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Got date for surgery

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May 4, 2009
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi everyone
I thought I would sign up as I have been reading these messages for a while now and found some really useful info here.

I am due to have my right hip replaced on the 2nd June, and although I am apprehensive I am also feeling very positive about it as the pain just takes over your life doesn't it?

I am just turned 50, and have been suffering quite badly for over a year now while my GP and the consultant couldn't make up their minds as to what was wrong. Iwas initially told I had pulled a muscle as the pain came on so suddenly, then I had physio for a tilted pelvis which righted itself but the pain remained. Then I was basically told by another Dr "it is arthritis - live with it!". By now I was walking with a stick, not sleeping well and unable to go further than about 40 yards down the road before giving up. Prior to this I always walked miles, I have two German Shepherds who kept me very active, so it has been really difficult not being able to do these things anymore.

Finally my own GP sent me for an MRI scan which showed up a small amount of arthritis in my hip and some wear and tear in my lower back (normal apparently for my age). This was last September - I had another X-Ray 2 weeks ago that shows very aggresive, advanced arthritis throughout the hip - so much so that I am booked in quickly for the replacement. Luckily I am not restricted to having to wait for the NHS as the company I work for provides me with private health insurance, otherwise it could have been a very long haul.

It is quite reassuring to read everyones experiences, it also makes me realise not to have too great an expectation too soon and to take things as they come. The thought that I could soon be walking again with no pain is something to so look forward to. Also my daughter is due to have her first baby at the end of July, so again I have another reason to get motivated.

Sorry for my long ramblings, but just wanted to say hello to everyone and what a wonderful network of people there are on here.

Well I am happy you finally got your a date. I think you will be much better off. Take it easy and let us know how it goes. Post anytime.............Kim
Hi Steph and welcome! Your story is similar to mine. I suffered for a year or so, had an MRI of my lower back which showed arthritis and a compressed nerve. Had surgery the end of Sept. for the nerve which did help the numbness and tingling in my right leg, but the pain continued, so I was sent to a physiatrist who tested the nerve and found that it was indeed healing, and then he ordered a hip x-ray which showed that the cartilage was almost totally gone in my hip, it was already bone on bone. Saw the hip specialist the end of Nov. and had RTHR Feb. 4, 2009! I am now 3 months out, still have some thigh and knee aches, but it is so much better than before! So glad you have private insurance and could get scheduled so soon! You will be so happy once it's done. Keep posting with any questions, rants, concerns, anything - this is a great forum! :)

Thanks for the welcome. Mine is the same as yours Karen, no cartilege at all and the head of the femur is completely flat! Again, bone on bone.

Did any of you ever get like a cracking or clonking sensation that generated from your hips? That is the only way I can describe it - it feels like the bones are snapping and the sensation goes all down the front of my leg. I suppose it is the bone rubbing against the bone.

I must say I feel really positive about having it done - mainly because I now know what has been causing all the pain and hopefully the end is in sight.
I'm so pleased to hear your case is being resolved finally, Steph. And welcome to BoneSmart - at last!

Your story bears many similarities to my sister's but due to errors and lost xrays, she's been waiting for over a year for her hip! Though I would like to correct one comment you made about the waiting on the NHS. There was a time when we could wait up to a year for surgery on our infamous waiting lists but for some years it's been a legal requirement that patients should have been on there no more than six months before getting a date for surgery. If they wait any longer, the hospital gets fined! Truly!

But have you checked out your surgeon and made sure he's got the proper experience? Many orthopaedic surgeons do THRs but are not experts in it. It can make a difference. There's a post in here called "How to choose a surgeon and a prosthesis in which are some questions you should ask him to check him out. If he is a decent hip chap, he won't take offence at answering the questions, so don't worry about that.
It's not too late and better to be sure than have a mediocre surgeon do your hip.
Thanks for the welcome. Mine is the same as yours Karen, no cartilege at all and the head of the femur is completely flat! Again, bone on bone.

Did any of you ever get like a cracking or clonking sensation that generated from your hips? That is the only way I can describe it - it feels like the bones are snapping and the sensation goes all down the front of my leg. I suppose it is the bone rubbing against the bone.

I must say I feel really positive about having it done - mainly because I now know what has been causing all the pain and hopefully the end is in sight.
my left leg is like a cog with all the prongs on it and each movement pop, pop,pop. they call it crepetis.i think i spelled it wrong but that is phonetic. i'm so glad your here. you'll find lots of support. my own mom had her first total with cement before ct's and they had her going to a psychiatrist before they found out the cement had crumbled. her pain wasnt in her head it was in her hip. we know when we hurt. now most are uncemented but they also know about the problems with cement now and hopefully they dont do such stupid things anymore.
Thanks for the info Josephine. I am glad to hear that the NHS has improved but it would have still meant another 6 months for me and with the chance to use BUPA then it was no contest really. The last time I was on a waiting list for nearly two years for removal of my gall bladder and I supposed I just assumed it was still the same, but that was about 10 years ago now.

My surgeon is Mr Nigel Henderson, who is one of the main orthopeadic trauma consultants/surgeons at Stoke Mandeville, where I have been treated up to this point. He has now referred me onto The Chilterns Hospital at Great Missenden where he works privately. I have only ever heard good reports of his work and so far he has given me answers to everything I have asked. The first couple of times I visited his clinic I was seen by one of his junior doctors and only actually saw him for the first time two weeks ago. One of the first things he asked me to do was try to walk without a stick and I had only managed 2 steps when he told me to stop as he could see what was wrong. The X Ray confirmed his views. So fingers crossed I am in safe hands.

