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Tommy Utah

Jul 28, 2008
United States
As I have multiple social circles (including networks) and a wide geographical range of former professional friends I have hijacked an obscure blog of mine to relay the process and progress of my current ordeal. I post this here as some of the info over on that blog goes into more details than what for the purposes of space might be appropriate here.

This is not to say that I won't continue communicating here as this site has been invaluable to me. I will in fact touch in with reports and will watch for threads where I can chime in with help or encouragement for my fellow hippies. I just don't want to take up valuable space rambling on about my personal situation when it might be better posted elsewhere where folks can check in if they so desire.

So if interested go here -
Hey Tom you are a great writer. I enjoyed reading your blog adn will continue as I am home in recovery too.
Only two things to say: First, seems to me you rather effectively banished your "lurking black hole" with the under-appreciated yet most powerful weapon of all -- the word. Second, the antibiotic goes into your HEART???
Great blog, Tommy. You have a great writing style. Do you write professionally?
Great Blog Tommy, thanks for sharing it with us.

Chris :)
Yes I am a writer. I took it up when my ski area management career was coming to an end due to the hips/knees going south. thanks for all the compliments.

PR gal the PICC line terminates in a large vein just before it goes into the heart. I guess they really want to get the stuff going.
In case people are still freaking out at the thought, the 'guide wires' he mentioned are removed when the cannula in in place, leaving just a soft, very pliable but strong little tube behind, made of a special nylon material coated with PTFE (polytetrafluroethylene) - Teflon to thee and me! - which renders it 99.99% inert.

And the vena cava is the best place to site it as it will, as Tommy says, get the stuff more or less instantly to the site required.
Great writing,Tommy!
Jo,,,,,excuse me while I pick myself up from the floor! You described it so spot On I was wincing!
Aaww - sorry, Judles! My intention was not to freak you out!
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