from Ukraine: I need Hip Replacement

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Mr.Valery Korobeynyk

junior member
Apr 23, 2006
My name is Valery Korobeynyk, I am 53 y.o., male, doctor,live in small Ukrainian town Kobelyaky and work here as Chief Policlinic-Department in our Hospital. 06.08.2005 i had very strong electrotrauma(380 v) and after it I have bad consolidig acetbulum fracturae, deformation of capitulum femur and little piece of necrose at it.
Unfortunately conservative treatment didn't give me any good results therefore I am starting to plan hip replacement(I am in good condition).
My Ukraine is now independent country but it is unfortunately very poor, very criminal and it seems that medicine here isn't for people. I am looking for organisations or simply kind peple to fund and help me with hip replacement.
If anyone can advice or help with the website or personally to contact - I would be more than gratefull. God bless and good health to all who are in need of this tipe of replacement.Thank You beforehand.
Valery , [email protected]
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