Well, I had my 3 month check up today. I am at zero degrees and 120 flexed. That makes me happy. Doc said to come back in 9 months for the annual check. My lack of stamina is common and he said to give it time (gee, maybe some of you should become doctors... you said the same thing). He said the little crackling I feel in my knee when I bend it is scar tissue rubbing on the bone/or something. And the popping I hear is the plastic on the metal but I didnt' quite understand that.
I gave him this URL and told him it should be standard issue to all knee and hip patients. He agreed. He also said he didn't tell me how bad it would be as I would not have had the surgery done... and I agreed but I'm glad I did have it done now.
He had not heard about folks having trouble sleeping (everyone must go to their GP/PCP like I did for the sleep aids), so I let him know it was pretty common and he might want to let folks know there is something they can do for it.
And as Gat says... that is all.
I gave him this URL and told him it should be standard issue to all knee and hip patients. He agreed. He also said he didn't tell me how bad it would be as I would not have had the surgery done... and I agreed but I'm glad I did have it done now.
He had not heard about folks having trouble sleeping (everyone must go to their GP/PCP like I did for the sleep aids), so I let him know it was pretty common and he might want to let folks know there is something they can do for it.
And as Gat says... that is all.