new member
Hi, All:
Of course, like the rest of you, I have spent a large part of my adult life with cronic knee pain. I can't begin to thank you all for the valuable info I have learned here.
This post is just for me to vent my frustrations. Nothing will be gained from reading this note.
I just got back from my last visit with my OS. I was going to the appointment with the idea that we were going to seriously discuss the fact that I need 1, if not 2 new knees. I was led to believe from my Feb. appointment that we were going to discuss at length my knee replacement options. No such luck. He is still preaching that "your too young" ****. Because of his unease he has referred me to another OS. It looks like I am starting over with the knee replacement process. By the way I am approaching my 42nd birthday. I can at least give him credit for pushing me onto some other OS.
A little background for you all. Knees are both really bowed. Right knee does not bend when I walk. Constant pain managed with the aid of Vocodan. In the morning, when I get up I can not walk until I swlowly put weight on the knees. I have gone from siezing the day to just barely getting thru it.
Is this process really that difficult? I hate the fact that I have to plan my day around the pain that I will be dealing with.
I guess I need to man up and just wait for this new OS to call so I can get an appointment. We all know how fast these things move along.
The first 2.5 years I spent dealing with my present OS went by pretty fast, I am sure the next couple years will go just as fast... I'm gonna be 50 eventually.
This is were I thank the forum for being there when I need it. You are all welcome to respond if you like.
Thanks, Again
Of course, like the rest of you, I have spent a large part of my adult life with cronic knee pain. I can't begin to thank you all for the valuable info I have learned here.
This post is just for me to vent my frustrations. Nothing will be gained from reading this note.
I just got back from my last visit with my OS. I was going to the appointment with the idea that we were going to seriously discuss the fact that I need 1, if not 2 new knees. I was led to believe from my Feb. appointment that we were going to discuss at length my knee replacement options. No such luck. He is still preaching that "your too young" ****. Because of his unease he has referred me to another OS. It looks like I am starting over with the knee replacement process. By the way I am approaching my 42nd birthday. I can at least give him credit for pushing me onto some other OS.
A little background for you all. Knees are both really bowed. Right knee does not bend when I walk. Constant pain managed with the aid of Vocodan. In the morning, when I get up I can not walk until I swlowly put weight on the knees. I have gone from siezing the day to just barely getting thru it.
Is this process really that difficult? I hate the fact that I have to plan my day around the pain that I will be dealing with.
I guess I need to man up and just wait for this new OS to call so I can get an appointment. We all know how fast these things move along.
The first 2.5 years I spent dealing with my present OS went by pretty fast, I am sure the next couple years will go just as fast... I'm gonna be 50 eventually.
This is were I thank the forum for being there when I need it. You are all welcome to respond if you like.
Thanks, Again