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Gonna try to drive!

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Mar 5, 2008
United States United States
Ok, I'm gonna try it. Im going out with my hubby to see how it goes. My os says 2-3 weeks from discharge and yesterday was 2. I have an appointment w/doc & PT tues and no one available so I want to try. I'm not on anything but ibuprophen for pain right now so I'm good in that way. i'll let you all know. Jen (If we make it back haha)
I'm thinking its just about time. Perhaps tomorrow - I don't see anything
to prevent it. I'm down to half tabs of vicodin and half tabs of tylonol.
And, I think I only need the vicodin overnight. So I'm thinking of trying
tylonol only tomorrow and since it is left knee I should do OK.
I'm gonna try driving tomorrow too. We are going out to a restaurant with friends and I'm ready to be able to drive again! My surgery was on the right knee, but I'm a two-footed driver and any braking emergencies would require the good leg. I think I'll be fine and am pretty excited. Like a 16-year-old again getting her license!'s been a while since you said you were going out driving....ummmmm.....did you make it back in one piece????
I'm here! I did it. Hardest part was getting in. Bi-lats and all. We went to Sunday evening service, so that is why I was gone so long. I took my time and my husband wasn't any more afraid than usual. He just hates being a passanger period. I didn't take any pain meds so by the time we got home I was tired, sore and cranky. I even forgot to take some ibu.. nuff said? feel better now, but church twice today, walk in the afternoon, driving and no drugs was a long day. I can and will drive again, but will also take a ride if available.
Jen, I'm sooooo happy for you!!! It's a GIANT step forward! You must feel so good. I'm betting you're going to sleep pretty well tonight. I hope so, anyway, with all the activity you've had today. Take care of yourself and don't overdo it!!! ...Jamie
Hurrah!! Whoo Hoo!! I'm so excited for your new found freedom! Hey, a question for you all - I assume most or all of you received temporary handicapped DMV parking permits. Did anyone get a permanent one? My doctor gave me a permanent one which I thought was overkill, but it will get us great parking at sporting events!
I could have had one, but didn't bother. I figured the exercise was good for me and on the days I don't want to walk, sweet hubbie drops me off at the door.
Skeet, I got a permanent disabled permit about the middle of last year...It was very hard for me. But one day I was sitting way out in a parking lot and I watched as a guy with a permit parked in a disabled space. He got out and ran in. I got out, had to wait for my arthritic knee to straighten and limped in.. I had a Dr's apt. that day and jocking told the nurse I was considering getting the permit. I got a call two days later from her that she had completed the form for me and the Dr. had signed off on it.
I only used it on bad knee days. The rest of the time I park far out for the additional exercise.
My rhuemy gave me a permanent one a year or more ago. He said that even if I got my knees fixed I'd still need it. They also said they never saw anyone got straight home without rehab with BiLaterals. hmmmmm.... Anyway, I don't plan on using it as I get better unless I have an awful day or something. But the further I walk the better I'll get and more calories I burn. Plus in my state you have to renew temps every year at $5 a clip. No charge for once and permanent. Go figure.
OK, I don't feel so bad then. I don't know anyone else who had TKR and got a permanent one. I use it a lot now, but expect I won't use it much as things improve. I do use it at work... mostly to get decent parking. It's a LONG walk from the car to my desk and if I have to park way out... I'll never make it to the car at the end of the day.
Oregon doesn't charge at all either - for temp or permanent. It just gets renewed when you renew your drivers' license.
Work is definitely a VERY different matter. If I were still working, I'd get one for sure.
The fun thing is, I still have the authority to write handicap parking violations. I keep a ticket book in my truck. Now if I see someone park in a disabled space to use the ATM or "just run in", it cost them $250.00.
Ohhhh....good boy, Doug! That is one of my pet peeves. I've been known to go up and say something to a flaky teenage twit who zips into a handicap spot at the mall or a store. One day I'll probably get the daylights beat outta me, but it just makes me very angry.
Don't confront them...Too many nuts out there...
My hubby usually drops me close also. It was him who told me to get it. I resisted because i thought it was that line I wouyld never cross and for me symbolized lazy. My husband had the ability to see past my ego and for my best interest. I found that it actually made me be able to go longer and further once in a store because I didn' t have to use all my energy to trek the lot. Initially at least Then my knees progressed and nothing helped.
I have a temporay one, I use it when I am hobbling badly, but if there is another space close I leave it for someone else.

Jenn, I can't believe you are driving, you must be Superwoman or something. Well done!!I only drove at 11 weeks, mind you I have been on the Percs a lot. I waited until I had cut down on them. I time my driving with the pills, I don't want to be a drug driver, never have tried drinking and driving.
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