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Having cramp like symptons?

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Mar 24, 2008
United States
Not sure but I have noticed the last week or so that my right leg with new THR which was back in May has awakend me twice with what seems like a cramp.
It hurts from my ankle to just above my knee yet my calf is not hard like when you get a cramp but inside my leg it hurts like a cramp. I have stood up and went into the bathroom to stand on the cold tile to relieve it and it goes away.
I guess if I could say it better it feel like a vein having a cramp. Can this be?
Thanks for any help on this crazy thing.
A VERY common problem in lower limb surgery, Sandy. Make sure you are getting enough potassium (bananas are a good source) and not over doing exercise or walking. If it persists for a while, go see your doc and maybe he'll prescribe you some anti-spasmodics.
Thank you Josephine, it does feel like spasms now that you mention it. Eating the bananas now and hope it helps.
Thank you again for your help.
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