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Gotta Cycle!

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Former BoneSmart staff member
Dec 21, 2007
Northern Part of the Buckeye State
United States United States
Hey folks---it is me, again...I have spent the winter months riding a "bicycle to nowhere" in the gym. This past weekend, though, the weather here in Northern Ohio was OK, so I rode the real bike 15 miles on Friday and 20 miles on Saturday! It is raining and snowing here now, but I hope to get back on the bike on Tuesday for antoher 20 miles.

Those of you who have recently had TKR's---riding a bike can be a tremendous form of exercise for also helps me keep my sanity!

I urge you to "newbies" to consider ridng a bike as part of a regular exercise/therapy routine.

Tim C.
I'll second that, Ref!!! To me the bicycle was THE BEST form of exercise for my new knee.
And the bikes great for us hippies,too!
Every day I challenge myself on the recumbent,,,,
& its really built up my stamina as well!!! :)
My cycle stands in front of me, challenging me but I have yet to summon the courage to try it! I'm a terror for listening to other people's negative input and my sil, who had a partial KR a couple of years back, has been telling me I was doing too much or worse 'plenty of time for all that'! GOT to get on it tomorrow!
My cycle stands in front of me, challenging me but I have yet to summon the courage to try it! I'm a terror for listening to other people's negative input and my sil, who had a partial KR a couple of years back, has been telling me I was doing too much or worse 'plenty of time for all that'! GOT to get on it tomorrow!

Get on it tomorrow, Jo...but it's okay to go takes many of us quite a few visits before we can get it to go all the way round...always a big red-letter day. So take it slow but do give it a try :) (Like you didn't already know all this!)
people take it slow on the bike. my first day on it i was rockin BACK AND FORTH ONLY . then by surprise it went around . i saw stars (my knee was so tight ) my rom wasnt good at all at that point . everyone came running to me to make sure i was alright . whew %%%$%^$^^^&&!!!! lol was what i was saying . i could laugh now but not then thats for sure . but beleive it or not i was able to continue biking for 10 mins. i even bought a bike for the house and have it in my room and yes ladies and gents it works wonders but again please please please be careful !!!!!!!
Another 20 miles today!

Cycling was a big part of my life before my bilateral in November of '07. It was also a big part of my rehab, as well---getting on the "bike to nowheresville" and riding and riding.

But you do need to take it slowly---wear a helmet (why wouldn't you?) and pedal a little bit farther each time.

Some other reasons to bike---it is great for your cardio system; it is low impact; it releases stress; and, can build up or maintian your entire leg muscles.

I use clipless pedals and my shoes clip right to the pedal. On most normal "platform" pedals, you only push down on the pedal---hence, you use only the quadraceps muscles. I can push down and pull up with the other leg; I also use my hamstrings, as well.

I must admit that i am lucky; the Cleveland area has tremendous metroparks in which to ride.

Tim C.
Haven't ventured outside yet, but I've been
Religious about my biking! I'm definitely a frequent flyer rider!!!
:). Empowering!!!
Jo, The bike is the best thing, but just make sure it is stable, and either take a phone in your pocket or do you have the call pendant now? Just in case. Make sure you have one handy when you have your shower now you are on your own again.

With the amount of ROM you have you probably won't just have to rock back and forth, but will probably get all the way round. HOWEVER take baby steps first!!

(((HUGS))) Sue
In most ways I can't wait to get on a real bike and get outside, however, I'm a little leary of a fall - boy would that hurt!!!!!

Soon as our weather is suitable though I'm gonna go for it. The fresh air, after a long indoor winter, will be wonderful!

I guess it's already spring over your way isn't it Jo?
Yep - "spring is sprung, the grass is ris, I wonder where da boidies is"

(scuse me - must be the meds!)

Yes, Sue, the bike is stable. It's sitting here in front of me in my lounge. And I have the call pendant, and I take it with me where ever I go!

Looking forward to seeing you - 2 weeks! Exciting! Should be off crutches and flying by then!
I started on the bike up on a trainer a couple weeks ago. I put the seat as high as it could be and I still reach the pedals. After I was comfortable with going 25 times forward and 25 times backwards, the PT said to lower the seat and work up again. I still need to lower it about an inch to be at the correct height.

My probelm is that when I began cycling I got a really bad pain on the inside (medial) of my leg about even with the lower end of the knee cap. That eventually went away. Now at this lower height I have it again despite starting off at only 10 revolutions. It is really bothersome! Does everyone get this? I am going very slowly also.
You are awakening all kinds of muscles and ligaments and getting them to work with your new knee. There will be pains now and then. And they can be at your knee, on the shin....a whole range of places. Mine moved all around depending on the day! Just be sure you don't overdo it with the exercise at any given time. Icing and an anti-inflammant should help too.
Lakelover -- I think Jamie is right on. I had some "discomfort" I would call it on the inside of my knee and in back for awhile on the bike and even on long walks. Now I have some pain at the top outside of my kneecap when I go down stairs and do some exercises. I'm 3 and a half months from RTKR with a very easy recovery. I just figure there are nerves still coming back to life and muscle connections being stretched and since it goes away after I work the leg for awhile (only to come back when i sit for a long time and then try to do stairs) I don't worry too much about it. My PT said if the pain didn't get worse after exercise not to worry about it.
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