Help me Please!!!

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new member
Apr 2, 2009
United States
Can anyone please help me? I had a total knee replacement Oct 2007. the knee became infected with a staff infection and to this day I have ooodles of problems! I have had 8 surgeries on this knee and 2 knees put in. I am wheel chair bound and have a spacer in my leg. There is so much to my story but this is what I need help with. I lost my job and Ins because of all of this. So here I sit no Ins. to continue surgery. I have applied for state help...denied. I have applied for other Ins...denied ...pre-exsisting. Can anyone please tell me where to go to get help?
Welcome to the forum, Willyj. I am so very sorry to hear of your problems with your knee.

I have a couple of questions....what state are you in? Are you near a large city and possibly a teaching hospital connected with a state university? When you left your job, did you look into continuation of your insurance under COBRA? Are you old enough for Medicare? Or is your family income low enough that you can qualify for Medicaid? And lastly...what is the state of your knee right now in regard to the infection?

I am curious too as to what type of work you did that resulted in you being fired for having these problems?
That must surely rate as a worst case scenario! Not that it helps much, but I feel for you, my friend. I pray you will find a solution sooner rather than later.
Willy...sorry about your!
Have you tried contacting your local United Way and speaking to a counselor?
Also, some county hospitals have contact with groups that try to service those "underinsured" or with no insurance. If you are older, some counties have senior aid through the department of family and children's services. Don't give up. The longer you try to get help, and the more contacts you make will increase your odds of someone referring you to an agency that can help you. Please keep us will be in our thoughts.

God Bless,
Amen! Prayers & positive thoughts coming your way, Willj! I
Hope you not only get a fair solution, but relief as well!!
thank you all for your support. I live in Wisc. I am 53 When my ins. ran out I did pay cobra @ $1900.a month only lasted 3 months. I was able to take out of my deferred comp (retirement) for the cobra which know leaves me $ 3400. in my deferred comp...Which this lovely state says it is considered an assest...which puts me over for state Ins..Duh! I can not touch it til I'm 65! I am on SSD but>>> I have to be on disability for 2 yrs before I can get medicare. That will be Apr 2010. The said they do sometimes make exceptions but I do not quilify! My job was a Wastewater Treatment Operator. with..get this a union! I have exhausted all resourses. Lawyers, Drs., Hospital assistances, I do not know if the infection is still there as i have no way to pay for the test. Last time was the beginning of Mar and it was still there. the last surgery was in Dec. to take out the knee again. Any Ideas would be so greatfull.
Welcome to the forum. I am so very sorry you have had such a bad experience with your knee. I would be proactive for myself and put pride aside and go to the hospital where you got the staff infection and the OS and inquire if they do any charity surgeries. Tell them this is necessary........... I am sure I would be at my wits end and in tears asking for help too.
Crystal, I think this is an excellent suggestion. Willy, have you tried discussing this with your surgeon?

This may be a radical suggestion, but I'll make it anyway. You say you have $3700 left in your retirement account and you can't touch it until you are 65. I think the situation is that you can't touch it WITHOUT A PENALTY until you're 65. If you take it out now, there is some penalty (reduction in the principle) you would have to pay. Quite frankly, $3700 in a retirement account isn't going to do much for you when you DO turn 65. So I'm suggesting that you consider taking out whatever would get you below the state required threshhold, take the penalty, spend what you take out on whatever medical costs you have after talking with your surgeon and the hospital again, and then apply for the Wisconsin state aid. This is just something to consider.

Are you near a large city? If so, there is probably some type of social services office you could contact for assistance. Or the social services office of the hospital where you were for your last surgery.

My heart goes out to you and I know that there just must be a solution to help you.

Also, find out exactly WHAT it takes to qualify for an exception to the SSD. Or at least why you DON'T qualify at this time.

Unfortunately you are going to have to be your own best advocate here. It's tough....especially with all you've been through. But if you are willing to get out there and make some more contacts, I can guarantee you that you will have LOTS of support from the people here on the forum.

Here's another radical of your local television stations or newspapers
might do a human interest story on your situation. Sometimes that publicity can bring people to you that can help.

At this point, you have to open your heart and mind to some unusual possibilities for assistance. Make the telephone and Google (for searches to find MORE phone numbers) your new best friend.

Please continue to post. We really, really care what happens to you.
If this happened to me or mine in my country, I'd be on the phone to the local member of Parliament and raising a rucus. Can you not contact your politicians? They surely owe you a duty of care about this. They can't get you half way through this treatment and just dump you! That's dreadful!
First let me say welcome and sorry about your problems, and I will put you on my Prayer list. Now Jo may have hit on the soloution. Write. call state representives what ever it takes. It may take sitting on door steps (as best as you can) I have seen this work. That is what these people are elected for.
What an appalling situation....In Australia, all aussie citizens qualify for medicare, regardless of job status etc, I hate to think whats happening in the US with the recession, so many people without medical care, and in the meantime you've got an infection in the knee and no one to help you...this is a social justice issue....

Not that it helps, but at least I've expressed my discontent

Boy you sure have been through the ringer and then some. I would follow the suggestions on the website. First and foremost and doctor has a moral and ethical obligation to their patients and abandoning a patient is not acceptable. I would call or write a letter to the surgeon and request he complete his care and if he won't take your call or listen to you then you should call the Wisconsin State Medical Board 608 266-2112 and file a complaint. Same for the hospital, to file a complaint with them go to the state of Wisconsin website broken link removed:

Now to get you some immediate help you need to find a Federally Funded Health Clinic as they are required by law to care for anyone and charge on a sliding scale of free if that is the case. We have several in Vermont and they provide outstanding care.
The website is broken link removed: It was not up when I went
You can also call Wisconsin Primary Health Care at 608 277-7477 and they can help you find one

Here is a website to free clinics in Wisconsin.
broken link removed:

On the Legal side you might want to contact Wisconsin Equal Justice which provides free legal help. There website is broken link removed:

If all that fails, I would contact the Medical School at the University of Wisconsin as they should also provide care for all citizens.

Also, contact the office of Senator Finegold, he really is one of the best senators out there. It is amazing how many doors can open when a senators office calls. His website is broken link removed: and call the district office close to you.

I sure hope this can help you.

Wow, Simon!!! What a lot of help you provided. Thanks so much for all the information for Willyj to consider!!! Either you have a lot of experience with this particular issue or you did a huge amount of research. Either way, I appreciate what you have done.
Yes, plaudits to you, Simon. are awesome with all the info you provided. I will be a busy man next week make those calls Thank you sooo much! You all have been so uplifting. There may be a spot of hope for me. I will keep you all posted to my findings...again
There is ALWAYS hope, Willy!!! Sometimes you have to pick yourself up and work hard to accomplish your goal (like it sounds as if you plan to do!), but there is ALWAYS hope and at least one more thing to try. I'm impressed by your renewed strength. Please use all of us here on the forum whenever you need a boost....or to rejoice with you in a success! We care about you.
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