new member
I am 52 and have had bad knees for over 18yrs now
Scans have shown bone on bone ,with floating bits and torn meniscus ,one knee cap has moved as well .
Dr says I need 2 knee replacements,he is going to do arthroscopy on both next Month I am just hoping that this will help for the meantime
I am just SOOO SCARED OF HAVING KNEES DONE I am not a good patient as it is and I think the months of recouperation will drive me nuts,but whats the alternative? I am scared of even having the arthroscopy as I was told this may also worsen the problems,so has anyone had the arthroscopy (both knees) and found their condition worsened after ?
Have so many questions to ask
Thing is I have good flexion in my knees so am scared if I have new knees that I will lose this ?
Sue xx
Scans have shown bone on bone ,with floating bits and torn meniscus ,one knee cap has moved as well .
Dr says I need 2 knee replacements,he is going to do arthroscopy on both next Month I am just hoping that this will help for the meantime
I am just SOOO SCARED OF HAVING KNEES DONE I am not a good patient as it is and I think the months of recouperation will drive me nuts,but whats the alternative? I am scared of even having the arthroscopy as I was told this may also worsen the problems,so has anyone had the arthroscopy (both knees) and found their condition worsened after ?
Have so many questions to ask
Thing is I have good flexion in my knees so am scared if I have new knees that I will lose this ?
Sue xx