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Hey HIPPIES! 53 day update!

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Sofa King

Jun 22, 2008
United States
Hey Gang!

Just a "Hello" to my closest Hippie Buddies, Jo, Patty, Judy, Gary, and Stanj... (If I forgot you, I'm sorry!) Haven't visited in a couple weeks I think, and I'm about 7 and 1/2 weeks out from my LTHR.

Just wanted to let you all know I'm doing great. I don't need a cane anymore, (but I carry it and halfway use it anyway, since it was so expensive! Those of you who know me, know what I'm talking about...).

I saw my OS yesterday for the 1st time in 4 weeks, and I fully expected to get his approval to return to work post haste, light duty of course, (seated for 8 hr shifts in Police Dispatch). I asked him if I could get that in writing for work, and he said "Who told you that you were ready to go back to work??" I said, "Well, I feel fine, have some pain during sleeping, off all meds, and sitting upright in a chair longer than an hour or two is painful, but otherwise, I'm ready". He said "since you're muscular, and still have quite a bit of swelling in your left buttock, sitting that long on that area that's still healing could cause a blood clot. I want you to keep up your aspirin therapy, (reduced from 325mg to 81mg a day), and take another 4 weeks off, and keep up the outpatient PT 2-3 X a week. I said, "well, that's fine with me, I just don't want anyone to think I was 'malingering'!" He said "NO way, this surgery takes a lot of recovery!" He went on to say, I'll see him in 4 weeks, and he'll likely want me to take another 4 weeks off after that. Again, that's fine, but I sure am glad that I paid that little extra money each payday for Aflac short term disability!!

Anyway, I'm doing great overall, and miss you guys a lot. I plan on catching up with all the latest posts I've missed, (BOY! there sure are a bunch of new threads!)

I hope you're all doing GREAT!

Hey Dalton

Good to hear from you. I am glad your doc told you it takes a long time to recover, it makes me feel better!!
I still have swelling going on too. I went for an unscheduled visit a few days ago. Going up and down stairs started really hurting my upper quad muscle. The pt said it is the juncture of the quad and hip flexor ,it still is swollen and affecting the nerve as well.

So I have to be patient!! I have been walking a few miles with the dog and swimming 1/2 mile about 4 times per week. Life is good
Take care
Dalton! Was just thinking about you last night and wondering how you are! You must have 'heard' me!
[] Hey HIPPIES! 53 day update!

I am so glad you posted that. Will be a good lesson for all those who feel the same, that if they don't rush back to work, people with think they are malingering. 'In my young day' we knew from the outset that if we had anything like a major op - gall bladder, that kind of thing (but not the mini-lap kind) - it was expected we had at least 3 months off. No argument. And hips and knees are a LOT more major than a gall bladder.
Dalton, I'm glad that you're healing so well, even if it's slower than you would like. One of the things I've had to learn this summer has been to get over the guilty feeling that I NEED rest - especially when others are doing kind things for me like vacuuming my living room!

You've gotta keep using that cane - it looks too handsome NOT to use!

Hi Dalton,
Good to hear from you. I may not post often but I read this everyday (I admit most of the time more than once a day). I'm glad to hear you are doing so well.

When my hubby and I met with my OS before my surgery he told me I would be out no less than 8 weeks and likely 12 weeks. I have an hour commute to my work each way, and I work in an office. I am the head of customer service for our Census Department in charge of setting up our clients and instructing them how to use our web based online contribution system for their 401(k). I can be on the phone with a client upwards of an hour or longer in an instruction session. So, needless to say sitting for long stretches of time is part of my job.

I was hoping that perhaps when I saw my OS next Wednesday that I would discuss returning to work for maybe 2 days a week to see how it goes. I have been trying this week to go without any pain medication (only tylenol) during the day. I've been doing ok with that but I have a lot of pain still, especially in my back and down my legs. The Tylenol just takes the edge off. I've also been trying to wean myself off my cane. I still have quite a limp without the cane, like a pregnant penguin. I don't seem to limp at all with my cane... weird. So, I'm not sure if he will give me the go ahead to 2 days a week.

I do not have Aflac or supplemental disability, and NYS disability is a joke (170.00 a week, minus taxes for a whopping 158.00). Thank God the DH works, but we certainly miss our income, A LOT. Not to mention I'm going a bit stir crazy, and getting a little crabby. I guess that's a good sign.

I guess we have to realize just how huge this surgery really is, listen to our bodies and listen to our docs. Keep us posted.

