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help with 2nd week recovery

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May 13, 2008
United States
Since I live alone, I don't think I'd need to worry about the first week of recovery as I'll be staying at my folks after spending 4 days at the hospital~ however, the second week is going to be a bit dicey. I have two friends who will look in on me on the weekend of the 21st up to Monday the 24. It's the next few days after the 24th that I'm completely alone. I'm hoping my sister will come up for those days.

Has anyone ever have to deal with that kind of situation, and come up with a solution?
Hi Lori I haven't have to do that. But what you can do is make some meals now or get some microwave dinners that are real easy to cook. Just toss in the microwave and you have Dinner. Make sure all your rugs if any are all picked up so you wont slide or fall. Try to make youself a lil spot were you will be when you get home. Table with medicines, water etc, But I have seen others have to do it all alone before, just prepare and things will go smooth. I really hope you sister can come up for those few days for you........Good Luck and we are here for ya,, you can chat with us....
Hi Lori I haven't have to do that. But what you can do is make some meals now or get some microwave dinners that are real easy to cook. Just toss in the microwave and you have Dinner. Make sure all your rugs if any are all picked up so you wont slide or fall. Try to make youself a lil spot were you will be when you get home. Table with medicines, water etc, But I have seen others have to do it all alone before, just prepare and things will go smooth. I really hope you sister can come up for those few days for you........Good Luck and we are here for ya,, you can chat with us....

oh, that's a relief.... I don't think I'd want anyone to take time off from work to stay with me, but it wouldn't hurt for them to check in to make sure I'm doing ok. IIRC, I think I did ok alone the 2nd week when I had my left knee done, despite having roommates at the time. I'm hoping that with my right knee done it'll be easier this time around.

btw, I love your avatar! too funny! :hehe:
Just make sure your organized make a list if you have to like I said plenty of lil goodies and TV Dinners....I wish the best for you. I hope you keep us posted....That is a funny but yet ugly Gorilla...but thank you....So you do have roommates , will they pitch in a lil....Sounds like you will be covered if they do.....I do wish you the best...
Just make sure your organized make a list if you have to like I said plenty of lil goodies and TV Dinners....I wish the best for you. I hope you keep us posted....That is a funny but yet ugly Gorilla...but thank you....So you do have roommates , will they pitch in a lil....Sounds like you will be covered if they do.....I do wish you the best...

I did have roomies at one time, but they both moved out last year (2008). so I guess I'm on my own LOL
I was pretty much on my own after my RTKR. My husband actually brought me home from the hospital and went back to work. That was our plan and I did just fine. I ate Lean Cusine's or pre-prepared dinners. My doctor had given me a cloth bag that attaches to the walker, and I found it very useful. I always had a phone at hand, just in case.

My only issue was getting in and out of the CPM machine. I rigged the foot strap so I could get out, but strapping my foot in was difficult and never got easier. My husband would strap me in before he left for work, but I was on my own for the afternoon sessions.

I was exhausted every night for about the first week so keep that in mind. I wasn't sleepy, just tired.

RTKR 5-18-09
I was pretty much on my own after my RTKR. My husband actually brought me home from the hospital and went back to work. That was our plan and I did just fine. I ate Lean Cusine's or pre-prepared dinners. My doctor had given me a cloth bag that attaches to the walker, and I found it very useful. I always had a phone at hand, just in case.

My only issue was getting in and out of the CPM machine. I rigged the foot strap so I could get out, but strapping my foot in was difficult and never got easier. My husband would strap me in before he left for work, but I was on my own for the afternoon sessions.

I was exhausted every night for about the first week so keep that in mind. I wasn't sleepy, just tired.

RTKR 5-18-09

good thing I'm going in to see my OS for the pre-op appt today! I'm going to ask him about the CPM machine, that the first week would be fine as I'll be staying with my folks, but by myself for the 2nd week, I can't see myself trying to strap myself in all alone. :doh:
I only used the cpm in the hospital--once--they told me that there was no use using it after you have 90 degrees of flex.

But, i got around the second week okay to make my own meals , etc. my husband was in and out, but I would not worry about being alone by the second week--espcially if you have friends who can stop by on the way home from work.

Just make sure that you have everything that you will want to eat in the house before the surgery. I rested a lot too and you can sleep just fine when you are alone. The one thing that I did do was to put a pad and paper beside my bed. I would write down when i took a pain med---so that I had a clear idea of how often i was taking them. I did not trust my memory at that time.

Bring in lots of books and dvd's. I think it would be more peaceful to be alone. I don't like people fussing over me.
I'm relieved to learn that I can have the CPM for a week after the hospital, after that, it's back to the office when Im done. I think I can handle being alone with friends/family popping in, in the 2nd week.
Though it was nice to have my brother and his wife come for a few days, to be perfectly honest, I think I could have coped on my own, just. It's just the odd shop for little things like fresh fruit and milk that would have been awkward but my neighbour wouldn't have seen me go without. If you have folk who'll pop in on a daily basis you'll be fine. Would one of them stay around while you have a shower? That was my 'big issue'. My sil just stood outside the door and chatted to me which was great moral support. That was the thing that bothered me most but when they'd gone I found I just got on with it. Funny what you can cope with when you have to!
Hmm, very interesting about the CPM. I was at 90 when I left the hospital with my CPM machine. I used it for another two weeks after that. I was going back to work and ask my PT about the CPM and he said I could quit when I reached 110. I had been at 120 for a couple of days by then.
Check your insurance. You may have home health care. If so
you can have them check on you several days a week. You can
also generally have home health care.

Good luck.
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