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Front shin muscle ache?

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May 4, 2009
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Well, almost 4 weeks and I am building up the walking a little extra each day or so - probably doing about a mile now each day, plus wandering about the garden and doing lots of different bits and pieces. Also keeping up the stretching exercises as well. The hip feels really good - in fact I can't feel anything in the hip, which to me is really good :D, but I have noticed a bit of an ache in the front of my shin about halfway between the knee and ankle. This seems to have only happened in the last couple of days when out walking. Can I just assume that this is muscle ache from muscles that haven't been working properly for a long time?

I was given permission to do the stairs properly last week at hydro, so have been using the thigh muscles a lot more which has really helped.
Sorry Steph ypu know I would love to help but Im a knee but I sure hope is goes away soon. Someone will post soon. Sounds like you are doing great. Im very happy for ya...........keep it up....
Thanks Kim, it isn't painful just aches a bit so hopefully it will just go as the muscles strengthen.
Steph, I'm guessing it's related to your increased activity levels. Sometimes swelling (even small amounts) can move around in your leg and give you that ache. If you aren't taking some type of anti-inflammant, I would try that - Aleve, Tylenol, Advil, Motrin.
Thanks Jamie, I am taking Diclofenac at the moment but only twice a day. This is a prescribed anti inflammatory - not sure what the equivilant is in the US, I can increase the dose to 3 a day so might try that if the ache hasn't gone by tomorrow.
That sounds like a good idea. Sorry....didn't pay attention that you were in the UK. The names of drugs are different, but the Diclofenac you are taking is a prescription NSAID....similar to the over-the-counter meds I listed.
Try taking some paracetamol with the Diclofenac, Steph. The additional pain killer could be effective.

When I was working in recovery one of the cocktails we used for when we didn't want to give morphine (day cases and the like) was Diclofenac 50mgs, codeine phosphate 30mgs and paracetamol 1G. Was extremely effective.
Thanks Jo, I had stopped the paracetomal as I have not had any pain, but will give it a go for the muscle ache. I also have some Co-codamol 30/500 for emergencies but the codeine gives me stomach cramps and makes me feel really yukky.
Yes, it can do that a treat. Well, co-codomal is mostly paracetamol anyway, isn't it? So just cut out the middle man!
Hi Stephanie, I am 10 months out from RTHR and all is growing dim in memory. I had weird aches in my thigh and knee occasionally months after surgery. I also remember that between 6 and 7 months I had some aches in my groin after trying to do jumping jacks and generally pushing to see how far I could go physically. Was a little worried about those aches but all went away.

But all is great now and those strange aches (not really pain like before surgery) are a thing of the past. Bet yours is normal too but how would you know except for in hindsight like me?

take care.

You are very right Laurie, hindsight is a great thing but that is why it is so good to read other peoples experiences on here. It just puts everything into perspective, especially when I read a post like yours.

Each day things improve a little more, so it is great to know that a few months down the line I will just be taking it all in my stride.

Many thanks
Hi Laurie, Thanks for posting that. Even thought Im a knee....I like hearing those great stories. Sounds like you are doing great...Continued good luck...
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