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Help! I need you guys and gals wisdom...

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Aug 31, 2009
United States
I'm having my RTHR in October. I'm getting my house as ready as possible. I'll have someone with me 24/7 for at least the first two weeks but after that I will be on my own with only Home Health and the PT coming in on whatever schedule it is that they set up. I do plan on hiring someone to come in once or twice a week to help me with minor stuff like laundry, dishes, vacuuming etc.

I am going to purchase all that stuff that they recommend like the reacher, the long handled sponge for the bath, the sock thing, the dressing stick, the toilet seat extender :hehe:, and a bathtub seat. Plus I will be moving some stuff around in my house to make things I need at arms' level.

Can you guys suggest other things I should do or things you found helpful for post surgery recuperation at home?

I would really appreciate all your tips and bits of wisdom! Thanks!!

I recommend getting some meals prepared and frozen so that all you have to do is heat them. After surgery, the person staying with you could prepare some snacks (fruit or veggies) cut up and put in baggies for you. You likely will not have much of an appetite for a bit.

Be sure you have a small table both beside your bed and wherever you plan to spend most of your day. You need it for meds, book, TV you don't have to keep getting up.
Grab bars!!! In your shower and by your (raised) toilet!! VERY important!! And a shower seat! You won't believe how exhausting just taking a shower can be! :cnsl:
Somewhere there might be a thrread with this info. But anyway sounds like you have done a great job already preparing. I used a walk in shower and did not use a bath seat. I also was lazy and never wore socks, just flip flops until I was allowed to bend and put my own socks and shoes on.
I did buy a recovery recliner (Judles named her Constance). The home pt was not thrilled with her as you need furniture to be high enough to not break the 90 degree rule. I also needed help getting out of the reclining position. Some people have put things under the furniture to make it high enough.

Does your hospital have a joint replacement class? If so take it soon. Mine told me where to borrow the big equipment at no cost to me.
Pillows in bed to try to get comfortalble, an ice pak too. I'll post again if I think of anything else
Judy....Hoe are you feeling? I hope the smoke and those fires get under control FAST!!! Just to think that it was arson is just sickening!
How is Constance these days?
How is home schooling going? Tell Tim he has the BRAVEST teacher going!! :wink:
Whoops! So sorry, Jo! Didn't mean to get carried away!
Back on topic, a high bar type chair, was very useful, in those early weeks! I rented mine at a nominal cost! ((:0)
Great that you are getting a head start. I purchased most of my stuff from the local Goodwills for next to nothing. Have you got crutches and a cane? Don't have any mats, etc on the floor that you may trip over. Have the phone handy and all cords out of the way. And practice using your equipment so you will be used to it and have it adjusted to the correct height.
And your transportation home from the hospital. Practice (if possible) getting in and out of your vehicle, keeping your legs together with a pillow between and swivel around into the seat. Better now than when you are leaving the hospital.
I set up a small bed in the living room with no footboard so I could scoot off the end of the bed. Saves all the pain of trying to get off the side. And I kept the potty chair at the end of the bed during the night, as it seems that I would have to "go" as soon as the urge hit. I would keep it in the bedroom during the day as that saved more hobbles to the bathroom.
You probably won't do too much sleeping at first, so have some hobbies lined up to keep you occupied, such as books, needlework, etc. And throwing up may be part of the recupe process, so have a bucket you can reach handy.
Lots of luck for October, and keep us posted. We are all happy to help the newbies; I was one not too long ago and so relieved to find this site.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
Hi Heather,

Don't forget to stock up on prunes, or their equivalent :) In fact, next time, I shall start eating them a week beforehand...
Hi, I've found it helpful to have bottles of water kept by the bed and where I sit downstairs. As I'm on crutches it's impossible to get myself a drink and carry it from the kitchen into another room when when I'm on my own. When you have the person with you in the first couple of weeks it might be worth them leaving you on your own for a couple of hours towards the end of their stay just to see how you cope on your own in case anything needs to be adapted before you are left alone.
Oh for sure the bottle of water (I added a small bottle of squash) so I could top up during the day. However, don't be too organised. Needing to get up and get yourself a drink or something is an essential part of your rehab. You need reasons to be active and that activity is just as important as the PT.
And a mattress (topper) pad for your bed or recliner. You need that as comfortable as possible as your butt and back will get sore due to your laying on your back most of the time. Good excuse to get up and stir around some.
You like scary movies, so get a batch in to watch to get your mind off your own hair-raising predicament.:D

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
Haha!! Good thinking, Glenys!!! Or watch the History Channel...Sweet Dreams!!! ((:0)
Also, I found very helpful a set of elastic laces for my most comfortable shoes which happen to be my sneakers. These laces allowed me to slip the shoes on with just a long-handled shoe horn. I got the laces for a couple of bucks at our local drugstore which specializes in home health gear.
My elastic laces are STILL on my New Balance sneakers! My surgery was 10 mos ago TODAY!!!! ((:0_
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