I have just had a look at your list of questions and he actually volunteered a lot of the answers at my consultation apart from the one about infections. He uses the metal replacement and over the years has fitted thousands - so hopefully he should be fine.
my left leg is like a cog with all the prongs on it and each movement pop, pop,pop. they call it crepetis.i think i spelled it wrong but that is phonetic. i'm so glad your here. you'll find lots of support. my own mom had her first total with cement before ct's and they had her going to a psychiatrist before they found out the cement had crumbled. her pain wasnt in her head it was in her hip. we know when we hurt. now most are uncemented but they also know about the problems with cement now and hopefully they dont do such stupid things anymore.

Thanks for that - I have now googled the word and it is exactly what I have been feeling. Your description sounds spot on - when mine does it's clonking I always feel as though I have to realign something before I start to move again.

Thank you all for your welcomes - I feel quite at home here already. So much of what I have read is what I have been feeling for the past year, and so many people have such positive results that I just know I am doing the right thing.
I know both those hospitals! They used to send their theatre staff to my study days on orthopeadic surgery! And both have good reps in the profession! Don't know of Mr Henderson personally but from what you say, he sounds good stuff. I'm sure you'll be fine.
Hi and welcome Steph,

My story was like yours too, the pain came on suddenly and severely, and for two years they searched for this pulled muscle. Nothing that equaled the pain showed up on many tests, so it took a while for them to decide what it was, but eventually I got my new hip and have never looked back. I was 48 at the time.

Best wishes to you,
Another welcome coming your way, Steph! This is one surgery that will really turn your life around! Best of luck to you! Someone is always around to answer your questions , cheer you up, or just offer support! You've come to the RIGHT place! :)
Hi, Steph. So glad you decided to join the forum. It sounds like you have things under control and I'll just wish you the best as you go toward surgery. Please let us know how you are and post if you have any questions or concerns prior to The Big Day.
I know both those hospitals! They used to send their theatre staff to my study days on orthopeadic surgery! And both have good reps in the profession! Don't know of Mr Henderson personally but from what you say, he sounds good stuff. I'm sure you'll be fine.

I live near Stoke Mandeville and know that they are an excellent spinal injuries hospital, this is where I had my gall bladder removed as well and they were very good. My cousin had a motorbike accident when he was 18 that left him paralised from the upper chest down, he was treated there and they were wonderful with him. He is now a fully independant, wheel chair bound 45 year old - mostly thanks to their superb nursing and aftercare.

I didn't know much about the Chilterns, so it is good to read your comments. Mr Henderson has been practising since the 1970's and there seems to be a reasonable amount of info about him on the web. He seems to be pretty well qualified, so I feel quite safe in his hands.

Just counting down the days now - I have this week off work to get things organised at home. Then back to work for 3 weeks to get things tidied up and away we go :)
Hi and welcome Steph,

My story was like yours too, the pain came on suddenly and severely, and for two years they searched for this pulled muscle. Nothing that equaled the pain showed up on many tests, so it took a while for them to decide what it was, but eventually I got my new hip and have never looked back. I was 48 at the time.

Best wishes to you,

Thanks Aussie, you sometimes feel that you are imagining things when they cannot find a reason for the pain. Eventually though it all works out - I am glad to hear that yours is such success, it helps so much to know that so many people have come through it.

I was 50 in March and had a wonderful birthday despite the pain. One of my presents was to go and see Mamma Mia the stage show in London, and another was to see Tina Turner at Birmingham - I even managed to dance away on one leg plus the stick. I had always wanted to see Tina Turner so wasn't going to let this dodgy hip get in my way. Life begins here :)

Thanks Jamie and Judles, I will certainly be asking lots of questions and I imagine in the days after the op I will be on here a lot.
We hope to hear lots of good news from you, Steph! Look forward to your posts.
Hi Steph

I'm having a double hip replacement on the 1st of june so i'll be thinking about you the following day having yours!! :)
Welcome Steph
I am 51 and had my right hip replaced last June. It is a wonderful surgery and I am very , very happy with my new hip. I had an excellent surgeon who kept me very comfortable immediately, a few blips from overdoing it, but we will warn you not to!!!!
All is good with the hip.
Hi Steph

I'm having a double hip replacement on the 1st of june so i'll be thinking about you the following day having yours!! :)

Good luck with yours. We shall be able to compare progress notes as we go along. Where abouts are you based? I am in Buckinghamshire in a tiny village quite close to Buckingham.
Welcome Steph
I am 51 and had my right hip replaced last June. It is a wonderful surgery and I am very , very happy with my new hip. I had an excellent surgeon who kept me very comfortable immediately, a few blips from overdoing it, but we will warn you not to!!!!
All is good with the hip.

It is so good to hear so many positive things. I promise I will behave myself initially, I suppose it is really difficult though because f you are feeling good then it is only natural to try and push yourself.

I was speaking to my sister in law earlier who had a hip resurface 2 years ago at 50, she has got to have the other one done soon but it has really turned her life around.
Just the first of many questions.....

Before your ops did any of you have pains round your knee area and down the front of your shin as well? I keep thinking it is a knee problem as well due to walking badly for such a long time, but my Dr thinks it is all related to the hip.

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