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Good Dr. Visit

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Jan 14, 2008
United States United States
Well, I had my 3 month check up today. I am at zero degrees and 120 flexed. That makes me happy. Doc said to come back in 9 months for the annual check. My lack of stamina is common and he said to give it time (gee, maybe some of you should become doctors... you said the same thing). He said the little crackling I feel in my knee when I bend it is scar tissue rubbing on the bone/or something. And the popping I hear is the plastic on the metal but I didnt' quite understand that.

I gave him this URL and told him it should be standard issue to all knee and hip patients. He agreed. He also said he didn't tell me how bad it would be as I would not have had the surgery done... and I agreed but I'm glad I did have it done now.

He had not heard about folks having trouble sleeping (everyone must go to their GP/PCP like I did for the sleep aids), so I let him know it was pretty common and he might want to let folks know there is something they can do for it.

And as Gat says... that is all.
And the popping I hear is the plastic on the metal but I didnt' quite understand that.

Like I said - it's the prosthesis and your knee getting to know one another!!
[] Good Dr. Visit

Thanks for your plug, Skeet. That's great.

Do you know we had over 200 new registrants since the new year? Woo Hooo!!
WOW! the postings have increased a lot it seems, too. Hard to believe how much we all have said here. Doug went back to check the posts from January so he could see how far we all have come since then. Amazing. I'm so grateful for this forum and for your wise counsel.

God bless you!!
Just an idea and I certainly don't have any idea how you could do it BUT, I have talked to so many people about TKR, and this site.
If something the size of a business card could be created on this site, advertising the value of the forum and the address, members could print it out and pass them out to interested persons. And put them on the boards at our O.S's. Just a thought.
Yep, you're right, Doug. The doc said I'd be fine to do the hunting trip in May. He said the adrenaline would help some, but that I shouldn't worry, just keep walking more each day and build up the quads on the bike - again you all know as much as the doctor.
Well, I had my 3 month check up today. I am at zero degrees and 120 flexed. That makes me happy. Doc said to come back in 9 months for the annual check. My lack of stamina is common and he said to give it time (gee, maybe some of you should become doctors... you said the same thing). He said the little crackling I feel in my knee when I bend it is scar tissue rubbing on the bone/or something. And the popping I hear is the plastic on the metal but I didnt' quite understand that.

I gave him this URL and told him it should be standard issue to all knee and hip patients. He agreed. He also said he didn't tell me how bad it would be as I would not have had the surgery done... and I agreed but I'm glad I did have it done now.

He had not heard about folks having trouble sleeping (everyone must go to their GP/PCP like I did for the sleep aids), so I let him know it was pretty common and he might want to let folks know there is something they can do for it.
And as Gat says... that is all.

Wow---my ortho knew all aobut the sleeping issues---let we try to work through it but offered me some help. I go on Wednesday for my three-month check-up. Feeling really, really good right now!

Tim C.
Skeet, so glad your appointment went well, wow, 120 ROM, that's great!! You should have lots of fun now when you get back to doing all those things you love to do, and without the pain. It's so great to hear the success stories on this site, especially when it is from one's friends. Go for it Skeet!! Rabbit stew for supper? Love and hugs, Sue xx
Hi Tim, I am still trying to work on my sleep issues, that's why I am here at this time of day, did you figure it out? Again, it's great to hear the success stories on the site, glad you are feeling so good!! Hugs, Sue
Just an idea and I certainly don't have any idea how you could do it BUT, I have talked to so many people about TKR, and this site.
If something the size of a business card could be created on this site, advertising the value of the forum and the address, members could print it out and pass them out to interested persons. And put them on the boards at our O.S's. Just a thought.

I'll have to discuss this with the Webmaster - but not at all a bad idea!
I just want to let you guys know that I have already submitted the paperwork to lock down the franchise rights for this site stateside. Hey, if 'reality TV' can make money, this site will MAKE A KILLING just on entertainment value alone, (insert Pattipoo;Doug etc). That is all.
My part can be titled,"Oh no, what did Doug step in?"
Oh,now Josephine, just because you have fuzzy head from the pills. But hey, I can take it or I wouldn't have posted it...If it made you all smile, it was worth it.

How's your knee tonight?
I need to go for a mall walk tomorrow. But I think I'll choose a different mall....The other one brings back bad memories of "swishing"
Oh,now Josephine, just because you have fuzzy head from the pills. But hey, I can take it or I wouldn't have posted it...If it made you all smile, it was worth it.

How's your knee tonight?

Well, thanks for asking, Doug. I actually was supposed to go to work today but had cancelled. So I slept on the settee, not being able to get upstairs, and woke about 5am, remembered the alarm clock was still on and went up to turn it off. Wasn't till I was half way up the stairs I realised it wasn't hurting anymore!! So I had a lovely shower and came back down to finish my night's zzzzzzz's!!

Had a fantastic day as well but have decided to contact my surgeon and ask him (tell him!!) I want another arthroscopy and washout. This was clearly a 'grit in the shoe' episode and I have had a few before. I think a washout should buy me another year at least.
Yep, my last few scopes were the clean ups. Got to the point it was no more of an event to me than getting an oil change..
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