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TKR Has anyone changed to a different doctor for surgery after completing gel shots


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Jan 28, 2024
United States United States
Hi everyone I’m 57 and 6 1/2 months po right knee replacement.

Has anyone started with a doctor and then realize you may be better off with a different one for possible surgery? After my first knee replacement I went to a different ortho for my left knee as I started having issue due to overcompensation resulting in a painful tracking issue, along with grade 4 chondromalacia (not bone on bone yet) and patellar and quad tendonitis

I have done everything, the last being the gel shots which aren’t working for my issues. I’m also still in physical therapy for my right knee replacement for which I’m exercising both legs so that can’t be the next recommendation from him as I have been in pt for months now.

I’m in agony still and have told this doctor this prior to the shots. Plus the shots aren’t going to help with one of my issues, further prolonging my agony.

Now im thinking maybe this doctor isn’t a good fit for me as I have come across some better ones which were recommended. I do know he does knees but when reading reviews not much mention of replacements but other things. I have a follow up in two weeks after having had the shots.

Not sure this doctor is the best choice and still unsure he will agree to a knee replacement. I’m wondering if I should set an appointment with the other doctor in the meantime before the follow up. I do have the MRI records. If anyone has completed the shots and then went elsewhere after that is there anything you had to do once you were done with them or prior to appointment with next doctor?
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@Ginger9708 Please give us the exact date of your right knee replacement so we can create a signature for your posts. It's important for us to see that information when we are trying to help you.

You have no obligation to stick with a surgeon about whom you don't feel confident. This is the single most important choice you make in this surgery. Please take a look at this article about how to choose: Choosing a surgeon and a prosthesis

I can also share that the doctor who did the arthroscopic surgery on my right knee and injections on my left knee is NOT the surgeon I chose from my knee replacements. Different surgeons have different specialties and I wanted someone who only does replacements.
@Ginger9708 Please give us the exact date of your right knee replacement so we can create a signature for your posts. It's important for us to see that information when we are trying to help you.
Thank you very much for the information! Yes my surgery date was August 22, 2023
@Ginger9708 Have a look back at my past story and you will see that I had gotten a second opinion from a surgeon a significant distance from my hometown.

Do your research and find a surgeon that will be compasionate to your situation. I was led down the wrong path of "your too young, you won't be happy" etc. and suffered a couple years longer than was neccesary. I couldn't be happier with where I am now post op and when the time comes for a new hip I will know who my first choice will be.

All the best.
I ended up going with doctor #9.
At 30, I first went for right knee pain. MRI showed meniscus tear and some arthritis.
Dr #1: have to take a full month off work after surgery. Chose PT instead. Did have cortisone shot. Getting shot was fine, but about 4 hours later, worst pain of my life from knee to mid back. Couldn't even sit up. Took over a week before I felt same levels before the shot.
Dr #2: "what do you want me to do about it."
Dr #3: said same as #1. No shot this time. Did PT again.
Dr. #4: recommend by friend who had meniscus tear surgery. Had surgery on a Friday, back to work Monday. I was about 32 or 33.
Dr #5: same practice as #4, but #4 had left. Went for left knee pain. Got a cortisone shot. Showing arthritis in left knee. Did cortisone shot. Better than first shot I had, but no help. Went back a year later for both knees. Asked about other options including replacement. Was told I'm too young, just keep getting cortisone shots every 3 months till I'm old enough at 60. I was 35 at the time. Left and immediately called to make an appointment elsewhere.
Dr #6: "Your knee caps sit in the wrong place. I don't know what to do about that." Did PT again. Put in for me to get HA injections. Insurance denied it. They never called back to discuss any other options.
Dr #7: recommended by PT. He was wondering why I was going to get another doctor and had no interest in helping me. Said they have self pay option for HA injections. Told them I'm interested. Front desk said they would call me to schedule it. Never happened.
Dr #8: took the information #6 said about alignment and did Google search to find alignment specialist 6 hours away. He does the soft tissue stuff, but looked at my X-rays and thought it was bone related and referred me to #9 for that.
Dr #9: also 6 hours away. Most thorough examination. Only doctor who asked to see me walk. I had bone on bone patella femural arthritis, 5.5° valgus deformation of the right leg, and a 7/8" leg length discrepancy. Now, I've had an osteotomy on the right leg to correct alignment and PKR on both. I also got my shoe height adjusted. Very pleased with the results. First surgery at 36, second at 37. The osteotomy should delay the need for TKR about 20 years.

My mom had an aunt who had problems starting at 30. Was told she was too young for replacement (in the early 60's). Because of pain, she couldn't stay active, gained significant weight and had many health problems. By the time she was "old enough" she was not healthy enough for the surgery. I'm so glad I didn't accept that fate and kept looking and advocating for myself.

In conclusion, don't settle. Keep looking until you get answers and results.

Yes, I went with a different OS for this upcoming TKR.

As this began as an acute injury on a weekend, I was seen by the Orthopedic Group's Urgent Care group. These seem to be mostly their sports med doctors. He gave me shots, told me it was arthritis (I told him it was a meniscus tear which the MRI months later proved) and never gave me any feeling that he had a plan.

This went on for a while and once the Synvist injection made it worse and he had no suggestions for the massive Baker's cyst I had, I made an appointment with my hip OS. While I was a little suprised at how it was handled (was told that if I did that I was severing my relationship with the sports med doc and could not see him for that body part), I am glad I did it. I was a little uncomfortable seeing another doctor in the group but I have been a patient of this OS for 30 years so had an existing relationship and knew I could be seen quickly.
I ended up going with doctor #9.

Wow you had to go through a lot. How was recovery on the surgery. I believe it i used to be active and now limited in my mobility. I’m worried about other health issues now due to not being as active
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Yes, I went with a different OS for this upcoming TKR.
Yeah that good at least you have a plan now. I see my doctor for follow up in 2 days and expecting not much help but we will see. I definitely need a replacement and have exhausted non surgical options including pt which I am still doing currently for surgical leg. Pain is worst now then ever. I will suggest it again and if he’s no help I do have an appointment with a different practice a few days later

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