Gail's new hip!

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Feb 23, 2009
United States
United States United States
Hi gang! I returned from the hospital on Sunday but this is the first time I have felt like getting online. Surgery went well with no complications. Had some issues with muscle twitches in my legs which REALLY HURT on my operated side. My PT called them "fasciculations" which are the body's natural reaction to pain but exacerbated by stress and anxiety (what, who me?). If I stay on a strict pain med schedule, these are minimized. Getting up and wandering around the house also helps. My PT is really experienced and has even had a hip replacement himself. I feel like he is a gift from heaven -- just what I needed to get motivated to do the exercises I need to do. Very happy with that. Can't chat long. I still need lots of rest. Just wanted you to know I am coming along OK and optimistic about my rehab.
Thanks again to all. Love, Gail
Good to have you back here, Gail! Glad everything went well & we'll be eager to hear more about your progress in between PT & rest breaks! :)
Good to hear all went well Gail - I've been thinking about you all week! :) I only just posted in another of your threads last night querying how you were going - you must have read my mind......! Stay positive and have a safe, happy and painfree Easter!

Congratulations, Gail.

It will be a trying few days and even weeks ahead, but you are on the down hill run now, baby!
Congrats Gail!!! So glad everything went well! When you feel better, do share your experience.

YAY!!! Gail!!! We all knew you'd be fine!!! Every day gets better and better! Soon you'll be hiking
With the biggest smile on your face!!! :)
Wonderful to hear from you, Gail. And to know you're ok. Rest well and don't come back until you're good and ready!
Great GAIL! Congrats! Take is slow.... that's my best advice... slow slow slow... :) You only have ONE chance to heal correctly! :) But congrats!

Rachel(Kanga), see? We do live after these surgeries! Pain in the butt as they may be! :)
At 7 days post-op, having quite a bit of swelling in my lower leg and ankle on the operated side. Is this common? The OS's office said to elevate and ice, but I can't do that when I have to walk around to keep my muscle spasms away. I save my Valium prescription for bedtime so I can get to sleep better. Not eager to take too much of that.
Gail, try drinking a glass of tonic water before you lie down to rest and elevate. And put a heating pad right under the small of your back (keep it away from the incision). Sometimes those things help with the leg spasms. I know it's difficult when you have several things going on at once, but it will get better. The swelling you describe is not unusual --- especially if you are up and about a lot. Please try to ice and elevate whenever you can. It does help.
Thanks for the tips Jamie. I'll try the heating pad. No tonic water on hand. I do have to wander around usually twice a night to work out the spasms which seem to start occurring about 1/2 way through my 4-hour pain med. I wish I could walk around and ice/elevate at the same time!
Guess we need to invent a mobile ice machine!!! LOL
I had an incredible amount of swelling.
All is normal. Mine was in both legs even though I only had one hip done!!! Ihad to elevate by laying in bed and it subsided a lot.
Congrats for making it to the recovery side
Post surgery day 8: I am allowed full weight bearing as tolerated with a cementless stem. OS used posterior/lateral approach so I observe all hip precautions. Had my 2nd PT session today. I made 3 loops around the room with just the cane with a not perfect stride but not too bad either. I am amazed at what I am able to do with the right guidance and reassurance. Soon I will be ditching the walker but not yet. Feeling great right at the moment. My husband sees me as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. During the day I am cheerfully tooling around the house, coping well, doing more and more. At night, I turn into a raving lunatic, racked with pain and muscle spasms, calling out for his willing but groggy assistance. As soon as dawn arrives, it's back to Ms. Sunshine. I have just made some new adjustment to my pain meds that I'm hoping will make my nights a little smoother. I still expect to get up several times, but hoping to be a little more comfortable overall. One thing I found out today is that a warm shower really settles down the spasms. I may try that at night if I get too uncomfortable. Unlike some of you, I have no problem sleeping on my back. It's the pain and spasms I can't sleep through.
Each day brings new accomplishments. Staples come out next Thursday.
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