping away? Tom
CPM or Continuous Passive Motion. Some surgeons have a fixation on them but others don't like them because they are passive and therefore don't exercise the muscles at all, only the joint. However, since the muscles are about 50% responsible for the joint action, it's felt by some to be counterproductive, i.e. the patient should be doing the work, not the machine.

OTOH, patients seem to love them, so what can I say?!!
You won't believe how knowledgable you'll become in such a short time, Tom! BTW....your spirits definitely sound Soooo much better!!! (:)0)!
Yes, thanks to you guys. As soon as I get a little better at this
I can help someone else.(I'm still havin' trouble typing LOL.)
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