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From Ukraine-I need friends after THP

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Mr.Valery Korobeynyk

junior member
Apr 23, 2006
Dear world famous BoneSmart (After Hip Replacement) Forum, dear Friends,
My name is Valery Korobeynyk, I am 55 y.o., live and work in small Ukrainian town Kobelyaky. 27.02.20008 I had the most important operation in my life - Hip replacement.
I hope You know even something about my new independent but still rather very poor Ukraine, therefore You can understand what I was feeling before operation.
Now, when I am since 14.03.2008 is at home, I must say that this
operation was extremely heavy and difficult for me: as psychologically, as moral, as financially and at last - as physically.
God thanks operation of Hip replacement was, I think, successfuly, although - very heavy as except Hip replacement my doctors installed above my new Hip special anti-protrusion Mueller's ring and made around it rather very big bone's plastic(together with big portion of special cement).
Unfortunately at the time of OP I lost more than 1.0 liter of blood. Luckily in Kiev's Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedy, where there there was an operation, there is modern methodic to gather patient's blood in the time of OP, to filtrate +conservate it and then - in about 1-1.5 hours after OP- to make reinfusion of own's blood for patient. But
in my case it was only theoretical possibility as practically just after re-infusion of my own blood my organism gave very strong temperature reaction. My doctors must stop infusion of blood and began to infusion of synthetic blood-change preparats, totally
more than 2.0 liters...
From 3-rd till 5-th days after OP I had increasing of temperature till 38.5, there was another serious risks but God thanks and it all it seems is over.
Now I am feeling rather still weak but I can go over house and in the street. I can do it of course only with the crutches as I can press on my left leg only 5% and go in such way till 3 months.
Excuse me my maybe not so good English, mistakes in this letter but I'll be glad if me case and first experience after Hip Replacement will be interesting and helpful for patients after similar operations.
I love friends, like to write letters therefore i'll be more than glad if with Your Forum I can find good and real new friens abroad my Ukraine(who knows?). I'll try to answer to everyone( are there similar Forums in your country or in Europa? - I know Polish and not so bad Germany).
With best wishes from small Ukrainian town Kobelyaky.
Yours sincerely,
Mr.Valery Korobeynyk.
5 Yakir Str,Kobelyaky, Poltava reg., 39200, Ukraine.
E-mail: [email protected]
Good Morning Valerie,
Although I have not had a hip replacement, I did just have both of my knees replaced. One on 1/4 and one on 3/14.
This forum is so important to me. I have been in a lot of pain, unable to sleep many nights and when I found this forum with people that understand I was so happy.
I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you, will keep you in my prayers and be here to talk to you anytime you need a friend.
My physical therapist is polish. I will ask her if she knows of any forums that would be using German or Polish language.
I live in a small town near Hershey Pennsylvania (we make chocolate)in the United States.
Isn't the computer a wonderful thing?
Anyway my friend, may God's angels be watching over you and I will keep you in my prayers.
I hope you find others that have had hip replacements that can relate to you. I am sure you will.
Valery, I live in Kansas City in the USA and want you to know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. It sounds like you went through a lot with your operation. But I think you will find that things will get better week by week (sometimes even day by day). I just had a knee replacement about 3 weeks ago. I'm assuming that with a hip replacement you have some of the same issues with pain. The most important thing is to move about as much as possible. I hope you have access to some type of therapy, because it is very important. I'm sure you will find others on this forum who are going through exactly what you are experiencing. It has been a wonderful resource for me both before and after surgery. I'll be thinking about you and looking forward to hearing of your progress.
Valery, welcome to BoneSmart. It is an great privilege for us to welcome a member from the Ukraine. Wonderful country but so sad for your social circumstances.

I am very familiar with the items you mention, the Mueller ring (I met Prof Mueller once) and the blood scavenging process. Great when it works but sadly quite a few patients have the reaction you did.

Naturally you will be more sore than the average THR because your surgery has been more rigorous but ultimately it should be fine and you can look forward to regaining your independence and activity.

I think your English is very good considering and all power to you for it.
Wow! Ukraine! Welcome to BoneSmart. I live on the knee replacement forum. Just visiting the hip folks. But I am so excited to be communicating with someone in the Ukraine. Our school has mission trips to Ukraine all the time! I hope you are healing well. I live in Oregon, USA. And as for your English, since most of us are on pain medication, it is as good or better than ours! Welcome!!
Hi Valeri,
I think your English is great. Congratulations on your replacement and I pray you have a speedy recovery.
Ciao Valeri,
I am Paul, I live in Italy, but I am from the USA. I had my hip replaced 4 weeks ago. Welcome to the forum here, I hope that you are having good health at this time. In Italy I attend school for foreignors and there are 2 Ukraine woman in my class.
Take good care Valeri.
Dear Jamie,
Many thanks for your very kind letter and good words for support.
Today is second moth after my THR and it seems that I'm beginnig to recovering a little, although I can't go long time and still feel myself not healthy.
Unfortunately my doctors didn't gave me detail recomentations for rehabilitation at home and Kiev is about 350 km of us (for Ukraine it is rather long distance) therefore I'll be mere than thankful to you if you can maybe ask to your doctors about concret excercies for such case as my.
I'll be very glad if you can tell me about Kansas. It is extremely interesting for me. Do You know that in my small tow is living and working rather world famous Doctor of manual therapy-Nikolay Kasyan and every day in our town like in Mecca there are a lot of patients from all our former USSR?
Write me.

