I know that it won't be long until we'll all be healed and won't think "knee" all the time. Does that mean we have to leave the forum?? I hope not. I'm so used to talking to you guys that it would be like a death in my family if we parted ways. I'm staying until Josephine kicks me to the curb. I hope the rest of you will, too. We've come through a MAJOR, painful ordeal together. EVERY little hurdle, we've crossed TOGETHER. Isn't that awesome.? God had His Hand in this...that's a fact, and I don't want to ever lose guys. I love you all! AND....if we do find that we don't have time to post 24/7, let's promise that we'll ALWAYS check in and give a shout! T-man hasn't been around in a while....I'm hoping that he's on some wild vacation and will be posting again soon.
Heck, I'll be going through this again in a couple of years.....don't think I won't be needing my peeps!!
love you guys!
Heck, I'll be going through this again in a couple of years.....don't think I won't be needing my peeps!!
love you guys!