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hello from UK

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new member
Feb 11, 2008
United Kingdom
Hi all,I have been reading msg since my left TKRNovember 30th 2007.I have been encouraged by all the msgs and knowing that my recovery was normal!!whatever normal is!Thanks for the poster Josephine.I work at a local hospital base so will print them for the ortho wards.
Glad to be part of the gang!!!Love Linda
Hi Linda, Welcome and happy healing. Post often as they say so we can compare notes. jen
Welcome Linda,
It's Cathy here in Ohio and I had tkr on my right knee on Jan 9 2008. I had a setback and had to have a manipulation 4 weeks ago and am doing better now slow bend but it's coming along. I wish you tons of luck with yours and as Jennifer said post often so we can learn from each other.
Hey---Tim here from Nothern Ohio USa---I had a bi-lateral onn11/08/07---making good, but slow progress.

hang in there, it takes time.

Tim C.
Hi, Linda! I'm Jamie from Kansas City. My RTKR was February 29th. Things are going okay for me most of the time, but it will be great to hear from someone who is as far out from surgery as you are. Gives us "newbies" something to look forward to! Write often and give me hope!!! Hugs to you!
Hey, Linda. Welcome! I'm from Oregon - 15 weeks PO LTKR. Great to have a more experienced TKR patient with us. Share what you can!! God bless, Skeet.
Welcome Linda, what took you so long? 11 weeks Post Op. I live in Ontario, Canada now, but lived in UK up 'til 17 years ago. Where are you? Last place I lived was Kent, though brought up an "Essex girl"! Let us know about your recovery so far. Sue
Dear Linda,
I am from Ukraine and although I had THR (27.02.08), for me it'll be very interesting to know how are you, how is yor rehabilitation and what are you feeling after such term after OP.
Is there similar Forum in UK ?
I wish you full recovering and will look forward to hear from you as soon as you can.
With best wishes from small but very famous Ukrainian town Kobelyaky.
Yours sincerely,
Valery Korobeynyk, [email protected]
This is Marcy from Pennsylvania. Welcome Linda...and hello Mr. Korobeynyk...this is so THE PLACE to be. We all learn from each other and lift the spirits when they get a bit down.....please stay aboard.
Dear uncnown bsassy,
Excuse me if I was maybe wrong or if you find my letter and words in it indelicate or incorrect.
I didn't want to say or do something bad for you or for some another citizens in your more than respectably country.
I love USA, have your country in my dreams but it seems that it'll be unfortunately impossible to visit your more than attractive and miracle United States in this my live.
Please, try to understand me.
Best wishes to you and to all Americans from smal but , I think, very famous town Kobelyaky.
Yours sincerely,
Valery Korobeynyk, [email protected]
Hey, Linda! Welcome even though it is a bit belated! Which hospital were you at? Thanks for distributing the poster. Very cool!
I think Mr. Valery thought I meant ABROAD instead of ABOARD...I feel very bad he misunderstood ....
(bsassy, Almost funny.) Mr Valery We are glad to have you as part of our group.
Welcome Valery, glad you found us. Your English is really good. Wish my Ukranian was as good, I don't know any!!
Valery, please write often and tell us how you're doing. I love reading your posts. You speak wonderful English and it would be a joy to hear about your country. ....Jamie
Yes, Valery, please let us hear from you often! I received your email and will respond as soon as I can - probably today or tomorrow. Hope you are recovering well! God bless,
Thanks for the welcome guys.I had suffered from arthritis in my knee for many years,following a car crash when I broke my femur.I had struggled for the last 2 years as the bone on bone pain became unbearable.Had my op at the Nuffield,Stockton on Tees.Do you know it Josephine.It was through the NHS at North Tees Hospital,good surgeon who is known as the "knee man" !
First 6 weeks I was regretting having it done,the sleepless nights ,pain,loss of independence and the dreaded PT.Reading posts in this forum encouraged me as everyone was going through the same!Now I feel it has been worthwhile.Will not get a very good bend due to old injuries as only got 90 in theatre.Still the pain has gone.
Well I joined a gym at the weekend,have been today,knee is holding up well but I am so unfit!!!!!Hopefully that will improve.I know why they say "take a sweat towel"!! Or should that be a glow towel,I am a lady after all and ladies "glow"!!Boy did I glow!
Keep up the good work Linda x
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