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Great DAY!

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Max Wallace

Jun 20, 2008
So many negative post lately I just wanted to start a positive one. I am 12 weeks post op and loving everyday of it. I had BI-TKR and it has changed my life for the good, no not just good but great. At 3 days post op I started PT and immediately saw improvement. the pain I had before surgery was so intense and constant that the pain after surgery was nothing. At 3 weeks post op I willingly went shopping with my wife and enjoyed every minute of it (a first in ten years.) At 7 weeks I was able to return to work and at 12 weeks I am able to go up and down stairs without pain (a first in 10 years.)

Life is GREAT!

My purpose is not to down play any one else's pain and suffering but to shed some light on the life changing aspects of this surgery.
I'm with you Max,

Life without pain is wonderful. I truly feel like I have my life back, I didn't realise what a toll pain had taken on my usual bubbly personality until now, I am pleased to say having a new hip and a new knee has bought me back to life. Lots of bubbling now!

Chris :)
That sounds wonderful. I am talking about you going shopping with your wife and enjoying it. And, I am also glad you are doing great. It is good to hear good news.

Max it is always great to hear good news. Glad yuou had an uneventful and very positive experience
Im from the hip side of things Max - but I know EXACTLY how you are feeling! I've had much the same experience and can honestly say I now have my life back! :) It's good to hear you are doing so well!
Now - if I could just get MY husband to enjoy shopping with me - my life would be complete! :)

Max - you got three nice shiny stars for being so upbeat! Haven't given any of them out for a while - forgot all about it!
Max! (Hat's absolutely amazing news! I think you deserve another gold star for having so much putting your child on your shoulders! Keep up. The great work!
Wait,,,,,another gold star should go to you for shopping with your wife,,,,,as long as its NOT for farm equipment!

You are correct it is nice to be able to move without a problem or pain. At 10 pm tonight I was outside shoveling 8 inches of snow and it still is snowing at a good clip so I know when I get up in the morning, I will be back out there shoveling another big batch of snow. The ski resorts are so happy tonight.

Keep enjoying every day

Judy,,,,I think Simon is in the State of Lunacy (wink, Simon!). That sounds like WAY too much manual labor (torture!). :)
Hi Judy

I live in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. This is up in the corner of the state next to New Hampshire and about 1 1/2 south of the Canadian border. It is a beautiful part of the state very rural and underdeveloped. I can't wait till spring when I can go out hiking and exploring

Judles you will really think I am nuts as I moved from Los Angeles to here. One main reason is I did not like the heat. The 4 seasons are beautiful. Actually if the snow is not too wet and it is no 2 degrees, I find shoveling it enjoyable. You just kinda of zone out and push away unless where you are has no room then you can give the new knees a really good workout as you bend and lift the shovel to toss it out of the way.

I will try and post some pictures

Hi Simon! I was worried about you doing all that shoveling! (The funny thing is,,,,I like shoveling,too! But knowing me,,,-I'd be down the drive & starting a neighbors!)
It sounds like you've found paradise! I love the 4 seasons as well! That's why we still keep our house in New York! When you get the chance, I'd love to see your pictures!
Please don't overdo it! Although I love the soft powdery snow! ;)
13 feet of snow this year. A lot better than the 21 feet from last year. Went out shoveling today since we got about 1' last night. Want to see some 4 season pictures? Go to me and my wifes web site, broken link removed:

Go to Quebec city in the fall. I am with you, the 4 seasons are amazing aren't they?
Hi execk2 - I just checked out your web site and YES, you do live in a breathtakingly beautiful part of the world! Thanks for sharing those pictures :)


P.S. Boy do I LOVE those cars....................!
Hi Peta,,,,,So happy we're in Florida for a couple of weeks! I get a kick out of everyone all bundled up while hubby & I wear shorts!
How's your summer going? Hope you're enjoying your day/night! :)
Hey Simon
I grew up in Rhode Island although it did get pretty damp and cold by the water.
WE lived in Pine Mountain club Callifornia for the last 2 years before we moved to Georgia. We had snow the first year on Mother's Day, Father's DAy and the first day of summer vacation. I love the snow and love shoveling. Wish I could be there and shovel with you. Even at 9 months pregnant I was out there shoveling before I headed down the mountain to my doctor's apts. It was only an hour drive down to 65 or 70 degrees.
It was great fun.

Ah ha!!!!THAT explains A LOT! Do you EVER rest, Judy????
You better start taking care of yourself. Once & for all!!!! :)
It's funny after reading that in print (what you wrote) for the years my kids were little, resting was getting off to run. I looked at my husband many times as he sat and read books. I love to read, but always thought there is too much to do, fun or otherwise to just sit there. Also if I sat, I got tired. Also I have never been a good sleeper, so I guess until this surgery started I really did not sit and chill very much, if ever.
I'm sure making up for it now.
Some of my best times have been when I stopped and rested and really, really observed what was around me and thought of my many blessings.
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