God bless, Debra
Debra, please don't deprive yourself of pain relief. In the long run, it has more negatives than positives and there is no point in trying to be brave about it for the sake of a few weeks. You'll be off them soon enough anyway.
Josaphine, you are my Guardian Angel, I swear! I just keep thinking I should be completely off of pain medication, even though I've only been taking it once a day and then at bedtime. I am allergic to Aspirin and NSAIDS so any of those meds like Advil or Aleve are out for me. I'm pretty much stuck with Tylenol if I don't take other pain meds. I guess, as usual, I'm trying to rush things along. But perhaps I'm only hindering my healing process which is one of the negatives.

I hope you know that your encouragement and kindness touches the hearts of so many, and I am ever so grateful for you!

Thanks, Debra
Josaphine, you are my Guardian Angel, I swear! I just keep thinking I should be completely off of pain medication, even though I've only been taking it once a day and then at bedtime. I am allergic to Aspirin and NSAIDS so any of those meds like Advil or Aleve are out for me. I'm pretty much stuck with Tylenol if I don't take other pain meds. I guess, as usual, I'm trying to rush things along. But perhaps I'm only hindering my healing process which is one of the negatives.

I hope you know that your encouragement and kindness touches the hearts of so many, and I am ever so grateful for you!

Thanks, Debra
Debra I don't remember how far post you are. I went to see my doc at 6 weeks (2 weeks ago) I told him I thought I had 2 choices and needed him to tell me what he wanted me to do. I could walk pretty good without a cane on pain meds or I could be med free and use the cane and limp.
He told me to keep taking pain meds, he gave me another prescription for percocet and there you have it.
I was trying to wean off them too, now I just routinely take them in the am and late afternoon.
A lot of people seem to post that they are only taking tylenol or not taking anything any more.... I'm just doing what is best for my with docs approval.
Hi Judy,
I will be 7 weeks on 8/4. I just don't think I'm completely ready to be off the pain medication. This morning proves it. I went to PT with just Tylenol on board....not a good idea. I don't think I benefited from my session as well as I could have with some pain med on board. I think I will continue using the 1/2 of a 5 mg Percocet when I get up and 1/2 in the mid afternoon. I take 5 mg at bedtime and sleep very well. I will see my OS next Wednesday and see what he says.

Josephine is so right, and she has been encouraging me right along about the pain medication. We do see a lot of people who post on here just taking Tylenol 5 or 6 weeks post op. I guess we are all different, and I'll bet our ages make a big difference :-).

Thanks for your reply!

I guess I am a few weeks ahead of you (not that we compare each other!!)
I am taking 10 mg of percocet at about 10:30am I swim laps most week days at out community pool. I can drive now, but am trying to save the planet so I walk about 1/2 mile each way.
Then when things start bothereing me again in the afternoon I take 10 mg of percocet again. I ususally take my dog for a long walk in the evening when it cools off. I have done without the med and I am limping and going really slow!!
I have been having issues with quad and hip muscles, inflammation. My doc said my muscles are not ready to work yet!! The pt is working on them manually (ouch).
Take care
HI Judy,
You are doing very well. I don't have access to a pool (my sister has one but it's just too cold for me) but I do try to get out and walk everyday. Even if it's a bit. I go to PT 3x a week and work my butt (literally) off.

I've been having issues with those same muscles. I even seem to have some swelling at times. And these muscle cramps in my thigh are relentless. I'm told this will get better in time.

Keep up the good work and take care, Debra
hey Dalton

congrats on 53 days. I like reading progress updates, gives me hope and some inspiration.
I'm at 31 days post op LTHR. and was hoping on return to my construction job at 9 weeks. I'll find out when my body and my doctor both agree I am ready.( I have never had this much time off in my entire life!)

good luck

Hey KFC,

Wat Up? Been off line for a couple of days and saw your post. You sound great.
I am at 51/2 months post-op and struggling with the exercising (gym/pool). There are lots of days that my left thigh is killing me along with the scoliosis in my lower back. But, if I do not exercise, I am paying for it. I just have to realize what bad shape I was in to begin with. The exercise plus taking the joint meds has helped my right arthritic hip somewhat. I know it sounds crazy. You get better in one area and struggle in other areas.
All the newbies just need to hang in there. I am hoping the next few months will get better and better.
Dalton, while off from work, you behave yourself....Patty
Hi Dalton,
Nice to see you ack. Sounds like you are doin really reat.
Key word patience. otta e patience with yourself and that is hard to do.
You don't want to rush your ody too fast. e patient and ive your ody the time it needs to heal properly.

The results of this surery are just amazin. I had 1st surery almost 10 months ao and 2nd almost 9 months ao and I still am amazed how ood life is now.

