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Getting On With Our Lives!!

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Dec 3, 2007
North Carolina
United States United States
I know that it won't be long until we'll all be healed and won't think "knee" all the time. Does that mean we have to leave the forum?? I hope not. I'm so used to talking to you guys that it would be like a death in my family if we parted ways. I'm staying until Josephine kicks me to the curb. I hope the rest of you will, too. We've come through a MAJOR, painful ordeal together. EVERY little hurdle, we've crossed TOGETHER. Isn't that awesome.? God had His Hand in this...that's a fact, and I don't want to ever lose guys. I love you all! AND....if we do find that we don't have time to post 24/7, let's promise that we'll ALWAYS check in and give a shout! T-man hasn't been around in a while....I'm hoping that he's on some wild vacation and will be posting again soon.


Heck, I'll be going through this again in a couple of years.....don't think I won't be needing my peeps!!

love you guys!
Don't get me all mushy again..I promise..I find it so strange to be friends with so many people I've never even seen. Other than the pictures of those that have submitted them. Wouldn't it be something to all get together one day? To difficult to do but it would be cool to have Jo over and have one big BBQ. with grits of course!!
We could TRY to have a "reunion". There's no way I can this two weddings (i know yawl are sick of hearing that!!)....but, next year....we could TRY. We'll all meet in New York at DW's pad!!! He can take us on tours....we'll all try out our completely healed kneeknockers and we'll hug and cry and hug some more!!.
It's possible!
I think we should ALL go in on a lottery ticket....I'd LOVE to be sitting on Good Morning America with you guys, showing off our sexy scars and holding our checks! WHAT a story that would be!
New York...They don't have grits..
How about Gatlinberg Tenn.??
How bout Nashville? Lord please don't make me go to N.Y. I will get in so much trouble..My wife wanted to go there last year. My son and I threw fits. Darn near laid down on the floor and kicked. We ended up in Key West.
Disney World?? Gat would feel at home!! Course he'd be chasing Minny Mouse around.
I'd LOVE to have a pic of the TKR Gang in a giant tea cup!

Start saving your money, gang.
Or in front of the ride "It's a small world".
I'm in for the forum - hope I can hang in there. Patti, you may have to PM me when you have the next surgery so I can come back to support you. As for a reunion, maybe something a little more west??? I'd love to meet up with everyone. What a kick to do an amusement park or something that really allows us to enjoy the new knees a bit. You all have been better than family in so many ways. I get teary eyed when I think of how much I depend on you all. My family is kind of getting tired of this (they don't say anything but I can tell) and we've still got a long way to go. I'm not sure how to help them realize that although I'm back at work, etc., I am still not more than 75% yet. You all are the only ones who really understand me. I just want some energy and to sleep without meds. Tonight I baked like 120+ cookies for my hubby and his friends. They leave tomorrow for a long weekend of coyote hunting in the snow of eastern Oregon. I almost felt like Patti for a minute... then I had to take meds because I had stood too long on the tile floor and the getting up and down every 12 minutes got harder each time. Now I'm exhausted and heading for bed. Just needed to "hear" a friendly voice first. I love you all SOOOOOO much! God bless you all.
Skeet, I have seen the "change" with my wife and son also. I really think they see us pushing ourselves to return to normal and assume we are back to normal. They aren't in our knees and don't realize we past our pain point a little while back..But then like you said..Who else would know but one who has been there.
When I recommend Disney World, I figured it was a little too far east. We can at least start the idea. Like you, I have to consider the school year when I plan.
By the way I'm leaving town around noon and going to visit my family down in Palm Bay. I'll be back Mon or Tues. Depends on how crazy they make me. I'll miss all of my Bro's and Lil Sis's.
Now how could I possible boot all my 'little chicks' off the board? Just think of what you have to offer other new members as they come in quaking and weeping and unhappy as you all did a few weeks ago. But you're my first little family and you'll all always have a special place in my heart. I love the way this group has bonded and been real family! It's been truly amazing. You make this forum sing!

And it's very strange but only yesterday as I logged off I was thinking how neat it would be if we could all get together a year from now. Oh heck - why wait a year! But maybe that would be the one thing that would get this confirmed xenophobe off her butt and onto a plane! I think NY would be far enough though.....
Forum friends: put your trepidations away and come to the Capital of the World. Come to New York for the Knee Convention!
Speaking of which - anyone heard anything from NuNeez lately?
Count me in wherever you go, I'll be there for a personal thank you to each and every one of you that has helped me get through each week.
God Bless each and everyone of you!
Thanks Jo for taking such good care of us.
Skeet, Doug and whoever, I 'feel ya' on the expectations issue. We ALL have had to re-think our recoveries and our progress through this process. Seems like we were all 'thinking' 3-4 weeks and good to go. All of us suffered frustrations, disappointments and depression because it didn't work that way. I KNOW I did at least. If we had only known then what we know now......... At any rate, we have gotten better and worked through some of that stuff, but now, as we have finished our 'formal' PT and gone back to work, or for some, back to our hobbies and normal activities, we still find that we are not 'where we expected to be'. Our families and 'us' too still get frustrated and disappointed and 'a little' depressed about how we feel and what we can do or not do. I think now it may be even more difficult for family and friends to understand/sympathize with what our 'realities' are, and to be honest, I understand that. I can't 'feel better' or have more energy just because I want to or think its time to, but from 'their' side, why not? It is hard to understand why my body won't do what it 'use to' or why I really just want to 'take a break' when the whole idea with this was to make things better. I can imagine from outside looking in it may look like a waste or a mistake. I blame a lot of this on the lack of 'real info' we got going in. Regardless, it is what it is, and we do the best we can. I guess all we can do at this point is keep going and try to be as patient and understanding with them as they were with us when we 'hit the pit'. If anyone has an answer, please, don't hold back.
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