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Jun 20, 2008
Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States
I've been so frustrated today that I just keep breaking into tears. My husband broke a part on the recently arrived Polar Care, so no good icing for me until the new part arrives. I'm in a lot of pain, the doctor says "try and get off the narcotics", but Tylenol just doesn't do the trick--I already take the maximum dose of my NSAID. I worked outside for the first time--getting up and down off the garden cart is a killer. Therefore my husband is trying to do things I normally do, and he CUT BACK ALL THE BEAUTIFUL LANTANA IN MY PLANTER IN FRONT OF THE HOUSE!!!! It was just fabulous this year, it's a pretty pink and yellow mix, and it would have been great until the first freeze--which very well might not have arrived for another six weeks. Everything he touches lately turns to #@&%. I know it is hard to have me around, I am not getting better soon enough to suit him, but I'm so frustrated. He wrecks my stuff, and then he's mad at me for having the audacity to be upset. He's a great guy most of the time, but this rushing ahead like a bull in a china shop has got to stop!

Thanks for letting me vent.
You know - you're only 7 weeks yet - much to early to be doing without strong pain killers. You should just tell you doctor you need them because you're in too much pain to stop. Plus which it'll hinder your progress in PT. Sometimes you have to stand up to these people!
I was definatley taking pain meds at 7 weeks. I thought I needed to wean off of them, but after I tried, and didn't succeed, I went back to the meds and felt SO much better! I was really able to get more out of my exercises, too!!! Don't feel guilty about the meds, and try to talk to your OS and get more!!
Oh Linda2,
I initially read your post and had to close it because I have been where you are...... Dh wants to be a huge help and ends up ruining things you have cultivated with such care. Sigh.......
I know where you are at, and you will just have to be patient with him and with yourself. Soon enough you will be able to do more, but please do not try to over do things now.
When he is going out to do something, try to discuss his plans for the time in advance. Then if he has any "great ideas" make sure he checks with you before he dives in a bullheaded manner.
Sorry you will miss your blooms for the next 6 weeks. Hopefully they will come back bigger and better next year.....
On another note, I am surprised you are taking both a NSAID and Tylenol at the same time. My doctor told me not to do this.... Jo, what do you think?

I take Indomethacin for my NSAID and the only thing I can take with it, if I need something more, is tylenol per my OS.

Actually, it will be nine weeks on Monday. I agree with all of you, I still need the strong stuff. He didn't say he wouldn't prescribe more when I run out, but he still managed to make me feel like I need to try and cut back. I already have cut back to only four pills a day--two 4mg Dilaudid, and two Tylenol 3. Actually, the pain that gets me down the most is the trochanter bursitis and IT band.

My husband really is a great guy; I just couldn't take the broken Polar Ice, the demolished flowers, and the lack of meds in one day--and all of that on one hour of sleep last night. (This, too, shall pass--this, too, shall pass . . .)
My OS just keeps prescribing the drugs which is really different from all my scopes - He would cut me off really fast after each scope - which was fine - but this time around he is like - take the meds - We are down to only using them on PT days before and usually after - and an occassional one after a rough day - I hate being fogged out all the time.

I totally can sympathize with the hubby thing. We love them so much - but..... And I know they try to help..... Mine tried mopping the floor - He didn't bother to sweep first so my floor was mopped with dog hair in the mop water - GROSSSSSSS. Needless to say the day he left I sweep - vacuumed and mopped the darn floors - UGHHHHH My knee swelled and throbbed and I cried - But..... My sister was like - what ???? You have 3 dogs- the dog hair will be back in a day anyway - and you know -she was right.

Hang in there! I took my first waddle around Fred Myers today for some much need school supplies - My first adventure in Saturday Shopping since July! My knee held out till the check out line - then I was done. Home to elevate and ice. Not too bad tonight!

And the flowers - I got over mine - I asked the hubby to fence the dogs out from my peonies - BIG BEAUTIFUL PEONIES that actually have managed to survive for 5 years - well - he didn't and the dogs totally demolished them. I have moved on and have decided to try again next spring in the FRONT yeard where my pups don't have access - Yes... that too did pass (but boy was I ticked!)


I take Indomethacin for my NSAID and the only thing I can take with it, if I need something more, is tylenol per my OS.


Well do I feel foolish! I found out that my Celebrex is classified as an NSAID.......... So, I take them too with Tylenol.
I am much better today. I took a flexeril (muscle relaxant) last night and actually slept for 10 hours! I usually stick to Skelaxin (also a muscle relaxant) because they don't knock me out and cause foggy brain for the next 24 hours or more, but last night I was at the point that I really didn't care. I've decided to take my drugs as I need them and fight that battle later if I must. I know that I am not abusing them, and only take them when I am uncomfortable. Believe it or not, physical therapy doesn't hurt for me. While I am moving I don't usually hurt that much. The pain becomes noticeable when I am trying to rest. Anyway, I certainly need the meds until the new parts arrive for the Polar Care. I move around too much for the homemade ice bags--they keep falling off!

My husband is out of the dog house, although I still wish he'd had a less destructive day yesterday. He is checking often today about each plant! :-)

The peonies might surprise you, Marianne. They are really tough plants--they could come back next spring. I have known a couple people who have tried to move peonies only to end up with plants in both the new and original positions. That would work for me, I love peonies.

Thanks for all your support, dear BoneSmart friends. It is such a relief to be able to vent to people who really understand my frustrations and successes.
That's our speciality, Linda! Glad things look better today ...
We all have good days, and we all have bad days. Isn't it so nice to be able to vent to such a caring group as the group here? Everyone knows the same feelings, and can relate to our situations! It's okay to feel blue, because tomorrow is a new day. Best of luck, and so glad to hear that things look better today!
Glad things are going better for you! I have had a lot of ups and downs too. Today made them all seem so trivial. I may try to move those peonies next spring when I can dig them up myself.

Hang in there - and THANKS - you just reminded me to ask about one last re-fill for the flexiril - I used my last one and I think I may still need then - just for after pt when all is tight and grumpy!

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