Thanks everyone!! I have been doing better since then and actually slept well last night!! Amazing how much a decent nights sleep will improve your attitude. I am working hard on the pain management with my OS (who is working hard on this with me too). I have simply had a rough go of this whole process!! I don't try to let the pain get to bad before I medicate, believe me, but it has gotten the best of me many times in this process!! It has pole vaulted from 4 to 10 rather quickly for me many times. It's always way worse at night too for whatever reason. That night it was so bad that I just melted down. When I talked to the OS the next day, he was on top of fixing the issue.
As for the PTINR -- We really have no idea how it got that out of hand. I went from therapeutic to yesterday's 4.9 in 4 days on the same dose of Coumadin. We are vigilant about the interactions too, yet there are so many... I am at a loss as to what happened there or what the answer is. The plan is no Coumadin until another PTINR on Tuesday -- and then build a new plan. The OS suggested that we may use the Lovenox again after Tuesday. I don't know what the issue is there, but that's kind of worrisome at the same time. The whole clotting and anticoagulant nonsense is really confusing. I am still totally unsure how I got clots in the fist place. I had not been that sedentary, I had only been out of the hospital for 2 days, had been taking Lovenox prophylaxis, in hospital had the pneumatic pumps on my feet and had done the pumping exercises that PT had shown me, I had continued that at home with elevation and ice... So why clots is anybody's guess. I am so frustrated. I believe you guys that I will be happy when this heals!! My hip was really bad pre-op so... I know it's going to be better when it heals. I think I had an expectation that I would feel closer to that by now. Heck, my OS thought so too and said as much so... I am sure that has been some of my problem.
[As a side note: My OS has been awesome!! I don't talk to his office staff, I talk to him. He has called just to see how I feel. He has treated me on his normal days off. He has been nothing but supportive about pain management and getting the anticoagulant steady. All around he has been great as well as SO nice!! My wife and his are friends and she said as much to her the day before yesterday. When his wife relayed that to him he thought she was being sarcastic because of all the problems I have had. I am glad that I have had him on my side!! I have had a lot of other Ortho. Surgery previously from doctors that were not nearly as helpful or as nice. I am very happy with him]
One other thing on this rant... it is absolutely amazing to me to have legs that are equal length and that my right leg is no longer externally rotated -- its almost a novelty when walking today to have my foot pointing forward as it has not been like that in over 14 years.
Ok enough out of me... thanks for all your support and listening to me. You guys are the greatest!!