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new member
Mar 7, 2009
Central, Michigan area
Hi, All:

Of course, like the rest of you, I have spent a large part of my adult life with cronic knee pain. I can't begin to thank you all for the valuable info I have learned here.

This post is just for me to vent my frustrations. Nothing will be gained from reading this note.

I just got back from my last visit with my OS. I was going to the appointment with the idea that we were going to seriously discuss the fact that I need 1, if not 2 new knees. I was led to believe from my Feb. appointment that we were going to discuss at length my knee replacement options. No such luck. He is still preaching that "your too young" ****. Because of his unease he has referred me to another OS. It looks like I am starting over with the knee replacement process. By the way I am approaching my 42nd birthday. I can at least give him credit for pushing me onto some other OS.

A little background for you all. Knees are both really bowed. Right knee does not bend when I walk. Constant pain managed with the aid of Vocodan. In the morning, when I get up I can not walk until I swlowly put weight on the knees. I have gone from siezing the day to just barely getting thru it.

Is this process really that difficult? I hate the fact that I have to plan my day around the pain that I will be dealing with.

I guess I need to man up and just wait for this new OS to call so I can get an appointment. We all know how fast these things move along.

The first 2.5 years I spent dealing with my present OS went by pretty fast, I am sure the next couple years will go just as fast... I'm gonna be 50 eventually.

This is were I thank the forum for being there when I need it. You are all welcome to respond if you like.

Thanks, Again

Hi Kirk! And welcome! Just one question......why are you so set on this OS???? There are so many around! No way should you be as uncomfortable, not to mentio frustrated as you are! Seek some other opinions! The sooner you do, the sooner you can make your OWN informed decisions! :)
From local research, I was led to believe this doctor was "The Man" when it came to knee problems. Because I was so hard headed and did not see a specialist until 3 years ago, instead of 10 years ago, like I should have.

Like I said in my opening post, this is a venting note. I am more upset with myself than anything else.

I have spent 3/4 of my life free of illnesses and injuries and had no idea on the correct procedure for taking care of medical issues.

All I know is I want my old life back. If I want to go hiking, I go hiking. If I want to go to Disney Land, I go to Disney Land.

I am aware that the Doctor suggesting I see someone else is the correct thing to do. My problem is I want instant gratification. In the past, when I wanted something, I got it. I am learning this is not the case with health care.

Thanks again

Hi I cant add much here I am only 3 weeks out from TR but I can tell you my OS that I saw for a long time wouln't do one because I was to young (im 41) Well I got to that point were I couldnt take it any more. I went to 2 more and found one that said age doesnt matter, quality of life does. Look I might have a set back now. But I ashore you it will be better it has to. I couldnt live like that anymore. You need to find one that really cares about the quality not age. Hang in there keep trying and you will find one. Post anytime.........Hope you feel
I am 45. My left knee replacement was a week ago. The orthopedist thought it awful to make younger, active people wait for knee replacement even if we may have to have the knees replaced again later in life. His take on it was that your motivation is better and your recovery is better if you have the surgery while you're still active. Once he and I had talked in our initial visit, I knew I'd found an orthopedist who understood my needs. Prior to surgery, the bone on bone pain was beginning to impair my athletic lifestyle. Even walking the dog had grown painful. My doc saw no reason, given my obvious lack of cartilage, to prolong the inevitable.

It's time to look for a different doctor.

Sorry about your situation. I totally agree with the other people posting. I had my knee replaced in November and I am 44. BEST decision I ever made. I research and went to the best OS I could find. He only does TKR's and said age should never be a factor. I have had 13 previous surgeries. I had a traumatic injury to my knee at 14, so it was 30 years of wear and tear. I totally have my athletic life back. I mountain bike ride again. Life weights and spend a lot of time here in these Colorado mountains hiking. My doc says if you wear it out, the spacer needs to be replaced, but that should not happen for 20+years. I can not do any impact activities, but I am fine with that. I am thrilled with where I am at 6 months post TKR. I would not give up and just resign yourself to daily pain and decrease ROM. Good luck and let us know updates!

I am so glad I took the time to write to you all. The "frustration" I was feeling yesterday is now in the past. With all your very valuable contributions to the forum I now feel much better.

I was almost ready to just deal with the pain and forget about the process.

For some reason when I write to this forum I am never disapointed with all you responses.

My only hope is that this next OS is on board to the idea that I need a replaced knee.

I will try to report in when I see this new doctor.

Many, many Thanks

You go, girl! You have a right to make the choice as long as it is an informed choice vis a vis the possibility of problems and the almost 90% need for a revision some time in the future. We all have a right not to have our lives stolen from us when there is a solution.
K..Just one last word again I am 41 Even when I went to the new Dr that did my surgery it took a few visits..he asked me if I was willing to loose my leg I said no ..sent me on my way..finally it hurt so bad I went back and I told him remember when you asked me about loosing my leg, well I am at that point. I cant stand it any more...He said ok done! I was surprised. He said I needed to know how badly you really wanted this no matter what so lets do it.. and we did. Not sure I agree with how he did it, but I understand why he did it...just a thought...Kim
I am 46 and had BI-TKR 5 months ago the only thing I would do different is not to have waited 10 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is now great!!!!

I was in the same position that you were in. Same state too, maybe same surgeon? Anyway, I went to see another Doctor from the same hospital and felt much more comfortable. He didn't have a problem with my age. He said that I definitely needed tkr, but he actually spent some time with me and went over all the options I had. He asked me where I wanted to start, and told me I would know when I was ready for tkr. We tried the cortizone injections a couple of times, which helped alot. But I am finally to the point where I can't do anything anymore and we have scheduled the operation for June. You really need to find someone who will listen to you and you feel comfortable with. Good luck.
Oh Kod I amsorry you are having such a hard time, hang in ther yeah I know famous last words....LOL Maybe give them a quik ring it cant hurt ! Trus those offices are always busy. It WILL be ok.........Kim
I encourage you to do what you need to do to have a full, happy and painfree life.

I was 48 when I had a HR and 49 when I had a KR. I know God willing and I live long enough I may have to have revisions in the future, (and I will need the other hip and knee done too) but I would rather have 10, 15 or 20 years living life to the full than the same time restricted.

Best wishes to you.

Chris :)
Hang in there. There will be a OS out there and you will find him!! Then youwill be able to do the things you miss. You just will have to fight for it!! Good luck please keep posting so I can see how it is all going for you.
Hi Kirk. I was just checking to see if anything has changed. Where you able to see another Dr for another opinion? Just wanted to see how you were feeling. I know its not fun sitting in pain..Please let us know when you get a chance....Hope you feel better........
Hi, All:

I appreciate the kind words of support. Yes I was able to find another surgeon. And he said he would change out my knee. Age did not matter to him. I traveled 110 miles one way to see him. He was nice enough to say he has no problem recommending a closer doctor. I will be seeing him on the 6/11. If this new doctor does not give me the confident feeling we require I will go back to the doctor in Lansing, Mi.

I really do not want to put my wife in a position that she needs to commute 220 miles a day just to care for our pets. We have some special needs animals.

Thanks for checking up on me. I will try and remember to posts an update after Thurs.


Yes please let us know. But I am glad you found a Dr to listen for a change. Maybe you can get this whole thing taken care of soon. Very sweet about the pets. Yes they are like are children. Hope everything works out for you........Will wait to hear some great news soon..............
Kirk, that is good news. We'll be looking forward to another update from you soon.
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