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gas from pain pills...

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May 13, 2008
United States
I've finally switched to Darvocet which is one step down from Vicodin, and I'm doing ok on it. the side effect I'm getting is the gas in my tummy, and I've no idea how to burp it out, when I can't stand carbonated drinks.

anyone have any ideas/suggestion on how to counter this annoyance? it sure kept me up all night last night...finally went to sleep between 2 and 3 am. :zzz:
What about trying something like Gas-X? I don't even know if you can use that along with your darvocet. Hopefully Jamie or Jo will be on soon to answer or call your Dr. in the morning. You can even call out to your hospital and ask a nurse or Dr. there tonight so you can sleep tonight. Good Luck!
I know its not medicine but i ate alot of crackers and it helped my mom told me the Dr she works with said to do that I though hummmm but it worked. Plus that gas x I think is what I took.......Take care..........)
I had the generic version of Gas-X, but it's expired in what I took were dud pills LOL I tried the apple cider vinegar. maybe I'll try the baking's carbonized in water, yes?
That sounds awful! Maybe you're just better having the gas?????
Sorry - not my field! But if you find an answer, please let me know!
You can try a warm glass of water that worked for my mom when she had gas, warm the water from the kettle
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