Graduated Member?

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It's to do with the number of posts you have. They go ...

Junior Member 10 posts
Member 50 posts
Senior Member 200 posts
Graduated Member 500 posts

so you have 142 posts to go!
Darn it!! I'll never graduate at my rate.
Maybe I will get my hips done to get the numbers up!!!
Cheers, Ross
First time I was ever rewarded for being a blabbler.....just sayin'...
Thanks for asking that question I was wondering what all of that meant? I too thought it was something to do with recovery, oops!
I think they are making these up as they go along.... and changing them from time to time. Last year I think it took more than 200 posts to be a Senior. Heck, some of us had that many posts in one hazy day! We all sat around last winter and blabbed the days away.... I think. I don't actually remember a lot about last winter.... lol

I want to know what comes after Graduated Member? Usually after you "graduate" you are supposed to "move on" you think they are sending us a hint?
Wayne, by having way too much time on your hands.....
Graduated does kind of give the impression it's time to move on doesn't it??
Oh, no.... We won't go! Some of us have tried, or at least to cut back, and here we sit. I was thinking last night about this... Why am I still here? Because those who I got to know when I started are now folks I have known, albeit not in person, for almost a year. You bond to some extent. Again I think why Jo started the lifestyle thread. "for continuing relationships after joint replacement.." Something like that.
I would love to change them to something more appropriate and with ongoing post counts but sadly the Webmaster won't extend my 'permissions' to include that.
We can stay then, Jo??? Will you still love us when we're healed???
Always and forever, Jamie! I hate it when 'my chicks' fly away and never come back. I was looking at some of Dalton's posts the other day whilst putting tags in the old threads. Got quite choked up!
[] Graduated Member?
MMMMMMMMM........I feel the warmth of that hug all the way over here in Freezing Kansas!!! Thanks, Jo!!!
Have any of you ladies been talking to folks and something comes up about a particular area an and you blurt out, "Oh yeah, I have a friend that lives up in Canada."(or name your location)... Then you go on to explain that you've been friends for a year. But you've never met. Never actually talked to them. But you know lots about them from being on-line...
Do they look at you like you're crazy??
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