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Had my first fall...

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Jan 14, 2008
United States United States
This morning I got up in the dark and went into the bathroom (we have night lights in the bathroom and leave the door open, so I had enough light to see). Since I turned on the light when I went in, when I turned off the light to come back out, my eyes needed to adjust. I didn't notice that Harley, my black lab, had decided to lay right in front of the bathroom door (so he wouldn't miss me when I came out - he's like my shadow) and I fell over him. Wrenched my knee a bit, but not too badly. Been icing on and off since then. It's going to be sore. I did manage to save myself from falling right on the kneecap. That part hit poor Harley. Freaked me out, caused a few tears (from the scare more than the pain), and got me some sympathy.

So, guess at some point we will all have a scare of some sort and I hope this was mine. Ice is my new BFF.

God bless your days!
So sorry Skeeter! I think we're all scared of doing that.....thank goodness you didn't break anything!
Skeet, I am glad you are OK and hope the dog is too. I am sorry that you fell, but it is better for you to fall on YOUR Harley than it would be for me to fall on mine..............
I'm glad you came through it OK. I've almost fallen a couple of times
and each time its a feeling like dodged that bullet.
Thanks, all. I agree with Doug that I'm glad there were no witnesses that could speak English and my ego got a bit of a brusing. The dog is fine. Not sure he even noticed.

Now that I've iced it off and on for a couple of hours, the throbbing thing is gone. It's more stiff than usual, but no pain really. I will admit that my adrenalin rush really helped kick start my day! No going back to sleep after that!

Yes, Gat, my Harley is much softer and forgiving when I fall than yours would be. When we were picking names for the two brothers, Harley already was named and my kids wanted to name the other one Davidson. I was afraid they'd shorten it to Dave and that's my brother's name, so we nixed it. It was a cute idea, though. They also tried Hog for the other dog....
At least you didn't name the other "chick" then you would have Harley - Chick.
Skeet sorry for your fall. Glad you've faired well. TKR worst fear I think, and at least there were no bar stools involved, huh Doug?
Skeet.....I winced when I read of your fall.....could just about feel your pain. Here's hoping you recover VERY quickly and keep movin' on up! Take it easy today!!! And put a nightlight on Harley's collar!
awwwwwwwww skeet soo soooooooo sorry to hear about you falling and hope your doing ok well i guess Harley is your guradin angel he helped you break your fall hummmmmmmmmm maybe he knew something?????? just sayin :O) JIM
What about naming the other one There? Then you'd have Harley, There......thats a good un right there. 'right there'............did it again, can't help it...........Skeet said-Here There, here There. Where's There?........tellin y'all, thats the ticket.
Well, Been there, done that.
So glad you didn't hurt anything other than the ole pride..I just keep getting this mental picture..but, what a heck of a way to wake up..
My male dog follows me all over the house and I've about fallen over him several times. Luckily he is white and stands out on the darker floor.
And as has been pointed out at least a bar stool wasn't involved.
I try to stay off the bar stools..even the ones in our kitchen. Harley is black as night and the floor is somewhat dark, so he was really invisible. I usually scuff my feet along in the bedroom at night so I bump into them first, but they were all sleeping on their beds and I didn't expect anyone to get up. Live and learn... the hard way.

Thanks for your kind words and wonderful words of wisdom for naming critters. You'd never guess our cat's name - Yahiko. My last cat was Yvmvse (Creek Indian for Gentle). My daughter named this one and it's some Japanese Anime character or something.
I don't know who named our pointer, but Scout is his name. No one likes it but since he already knew it... guess we're stuck with it. Mostly we call him Dweezle. And the other two have ben Dumb and Dumber, Pete and RePete, all sorts of strange combinations.

The picture, Doug, wasn't pretty. I'm sure I was a$$ end over teakettle for a minute or so.
Hey Skeet, as long as we can stand up after a fall what the long as it is only pride that is hurt.
But still I keep picturing that "sprayed bug" fliped over on the back legs kicking in the air.
Once you guys are all healed and romping around months from now, these will be the funny stories you get to tell. I guess the docs are right when they tell you these knees are TOUGH!! After surgery, mine told me my new knee is much tougher than the other "real" one. Falling is certainly not a great way to prove that statement, but in some ways it's comforting to know that can happen and both Skeet and Doug are still okay. I guess someone has to take the fall for the rest of us....(really bad pun intended to make you smile). : )
I've actually found myself kneeling on the knee twice today. When I realized it I was surprised but then said that if it doesn't hurt the heck with it..
Hey, Doug!!! That's great news!!! Isn't it funny how you just find yourself doing something you didn't think you could? It's actually a neat feeling....I got it Monday when I suddenly found my legs crossed when putting on my tennis shoes. The little things can mean so much!!
Skeet, I'm glad to hear you survived your fall. Now, arent you glad that it's over? That was my thought since I knew it was going to happen, eventually. You, Doug and I have something to be thankful for. It's over. I was sore for a couple of days but got through it just fine. We are members of the dead bug society. Karen
Now there is an entry for a resume..2008. Post TKR. Fell over dog after late night tinkle. Landed like a fresh sprayed bug.
Or mine. Fell of bar stool. Flipped on back like a car hit possum.
I'll call mine, tripped on the sidewalk and fell to the streets of DC like a dead bug. Good thing there weren't any politicians around....
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