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Getting ready for #2!

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Jul 27, 2008
United Kingdom
Had a LTKR on 29 July and everything seemed to go ok, have gone back to work, walking the dog etc. Can't say I'm pain free yet but assumed that was normal after only 10 or 11 weeks post surgery, but what is worrying me are the pains I have started to have in bed at night.They are SO severe that they wake me instantly and make me HOWL! I'm only 3 or 4 weeks away from having my RTKR (4 November) and starting to worry that something's not right here! Would appreciate anyone's advice. Thanks.
Best advice: call your surgeon and schedule an appointment. Probably everything is ok but it will give you peace of mind prior to your 2nd surgery. (I just had my 2nd surgery the end of August).
About 9 weeks, right? And I'll bet you're cutting back on your pain meds because you feel you "shouldn't ne taking them now"! WRONG! Keep taking some at least last thing at night. Pain control is necessary for about 12 weeks for the majority of folk.
And I'm very pleased to hear it!

But night pains are usually associated with activity or exercise. Things being amiss are more likely to cause problems during use.
I had my left TKR on July 28th, so we're very close. I got one of those stabbing pains for the first time last night. I blamed it on going back to Pilates, but who knows. You are very brave to go back for the second one. There is no way I am ready for my second one yet.
I had my left TKR on May 12, and the right TKR on July 14. After both surgeries, I occasionally had really bad pain that awakened me at night. I can only describe it as bone pain as it was not muscular achiness at all. When I mentioned it to the OS after my first surgery, he said that was normal and could occur sporadically for a long time afterwards because of the trauma the bones experience as part of the surgery. But check with your own OS to see if he agrees. Oh, and by the way, I learned that a heating pad on the area of pain (not directly on the knee itself) was soothing and lulled me back to sleep.
I draped my leg over a body pillow for at least 6 months after my RTKR. It is really comfortable sleeping like that. It may help you? Good luck Anniebass.
I am four weeks post opay time the knee is doing very well,but night time as like many others here it does tend to have adesire to keep me awake,I have had good advice on here ,but the advice about using a pillow has helped so much,and as Jo says on here alas its the old painkillers which really help I am on Tramodol,and have been trying very hard to cut them down,and have managed to do without them daytime using only paracetamol and Ibuprofun,but nightime they are a must.......still have problems with my scar healing though Jo....had the clips out at 12 days and the top third needed steri strips on it,have had them on for ten days but when the nurse took them off the scar is stillabit gappy,and have had t have my physio cut back as the knee bend is hindering the scar healing...the bottom of the scar is wonderful and has healed brill....any idea's would be well met
I was relatively pain free in the day time from an early date after surgery but since I was pretty pain free in the daytime I did too much and paid for it at night. I would follow the advice about calling the OS to set your mind at rest prior to secons surgery but would bet you are doing a lot and perhaps cutting back on pain meds before bed. I am five months post op today, is that right?, yep, five months today and am pretty much back to normal even though the change in weather did cause some discomfort this week. Hopefully your second surgery goes well and you are back to normal soon. Rowdy
Hey Nin--

I used to take Tramadol as my "really bad arthritis day" painkiller, but realized after a time that the stuff absolutely wired me at night--couldn't sleep for anything. Now my best friend gets very drowsy when she takes the same drug, same strength. We're all wired a bit differently, but I thought I would just tell you that it is a possibility that Tramadol could exacerbate the sleeplessness for certain people.
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