Ok, visiting nurse is going to have to do. I had left a message on my OS's answering service but I do not think I am getting a call back from him today.
Visiting nurse said it did not look infected and it is not swollen, red, or irritated. I have no fever and it is not currently oozing. She said to keep an eye on my temperature and if it starts to ooze again or should I get a fever then I should the go to the ER for antibiotics. Due to the color of the oozing, she thinks it may just be from the scab, it is at at the top of my incision and all else looks to be healing great, not much scabbing, redness or puffiness at all.
Maybe it was a little something that needed to come out. I can not have Antibiotics prescribed to me unless either from my OS or I go to the ER. It is not oozing as I am writing this, I just noticed a little ooze on the steri strip as I was getting out of bed. Visiting Nurse will check it out again tommorrow.
Guess I wasn't xpecting to see that this morning, all else seems to be going ok...Some days are rougher than others but I thank god daaily for the Angels he has put in my life (my Fiance and Daughter) to help me get through all this.