Help! Signs of infection!

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Feb 17, 2008
United States
I am now 16 days post op and thought things have bee going great. Scar looked as if it is scabbed and healing fine. However this morning I have noticed a little puss near the top of my incision and after reading the last post about the infection. I am freaked out!!! No Dr until Monday...What to do.
I don't know what someone else is going to suggest but I know there is supposed to be a doctor on stand-by you can reach and if there isn't I would beat feet to the ER where I had my surgery done. If you wait until Monday that is two whole days away, it could be way worse by then. GOD, PLEASE, CALL SOMEONE AND DO NOT WAIT. I will pray for you and I hope you let us know what you are going to do. This doesn't sound like something that can wait and you are NOT being over careful, there is no such thing. Rowdy
I left a message on my OS's answering service and they said he will be getting bak to me as soon as he can, in the mean time I will call the Hospital where it was performed...
Good, this is something you need to see about today. I just went through a terrible weekend wondering about a health issue and nothing is worse. You definitely did the right thing. There is no way you could or should have to wait until Monday to get an answer. Plus, maybe today they can give you antibiotics that will start working and if you wait there is no telling how bad it could get. And on the bright side maybe it isn't an infection at all so either way it would be better to have an answer today. I am praying for you and I know everyone else will be too just as soon as they read your post. In the meantime maybe it would be best if you stayed off your leg and kept it elevated. Seems like I read some where that you should be as still as possible. Anyway you don't need to be up running around on it if it is getting infected. I know the doctor will call you real soon. Keep us posted. Rowdy
Waiting to hear back from you and praying that this is a "tweak" and nothing serious!

If you don't hear something soon--- call back and keep calling till someone meets your needs!
Ok, visiting nurse is going to have to do. I had left a message on my OS's answering service but I do not think I am getting a call back from him today.

Visiting nurse said it did not look infected and it is not swollen, red, or irritated. I have no fever and it is not currently oozing. She said to keep an eye on my temperature and if it starts to ooze again or should I get a fever then I should the go to the ER for antibiotics. Due to the color of the oozing, she thinks it may just be from the scab, it is at at the top of my incision and all else looks to be healing great, not much scabbing, redness or puffiness at all.

Maybe it was a little something that needed to come out. I can not have Antibiotics prescribed to me unless either from my OS or I go to the ER. It is not oozing as I am writing this, I just noticed a little ooze on the steri strip as I was getting out of bed. Visiting Nurse will check it out again tommorrow.

Guess I wasn't xpecting to see that this morning, all else seems to be going ok...Some days are rougher than others but I thank god daaily for the Angels he has put in my life (my Fiance and Daughter) to help me get through all this.
GREAT NEWS! I know you are releived, I sure am! Yeah, isn't it great the way God puts the right people in our lives at the right time? I find it truly amazing and sometimes bordering on miraculous. I am just so happy your leg is looking better. Keep us posted. That is one thing about this forum that I love, you really get a sense that somebody cares and that they are truly listening, the sense of humor helps a lot too. Have a good day. Rowdy
While I am no doctor (and I didn't spend the night in a Holiday Inn Express) isn't an infection warm to the touch---doesn't it normally feel warmer than the flesh around it...hang in there---that isgreatnews...

Tim C.
I'm glad you had the visiting nurse option! It is good to have someone else look at it and give an objective, educated opinion.
Keep an eye on it and keep doing the good things for yourself!
Well my OS did return my call. He asked if I had a fever, if it was red and puffy. It was neither and no fever. Said to keep it clean and if I feel it is still leakin to come in on Mon.
Hey, don't panic NN. It's not at all uncommon for stitch/staple holes to get a little manky. It's very superficial and should go away in a few days. The major part of the wound will be well healed by now so that should be a good barrier.

The kind of infection you should be concerned about is, as the nurse said, when the whole knee gets warm/hot and swollen. A little skin infection shouldn't be a problem. However, go and see your doctor on Monday and get your mind put at rest.

You know you can all contact me on msn if you ever need to in a hurry. I am online pretty much all day every day as I have to for my trainees at CF. You can see the msn icon in my post up there on the right.
NuNeez: Hope you woke up this morning and things look brighter than yesterday. WHAT A SCARE, YIKES!!!!!! Thought about you and continue to prayer that your going to have a speedy, painless and uncomplicated recovery. Let us know what is going on and how it looks today. Have a good one. Rowdy
Nuneeze, Sorry to see you had a bit of a scare about your scar, (haven't been able to get on the internet for a couple of days so only just found out) hope all is OK now. I will be thinking of you.

Glad you have your two precious angels in your life, makes a lot of difference eh? Sue
He hasn't been on here since Saturday - I hope everything's okay- I worry when you guys don't put in appearance for more than a day or two.
[] Help! Signs of infection!
Well hey Mom.(or it's MUM across the pond isn't it)?
Yep - mum or mummy! But I always addressed mine as mother!!
Hi everyone, sorry I havent been around to post (for good reasons), I have been enjoying the weather and getting out as much as I can.
Seems as if I am doing good with the healing, I had gotten a little nervous he other day. It is much better now and I am doing fine. I have been out most of the weekend, and come home to alot of ice for the swelling but after keeping it iced and elevated it does feel better. I have been coming home tiredan have not really felt like looking at a computer screen. I guess I have been giving my eyes a break.
Thanks to everyone for showing your concern, thoughts and ideas.

And now that I know how to reach you Jo...I will...

Thanks again,

NN, I just figurered you were catching up on 'things' with your sweety. Glad to hear you are doing better. We have all had something that we 'freaked' over, some are just freaks. That is all.
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