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General An. vs. Epidural

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junior member
Sep 29, 2008
Hi, I am having a RTKR on Monday, June 29th. I was planning on having a general until I started reading posts and now I am undecided. My reason for the general was because I have had epidurals with my c-sections and I remember laying there awake for hours and I couldn't move my legs and feeling like they were falling off the bed and I couldn't do anything about it. I also don't want to hear or see anything. Now I am getting nervous about being put out and not being able to wake up. Also, what if I wake up in pain vs. the epidural being awake and slowly noticing the pain as the stuff wears off and being able to handle it better. I didn't really think about having a sore throat afterward either?? So what's the norm? Jessy from MI
Jessy, there really is no "norm" but a large number of doctors prefer to do the epidural. You won't be awake unless you ask to be. In fact you fall blissfully asleep very fast in the process and miss the whole operation! Hooray!! Talk with your doctor and the hospital staff and they can help you decide what is best for you. Not doing a general means that you recovery from the anesthetic faster, you may want to go that route.
I did have Gen Anestha. I did well. When I woke up in pain I was given medicine in the IV and in took a few seconds to work..... Yes I do remember I did have a scratchy throat nothing major..Once I started drinking it went away......It was all ok for me.............But I was never given the choice on getting the epidural..Dont know why,.Im sure you will be fine either way. You will be so happy you did this. Post anytime..........Please let us know how you are feeling, when you can. Good Luck to you as well...........
Welcome Jessymi! I had General and had NO adverse effects whatsoever! :)!!
Hi Jessie,
I too had the same worries as you a few weeks ago, if you read the thread 'General anaesthetic or needle in the spine' you will find loads of help with that question, I know I did.
You have come to right place for support and advice, I feel like I have discovered a whole new family.

Good luck with whatever you decide. Dawnie.
I had a general. I have had a number of surgies and I always do a general. I prefer a general. I never have a problem and always wake up right a way when taken to recovery.

Talk to your doctor and he can explain more to you and he can advise you what you or what he prefers.
Hi Jessy-
Welcome to Bonesmart! I had a spinal with "a little something to relax me". I remember the dr asking me to sit up on the side of the bed and lean on a support that was there. Next thing I was in post-op. I don't think it really matters what kind of anesthetic you have--let the dr choose what he/she thinks will be best for you. That's why they go to med school and why you're paying them to take care of you.
I had a general--I did not want anything in my spine or anything near my spine!! Also, I did not want a urinary catheter--and my surgeon told me that I would not have one with a general.

I woke up in recovery---no pain, no sore throat. I still feel very strongly that I would never have a spinal or epidural.
I never had a choice - spinal or nowt! But we don't use catheters here in the UK only in exceptional circumstances. I also issued strict instructions that once the spinal was in and working I wanted out! And I was, bless him!

As for that not waking up bit - I've been working in operating theatres (OR to you!) for upwards of 50 years and the only patients who had a problem with anything like that were those that came to theatre sick in the first place. Never in orthopaedic surgery as they are, by definition, healthy to start with. IOW, it just don't happen!

And not being able to wake up ..... well that's not your choice! They give you drugs to put you to sleep and
at the end of the op, they give you other drugs to reverse them. And they work, trust me!
So when you have the spinal and they give you the sedating/amnesia drugs, they also give you something to reverse those? Just wondering because I do remember leaving the OR--lots of zigs and zags on that gurney!
They must've left those out of your cocktail. Linda!!!
It depends. If you've been totally knocked out, then yes. And it might also depend at what point the reversal drug was given and how long you remained in the OR after.
I have had two perfectly mellow GA experiences in my life, and one really really horrible one. I would chance it again, as long as someone could explain to me exactly what happened the last time, and how they were going to make sure that didn't happen again.
I had a spinal with light sedation. They gave me so much "happy juice," that I didn't care what they were doing, but I did hear the entire procedure and conversed with them. I asked the OS how bad it looked and he actually showed me a part of the bone that he had removed.

The anesthesiologist was at my head the entire time ready to sedate me more if I needed it, but I was absolutely fine. In fact, it was like I was detached from the entire procedure.

Recovery was quick...a little bit of the "shakes," no nausea. I had a full meal 3 hours out. It's weird feeling like your lower body is a cinder block, but it sure beat the heck out of general anesthesia and having the tube down my throat!
Hi Linda2

I had an epideural & local which was wonderful, I had lthr , I was scared to death to have either but knew I couldnt go through without something, I have a sleeping disorder which concerned my dr and anthetheseologist but what ever they gave me I was in rm waiting to go to op room and they came to wheel me out ,

I dont even remember going out the room surgery was app3-1/2 hrs woke up in recovery and was amazed that I had no memory of anything and no pain.

I thought I would have just the epidural but I swear they said because I am clausterphobic and they had a sheet on my head????? that is why they also gave me a local . I dont know what they do with the sheet but Im sure my head wasnt wrapped in it , but its over with and all was good. I think we all worry about not waking up , its scary but if you trust your doctor and all around him I know all will be fine for you,

gods blessings to you & yours.
Welcome Linda2, I did have the General was fine the only thing with all the IV fluids it was ever 10 mintues I needed to pee sorry should of said going to the bathroom but that when on all night now on July23 I am haveing the Epidural and a block, so I know I dont have to worry about asking for the bed pan all night long (thoses poor nurses running to my bell just for a couple of drops)
The sheet would be part of the sterile drapes they used on your knee. They cover the entire table head to foot. And the top end is fixed up in a screen between two IV drip stands. Sometimes it's low, like the top end of a sleeping bag and others it can be quite extensive like this

[] General An. vs. Epidural

Either way, it has to be up as far as your shoulders which is why it can be a bit of a trial for people who suffer from claustrophobia.
Boy, Jo...interesting photo! How in the world do they every find the patient in all that stuff???
Sometimes you don't! You just kind of know where there are. (j/k!!)

Actually, the patient's head is visible on the pillow at the end of the black tubing if you look.

Black tubing actually shows that it's a very old photo!
thank you for showing this picture I can better understand now what they were talking about , I see my os july 13 dont know if I will get pictures of my surgery I have been in waiting room and shown pictures of others surgery and one lady must of been awake as she was teasing the doctor about wearing his space suit! now that lady is brave as I dont think I would want to hear the noises and dr conversations if there is any during surgery,

thank you again for posting this picture
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