I took 3 months off work and even still went ack a week earlier then my OS recommended ut he went with it. Fortunely I still received my reular paycheck and continued to accure leave. I had a supplemental policy which paid a lump sum after I returned to work.

I knew that once I went ack I was supposed to e ready and I didn't want to have to e ack out cause I came ack to soon.

Part of my jo involves drivin and one place is 3 hours one way so I had to e sure I was ready.

I understand you will start off sittin ut even still you want to e ready for it.

Take care

Sorry spilled water on computer can't type any letters etween a and c or f and h.
Hi Dalton, it sounds like your OS is taking good care of you. I didn't know that sitting that long on a swollen buttock could cause a blood clot. Hmmm...I think it's a wonderful idea that I'm taking a good six weeks off. Or maybe more since I've earned plenty of sick time. I can work from home (I'm a city clerk and treasurer, so be kind to yours) and they can call me after three weeks post op. I just don't want to deal with anything before then, unless it's an emergency. I've been working part-time since week 4 (my surgery was 6/16) and full-time since week 5. By Friday I'm exhausted and a little stiff and sore. I'm so glad for this forum and have recommended it to a couple of people. It's nice to have encouragement when needed and to be able to help others, too. I'm grateful we are all doing relatively well.
hey Dalton

congrats on 53 days. I like reading progress updates, gives me hope and some inspiration.
I'm at 31 days post op LTHR. and was hoping on return to my construction job at 9 weeks. I'll find out when my body and my doctor both agree I am ready.( I have never had this much time off in my entire life!)

good luck



You're a young guy, right? (If I remember reading that in one of your previous posts, I think?, but I'm scatterbrained these days. If I'm off, forgive, it's not really important what your age is). What struck me in your post was, "...hoping on return to my construction job at 9 weeks." WHEW! Maybe you can, but that is a TOUGH Job with lots of heavy lifting, dangerous sites, possible pitfalls, etc., I've done it too, but YOU ALREADY KNOW ALL THIS!!!! LOL! Anyway, I work in Law Enforcement, and have "heavy lifting too, quite often", but I won't be going back to work until I've been off 12 weeks, and I'll be doing "light duty" (desk duty) for another 2-3 months after that! All I wanted to say is, regardless of your age, DON'T PUSH YOURSELF TOO SOON! This surgery, (I had a LTHR too) is too big and invasive to screw up your recovery! In my opinion, 9 weeks back to work in 'Construction', is far too soon Bro...

Hey KFC,

Wat Up? Been off line for a couple of days and saw your post. You sound great.

Dalton, while off from work, you behave yourself....Patty

Patty, so nice to read a post from you again! and "YES MA'AM!! I promise I'll "try" to behave!!! LOL : P

thanks for the post. 45 years old.trying to start a new healthy life. I have a couple of things in my favor

1-I'm a senior supervisor (does'nt mean anything, but I can make stuff up and they usually believe me).

2-at my level, not a lot of manual labor.

3-I'm an electrician,( I never even see MY guys working hard LOL ).

4-If I never work again it would drive everyone on this forum crazy.

5- I really just want to be able to walk around and survey all of the work area ,
and I hope I can do it less painfully than the last couple of years.

hoping for good recovery for all of us.


thanks for the post. 45 years old.trying to start a new healthy life. I have a couple of things in my favor

1-I'm a senior supervisor (does'nt mean anything, but I can make stuff up and they usually believe me).

2-at my level, not a lot of manual labor.

3-I'm an electrician,( I never even see MY guys working hard LOL ).

4-If I never work again it would drive everyone on this forum crazy.

5- I really just want to be able to walk around and survey all of the work area ,
and I hope I can do it less painfully than the last couple of years.

hoping for good recovery for all of us.



LOL! Yes Sir, you answered all of my questions with that reply, mostly. Glad to hear you're near my age, (yeah, we're still very young), and that you're not a "roustabout, deckhand, grunt, or laborer". Not sure where I got that idea, but one of the above would NOT be ready for duty in 9 weeks, regardless of age. Anyhoo, you sound like you've got your act together well, and being a senior supv, etc, going back to work for you at 9 weeks would probably be just fine. (Granted if your OS, your hip, and YOU agree...) Me, on the other hand, at age 38, still have to wrestle, sometimes fight, and 'twist a leg' in the culmination of my normal duties, so, I think I'll 'chill' awhile longer, take the Doc's advice, and cash the Aflac checks while that titanium post bonds to my femur a bit more.

Good talkin to ya Brother...

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