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Hello from JB

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Feb 13, 2008
Oakley,IL USA
Hey all, sorry havent been on last week wasn`t a good week for sure.My percocet wasnt agreeing with me so i had to depend on tyelenol yee haaaaa which was like taking nothing so im sure you all know how that felt LOL..... the thing thats getting to me is the emotional aspect of all this i cry at the drop of a hat over anything really that i would say has been just as bad as the recovery itself ..Well today is monday im 2 weeks 3 days out now and doing GREAT my rom went from 65 on the bend to 93 in one week !!!!!!my straight from 15 to 4!!! and im feeling not to bad been setting up more each day got me a shower chair and had me a SHOWER !!!!!!! my goodness that felt so good and i feel human again LOL .....i sure hope all of you all are doing greaT you all have been in my prayers .I have to tell yas you all mean alot to me and your concerns for me is pretty overwelming and i love you all for that !!!! well i have set here long enough gonn go get into my recliner and kick back HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS !!!!!! to you all JIM :O)
JB...I was still in the "crying to Jesus" phase at 2 weeks! The first month is pretty rough all the way around...but starts improving weekly from that point.

I'm on my lunch break at my feet up...big old fuzzy blanket and my TKR peeps on the puter!! Life is good!
Oh boy, JB to read your post sure brings back recent memories. I was doing well at your stage but I was able to take my oxycodone. But emotionally, I couldn't sleep, and I was dying to get out of the house. My wife hid my keys and actually found my spare and took it. She didn't know I had a third key. Got in my truck and drove it around the block. That woman came home and wanted to know how the truck got moved...I got in big trouble.
You just keep getting in the recliner and wearing the t.v. controller out. Time will pass, spring will be here and I think all of us will feel better.
Take care, doug.
Welcome back Jim. Glad to hear you are doing so well now. Are you still only on Tylanol?
You have done really well on your ROM, I am still at 90 with my PT pushing and I am at almost 8 weeks! The crying seems to be a common thing, I find it worse when it has been a while since I took my Percs, so I know that is the addiction thing. Anyway, keep up the good work. Sue
Jim - welcome back. You let those tears fall - they are healing. Truly!

Got in my truck and drove it around the block. That woman came home and wanted to know how the truck got moved...I got in big trouble.

Serves you right, Doug! Tut tut!!!
Josephine, I've been married going on 32 years. It never ceases to amaze me how a 5'5" 115lb woman can humble a 6'2" 280lb man.
Good to hear from you, JB. I remember those days of tears, tears, and more tears. It will get better. We promise! Love that first shower - it felt SOOO good. God bless your recovery. Stay in touch now.
JB How come you had to go over 2 weeks before a shower? My OS' PA said no shower in the hospital, 3-4 days, but after at home or reha I could with incisions wrapped. Did I misunderstand something. I will be absolutely vile after 2 weeks.

I had my PKR on Friday and was allowed in the shower (with staples) on Wednesday. Not that I was counting the days of anything (LOL!) It was one of the best showers of my life!

I bought a shower chair and "practiced" getting in and out of our tub/shower prior to my surgery. Wasn't sure how stable I would be balancing on one leg or how I would be at swinging that op leg over the side of the tub.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that I didn't need the chair after all and was able to stand in the shower just fine. Wished I had a longer bath tub the first few times because swinging my stiff, fat leg over the tub edge was a little tricky.

My staples were so bright and shiny after my shower! And I felt ever so much better!
No rust? Inside or out!? Pends on the doc I guess with the shower timing. How about reclinding chair at home. Knee strength to do that? I see some people get one to sleep in or for help in keeping leg(s) elevated. Remember I'll be btkr but probably will do some time at rehab first (Sounds like I'm going to prison)
My doc had me tape a plastic bag above the incision so it wouldn't get wet. Had to wait one week after the staples were removed to immerse the knee in water.
I have a chair with an ottoman. It is very good for working on your extension post op. You can't beat a recliner though for the naps!! I kept several throw blankets by it and could just snuggle down and go off to la la land!!!! Oh, I did treat myself and bought a huge terri cloth robe with a hood. Warm, Warm, so Warm
Jenn, I only had 1 knee replaced, I'm sure having 2 done will make some things harder at first, but others here have done it that way and can give better info than I can. It comes down to figuring out what works for you, where there is a will, there's a way. Keep reading and posting, there are some really GREAT folks here that can help get you through the rough spots. I'm 10 weeks post op and they still help me. cousin had both of his done at the same time. Both were rotten...had horrible pain in them...both felt SO much better out of the gate...he was thrilled..

also...when I had mine done...a gentlemen 10 years older than me had both of his our rehab sessions he bent to 107 the first day....we called him an alien.

you'll be so happy to have that horrible X2 pain - poof - gone!!

yes...i AM chatty today!
Well Patti,
Keep being chatty cause I'm sitting here ticked off with my swollen monkey.
Do you want to be the one and advise Jennifer about the stool softener?? Someone has to do it. I wouldn't want anyone else to go through what we went through a month ago
Patti mentioned something about buying it by the case...... (one of those you'll thank me later type things, right?)
So true. As a male, I found out what it was like to give birth!!
Jen....HONEY...(the rest of you just turn your heads and close your ears because you already know the unspeakable violation that happened to me bum)....back to MY story (it's just ME ME ME!!) I didn't take the softener's as I should and I got very <whispering> constipated. VERY VERY constipated....long story short, I blew an o-ring...(had a 10 lb. hemmoroid)..STILL constipated, too. Had to be violated with a couple of Fleets!!!....Dr. wanted to cut my say no...he gave me a steroid cream that deflated it in 3 days....I started taking my SS religiously and eat fruits daily. Your medicine will turn your "stuff" into a brick block...overnight!!!...don't go through what I did.

Okay...the rest of you can come back in the room....I'm frew!
You know Patti, I think that there is nothing, NOTHING that you can say that would surprise me now. BUTT(pun intended), that's what makes you special.
I didn't recall that you had to do the Fleet thing. I wish I had thought of that. I went for natural birth. No epidural.
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