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going back to work

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new member
Apr 16, 2008
United States
I had a THR 4 weeks ago today. How does one know when it is time to go back to work? I don't see my OS for 3 1/2 weeks. Do I have to wait until then for his ok? I am an office manager in a 5 person office.
You give scant information for us to be able to comment, Jacqueline. How old are you? Is this your first surgery on this hip? Was it a traditional op or MIS? Did you have an uneventful recovery/rehab? ave you been having PT and how are you doing with it? How are you feeling generally?

At the end of it all, I would suggest that you should wait until you see your OS and get his clearance.
I know how you feel! I kept ring my consultant to let me get back to work. They only let me back 3 months after. ( When I had got rid of the crutches). It was madness as I felt like I could do anything! I felt I didnt need the crutches but got told off for not using them apparently fibrous tissue can grow instead of bone if you dont look after it properly and push it too hard. I wish I had more guidance because I found most of the people the physio was used to dealing with were not working and not really that active and for me it was really hard getting used to being able to do things again. I kept thinking I can do it but should I be doing it?? Bending! taking washing up stairs!! going back to work! turning over in bed! I was used to knowing when my hip had done enough and recognising how far I could push it. My advice such as it is ! is relax!! Take it easy!! and the fun will come when your consultant says GO!!!!!!!!
Yes, Josephine, it was a traditional hip replacement. My pt is going quite well. I am off the walker and using a cane. The only problem I seem to be having is not sleeping well at night. I have tried Benadryl and Tylenol PM. I am up every 2 hours. I just am not a back sleeper. I sleep some on my right side but the left side is still difficult. I am awake every 2 hours. As for work, my boss is wanting me back but I am not sure I am ready. It seems that when I go out, after an hour or two, I am exhausted and just want to come home and get in the recliner. Is that normal or do I need to push myself more?
I am exhausted and just want to come home and get in the recliner. Is that normal or do I need to push myself more?

Seems like this sentence says a lot. Depending on how physical your line of work is, if you get to a point where you feel like it is harder to just stay at home recovering, and need to get back into the swing of will know when it is time to go back to work. Also when you are completely off any prescription pain meds and can drive again, that is another pretty good sign (at least that is how it was for me)...4 weeks was borderline...and I rushed it. I wished I had waited in hindsight. Best wishes
Well, then Jacqueline, I would say you are far from ready to return to work. If you are not sleeping well and feeling drained, then you should listen to your body. It's fine being good and active when you want but once your body says 'enough' then hit the recliner and rest.

One important thing you should bear in mind (regular members will have heard this a g'zillion times already) is that you have just had MAJOR surgery and healing from that takes a lot of your body's energy reserves. The skin may looked healed but there is still a LOT of healing to take place in deep, unseen places. Your body cannot cope with both that and your activities at the same time. You need rest and lots of it, to recharge your batteries.

Yes, by all means push yourself, but once your body tells you to, rest. And I think that, by saying what you have, you have quite clearly said you are not yet ready to return to work.
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