Crystal, I think this is an excellent suggestion. Willy, have you tried discussing this with your surgeon?
This may be a radical suggestion, but I'll make it anyway. You say you have $3700 left in your retirement account and you can't touch it until you are 65. I think the situation is that you can't touch it WITHOUT A PENALTY until you're 65. If you take it out now, there is some penalty (reduction in the principle) you would have to pay. Quite frankly, $3700 in a retirement account isn't going to do much for you when you DO turn 65. So I'm suggesting that you consider taking out whatever would get you below the state required threshhold, take the penalty, spend what you take out on whatever medical costs you have after talking with your surgeon and the hospital again, and then apply for the Wisconsin state aid. This is just something to consider.
Are you near a large city? If so, there is probably some type of social services office you could contact for assistance. Or the social services office of the hospital where you were for your last surgery.
My heart goes out to you and I know that there just must be a solution to help you.
Also, find out exactly WHAT it takes to qualify for an exception to the SSD. Or at least why you DON'T qualify at this time.
Unfortunately you are going to have to be your own best advocate here. It's tough....especially with all you've been through. But if you are willing to get out there and make some more contacts, I can guarantee you that you will have LOTS of support from the people here on the forum.
Here's another radical of your local television stations or newspapers
might do a human interest story on your situation. Sometimes that publicity can bring people to you that can help.
At this point, you have to open your heart and mind to some unusual possibilities for assistance. Make the telephone and Google (for searches to find MORE phone numbers) your new best friend.
Please continue to post. We really, really care what happens to you.