Mr.Valery Korobeynyk
junior member
- Joined
- Apr 23, 2006
- Messages
- 39
Dear world famous BoneSmart (After Hip Replacement) Forum, dear Friends,
My name is Valery Korobeynyk, I am 55 y.o., live and work in small Ukrainian town Kobelyaky. 27.02.20008 I had the most important operation in my life - Hip replacement.
I hope You know even something about my new independent but still rather very poor Ukraine, therefore You can understand what I was feeling before operation.
Now, when I am since 14.03.2008 is at home, I must say that this
operation was extremely heavy and difficult for me: as psychologically, as moral, as financially and at last - as physically.
God thanks operation of Hip replacement was, I think, successfuly, although - very heavy as except Hip replacement my doctors installed above my new Hip special anti-protrusion Mueller's ring and made around it rather very big bone's plastic(together with big portion of special cement).
Unfortunately at the time of OP I lost more than 1.0 liter of blood. Luckily in Kiev's Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedy, where there there was an operation, there is modern methodic to gather patient's blood in the time of OP, to filtrate +conservate it and then - in about 1-1.5 hours after OP- to make reinfusion of own's blood for patient. But
in my case it was only theoretical possibility as practically just after re-infusion of my own blood my organism gave very strong temperature reaction. My doctors must stop infusion of blood and began to infusion of synthetic blood-change preparats, totally
more than 2.0 liters...
From 3-rd till 5-th days after OP I had increasing of temperature till 38.5, there was another serious risks but God thanks and it all it seems is over.
Now I am feeling rather still weak but I can go over house and in the street. I can do it of course only with the crutches as I can press on my left leg only 5% and go in such way till 3 months.
Excuse me my maybe not so good English, mistakes in this letter but I'll be glad if me case and first experience after Hip Replacement will be interesting and helpful for patients after similar operations.
I love friends, like to write letters therefore i'll be more than glad if with Your Forum I can find good and real new friens abroad my Ukraine(who knows?). I'll try to answer to everyone( are there similar Forums in your country or in Europa? - I know Polish and not so bad Germany).
With best wishes from small Ukrainian town Kobelyaky.
Yours sincerely,
Mr.Valery Korobeynyk.
5 Yakir Str,Kobelyaky, Poltava reg., 39200, Ukraine.
E-mail: [email protected]
My name is Valery Korobeynyk, I am 55 y.o., live and work in small Ukrainian town Kobelyaky. 27.02.20008 I had the most important operation in my life - Hip replacement.
I hope You know even something about my new independent but still rather very poor Ukraine, therefore You can understand what I was feeling before operation.
Now, when I am since 14.03.2008 is at home, I must say that this
operation was extremely heavy and difficult for me: as psychologically, as moral, as financially and at last - as physically.
God thanks operation of Hip replacement was, I think, successfuly, although - very heavy as except Hip replacement my doctors installed above my new Hip special anti-protrusion Mueller's ring and made around it rather very big bone's plastic(together with big portion of special cement).
Unfortunately at the time of OP I lost more than 1.0 liter of blood. Luckily in Kiev's Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedy, where there there was an operation, there is modern methodic to gather patient's blood in the time of OP, to filtrate +conservate it and then - in about 1-1.5 hours after OP- to make reinfusion of own's blood for patient. But
in my case it was only theoretical possibility as practically just after re-infusion of my own blood my organism gave very strong temperature reaction. My doctors must stop infusion of blood and began to infusion of synthetic blood-change preparats, totally
more than 2.0 liters...
From 3-rd till 5-th days after OP I had increasing of temperature till 38.5, there was another serious risks but God thanks and it all it seems is over.
Now I am feeling rather still weak but I can go over house and in the street. I can do it of course only with the crutches as I can press on my left leg only 5% and go in such way till 3 months.
Excuse me my maybe not so good English, mistakes in this letter but I'll be glad if me case and first experience after Hip Replacement will be interesting and helpful for patients after similar operations.
I love friends, like to write letters therefore i'll be more than glad if with Your Forum I can find good and real new friens abroad my Ukraine(who knows?). I'll try to answer to everyone( are there similar Forums in your country or in Europa? - I know Polish and not so bad Germany).
With best wishes from small Ukrainian town Kobelyaky.
Yours sincerely,
Mr.Valery Korobeynyk.
5 Yakir Str,Kobelyaky, Poltava reg., 39200, Ukraine.
E-mail: [email protected]