Valery, I live in Kansas City in the USA and want you to know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. It sounds like you went through a lot with your operation. But I think you will find that things will get better week by week (sometimes even day by day). I just had a knee replacement about 3 weeks ago. I'm assuming that with a hip replacement you have some of the same issues with pain. The most important thing is to move about as much as possible. I hope you have access to some type of therapy, because it is very important. I'm sure you will find others on this forum who are going through exactly what you are experiencing. It has been a wonderful resource for me both before and after surgery. I'll be thinking about you and looking forward to hearing of your progress.
Dear Kath,
Many thanks for your very kind letter and good words for support.
Today began second month after my THR and it seems that I'm beginnig to recovering a little, although I can't go long time and still feel myself not healthy.
Unfortunately my doctors didn't gave me detail recomentations for rehabilitation at home and Kiev is about 350 km of us (for Ukraine it is rather long distance) therefore I'll be mere than thankful to you if you can maybe ask to your doctors about concret excercies for such case as my.
I'll be very glad if you can tell me about your Pennsylvania. It is extremely interesting for me. Do You know that in my small tow is living and working rather world famous Doctor of manual therapy-Nikolay Kasyan and every day in our town like in Mecca there are a lot of patients from all our former USSR?
Write me.

Good Morning Valerie,
Although I have not had a hip replacement, I did just have both of my knees replaced. One on 1/4 and one on 3/14.
This forum is so important to me. I have been in a lot of pain, unable to sleep many nights and when I found this forum with people that understand I was so happy.
I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you, will keep you in my prayers and be here to talk to you anytime you need a friend.
My physical therapist is polish. I will ask her if she knows of any forums that would be using German or Polish language.
I live in a small town near Hershey Pennsylvania (we make chocolate)in the United States.
Isn't the computer a wonderful thing?
Anyway my friend, may God's angels be watching over you and I will keep you in my prayers.
I hope you find others that have had hip replacements that can relate to you. I am sure you will.
Valery, can you get hold of an exercise cycle? Preferably one that you can increase the resistance on. Then you would be about right for some good therapy. 2 periods of 10-20 mins a day would build up your hip muscles no end. And as you get stronger you can increase the resistance and make it tougher for yourself. But never too tough, ok?
Valery, I Googled "physical therapy hip replacement" and quickly found this site that might give you some guidance as well as exercises to do if you do not have a therapist that you see regularly.

Type in the same search I used at and the search will provide other sites you can check out. Hopefully they will be helpful to you!

I live right on the border between the two states of Kansas and Missouri. I live outside of a large city (over 1 million people) called Kansas City in a suburb called Olathe (100,000 people). Kansas City is known as the Heart of America because it is right in the center of our nation. It is a very modern, busy city with plenty of big-city activities like museums, symphony, theaters, and, of The surrounding area is what is known as the "plains." That means that it is primarily rolling hills and agriculture. Kansas and Missouri both grow lots of corn, wheat, and soybeans. We experience all four seasons here with winters getting as low as -10 degrees F and summers getting sometimes over 100 degrees F. Weather can turn on a dime as storm systems roll through. During the change of seasons from winter to spring and fall to winter the temperature can vary up to 50 degrees in ONE DAY! We get tornados Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Have you ever seen that movie? I have lived here since 1958 and love it. We have lots of recreational opportunities with lakes nearby. We have professional sports teams, many parks and fountains (Kansas City is actually KNOWN as The City of Fountains), and bicycling trails. The Ozark Mountains are a short drive away if you want to get a change from the more flat plains and rolling hills. Kansas City is a pretty good place to be.

Check out some of those web sites and let me know if they are helpful for you! Best of luck in your recovery!!!
Hi Valarie,
It is nice to know people from all over can appreciate this forum and get help and advice.
I am pretty new here and will have my right hip replaced in April so I can't really give any advice on this.
But I wish you a good recovery and hope you get some good tips for PT from people here.
I live in Florida between Miami and Fort Lauderdale. You probably have read about all the hurricanes that have been visiting us the past few years. That season will soon be here again so I need to be able to swim and walk!
Let us hear from you and how you are doing. Sunshine/sandy
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