This past Monday hubby and I drove (4.5 hrs) to the hospital for my Pre-Op stuff, and was hoping for and actual class situation where many of us would ask questions and go away feeling more optimistic about surgery and recovery.
What in fact happened was a one hour interview type appointment with the admitting clerk. She was very nice, however, was not able to say exactly what my particular Dr. would do or handle things such as catheters, pain meds, as she does all pre-op interviews not just orthopaedic ones. Off I went to get the normal pre-op blood work, x-rays etc.
My final interview was with the anaesthesiologist. She might as well have dumped a bucket of ice water over my head!
She is not sure she agrees with my cardiologist's diagnosis but will follow his instructions anyway (how good of her).
According to her, the Polar Care 300 was a waste of money as you should only ice for 10 minutes at a time and an ice pack would do that no problem. I am definately not to bring it to the hospital with me!
She absolutely freaked out over my current usage of Endocet (5mg/325mg) of 10 per day. She informed me I had no reason for such strong pain medications and certainly not that many per day and I should immediately stop taking the Endocet and start taking Tylenol Extra Strengh and that should do it. When I tried to explain that without taking 2 Endocet every 4 hours I could hardly function I was in so much pain and that even then I still had some pain but at least it was bearable. Her answer was that since Endocet was not taking the pain away I would be just as far ahead taking Tylenol X. She did relent to the point that if I wanted to I could take one (1) Endocet before bed to help me sleep through the night.
She made me feel like a total faker! Like I was making all this up just to get my hand on a narcotic drug! For Heavens sake, I am a 61 year old grandmother!!
I have been torn between anger at her and guilt on me needing such strong pain meds BEFORE surgery. Is this extra pain what happens when you put something off for 5 years after you’ve been told you are bone on bone just so I would be over 60 when I had it done?
I tried to do what she told me and go with just X-strength Tylenol, I honestly did – but after 48 hours of shear agony and barely being able to walk even with my walker I gave up. I have gone back to the Endocet. I have cut back to only 1 every 4 hrs. which is still a lot less then I like. I know it helps with the pain but sure not enough as I see it. I still have a lot to do around home before surgery.
Now I am terrified about what will happen AFTER my TLKR which is Wed 18th Feb.
I only met the surgeon once for his assessment of my need for surgery and apparently won't see him again until after surgery.
I was very nervous before this pre-op visit but now I'm a total wreck and don't know where to turn, other than to you guys.
How do you fight such a negative Dr. that might just refuse to give me sufficient pain medication to keep me comfortable enough to do all the exercises I need and want to do during my recovery.
Any suggestions would be so very appreciated. I’m sure I can’t be the only person to have this problem – it’s hard to argue with someone that is so much more educated and knowledgeable than me.
What in fact happened was a one hour interview type appointment with the admitting clerk. She was very nice, however, was not able to say exactly what my particular Dr. would do or handle things such as catheters, pain meds, as she does all pre-op interviews not just orthopaedic ones. Off I went to get the normal pre-op blood work, x-rays etc.
My final interview was with the anaesthesiologist. She might as well have dumped a bucket of ice water over my head!
She is not sure she agrees with my cardiologist's diagnosis but will follow his instructions anyway (how good of her).
According to her, the Polar Care 300 was a waste of money as you should only ice for 10 minutes at a time and an ice pack would do that no problem. I am definately not to bring it to the hospital with me!
She absolutely freaked out over my current usage of Endocet (5mg/325mg) of 10 per day. She informed me I had no reason for such strong pain medications and certainly not that many per day and I should immediately stop taking the Endocet and start taking Tylenol Extra Strengh and that should do it. When I tried to explain that without taking 2 Endocet every 4 hours I could hardly function I was in so much pain and that even then I still had some pain but at least it was bearable. Her answer was that since Endocet was not taking the pain away I would be just as far ahead taking Tylenol X. She did relent to the point that if I wanted to I could take one (1) Endocet before bed to help me sleep through the night.
She made me feel like a total faker! Like I was making all this up just to get my hand on a narcotic drug! For Heavens sake, I am a 61 year old grandmother!!
I have been torn between anger at her and guilt on me needing such strong pain meds BEFORE surgery. Is this extra pain what happens when you put something off for 5 years after you’ve been told you are bone on bone just so I would be over 60 when I had it done?
I tried to do what she told me and go with just X-strength Tylenol, I honestly did – but after 48 hours of shear agony and barely being able to walk even with my walker I gave up. I have gone back to the Endocet. I have cut back to only 1 every 4 hrs. which is still a lot less then I like. I know it helps with the pain but sure not enough as I see it. I still have a lot to do around home before surgery.
Now I am terrified about what will happen AFTER my TLKR which is Wed 18th Feb.
I only met the surgeon once for his assessment of my need for surgery and apparently won't see him again until after surgery.
I was very nervous before this pre-op visit but now I'm a total wreck and don't know where to turn, other than to you guys.
How do you fight such a negative Dr. that might just refuse to give me sufficient pain medication to keep me comfortable enough to do all the exercises I need and want to do during my recovery.
Any suggestions would be so very appreciated. I’m sure I can’t be the only person to have this problem – it’s hard to argue with someone that is so much more educated and knowledgeable than me.